Learning Python

I was tasked with learning how to blend sounds with Python. I am supposed to only use JES to do so. This is how far I have gotten and everything seems right but when I hit load program no sound plays..nothing happens. Anyone here that can help?

Any help?


install gentoo

Do you get any output/error messages

Have you actually called the function?

For example BlendSounds()

That might be what's missing. In the textbook they gave us and the instructions for learning how to do this it left that out. I should have figured it out but still.

Doesn't look like you're actually calling anything

If you're pretty new to Python then I would imagine that is the fix haha, but in a nutshell, once you write a function, you need to call the function.

So in your case, it won't be BlendSounds() (typo), it'll be blendSounds() at the bottom.

Let me know how you get on

Also, it doesn't look like you have imported anything - so once you call the function it will say, NameError makeSound or something because that's not a built in function.

it worked. I had to make it so a new person could run the program and it would work for them. so what I just did was add
setMediaPath() to the beginning and blendSounds() at the bottom. they played and it worked!

That's pretty cool. What is it your learning by the way, I've never used Python to play sounds but I've always wanted to make a program that would enable full volume and play a sound. Can you let me know the book/material/source you're reading?

The class is CST-110 Intro to Computer Science

The textbook is The Practice of Computing Using Python.

The instructor for the course is very poor at it. Basically gives the assignment but doesn't prepare or lead us into the ability to do it. All of our learning is being done through mostly internet research or like I just did with you guys.

All compsci intro courses are like that.

Its going to be a long tough road learning CS for you, the best thing to do is look at other people's code and try to emulate industry best practices.

That's pretty shite that your instructor is a ballbag. Don't let it put you off though, it's a very useful language to learn.

Well my degree is actually B.S. in IT with emphasis in Cybersecurity.

I knew I would have to learn some programming but not entire languages.

Not gonna lie, your degree sucks. Its not a field that people invest lots of money in professor wise so the education is shitty, and its not a real Cyber Security Engineering degree so you dont get the respect that comes with a BS in Engineering.

Its pretty fucked man. Only saving grace for you is that the degree is legitimately easier than their Engineering or even CS counterparts.

A piece of advice from someone who has done your degree. You may think that programming is completely unrelated to computer security or whatever, but if you believe that - then you'll make things seriously difficult for yourself when you graduate.

If I had the chance to re-do it over again, I'd self learn multiple relevant programming languages.

For example, if you start learning how to reverse engineer assembly while your studying, I'd hire you on the day you graduate. Honestly, it's invaluable - unfortunately you don't get told this when your studying and we all naively think that we'll be taught everything we need to know when we study degrees.

>taking a picture of your screen

>camelcasing in python
kill yourself

At least he's programming and not bikeshedding about unimportant things like you.

I actually did that to share what I had done on my desktop through my phone with whatsapp. Myself and others in the class are all trying to come together to learn.

I am currently in the Army and work around the Cyber defense guys and I never really heard them talk about this. I do not plan on using my degree while I am in but hopefully when I am out. I will have to start looking into that. Thanks for that suggestion.

this guy has a point though. Its better to begin learning the different conventions of various languages early to avoid building up bad habits.

>Caring about how people apply their own coding conventions in their private projects

Well to be honest, reverse engineering is only necessary if you want to be the cream of the cream. I'd start with Hacking - The Art of Exploitation - buy the book because it comes with a Live CD. It means that every vuln in the book will 100% work.

But learning programming languages and in particular, C, is pretty good for being able to find overflows etc.

pep8 you retarded faggot