How do I make my Barney fag idiotic computer look cooler and run better Sup Forums?

How do I make my Barney fag idiotic computer look cooler and run better Sup Forums?

Is there still hope for me?

I mean my computer. I'm a brony, I've already lost hope.

install gentoo

no, seriously. Remove everything from your desktop and use a dock, use CCleaner, change wallpaper. It would be a a bit better

there is always hope if you install gentoo

plus, twily, a notorious GNU/Linux ricer is also a brony so you should be fine with enough effort

what's 14322249_1...? Post it




install aurora,
unclutter your desktop

and if want to go full comfy: install mint

>I'm a brony
who gives a fuck what you watch
just delete the icons
and then install GNU/Linux

You need to overwrite your existence with a Gentoo install you sad git.

What's a Gentoo?

Nobody here cares you're a brony. Sup Forums isn't filled with hyperautistic fucktards hellbent on taking issue with what someone else does with their time.

Now regarding your computer, your desktop icons, clean them or right click the desktop and hide all icons. With a desktop that messy you no longer have the right to use it.

Use a smaller taskbar, I assume you have enough fine motor skills to be able to still use it.

Or just install Gentoo.

What's the comfiest Linux to watch stuff and use emulator?

Probably Mint or Ubuntu. You'll want to install non-free codecs and anger Stallman.


>How do I make my Barney fag idiotic computer look cooler and run better Sup Forums?
delete all of those meme pictures, clean up desktop. install ccleaner, Malwarebytes, MPCHC, foobar2k, firefox.

then you have to set up all of those programs, but i don't want to dedicate more time to explaining that to you

>Is there still hope for me?
yes, start doing exercise at home for 2 months (pushups, situps, bodyweight exercises, stretches, and jogging).

at the end of two months, when you're in better shape, start lifting weights. get a part time job ASAP, spend your first two months of money on essentials and practical objects, then just exercise and work until the summer of 2017. enroll at your local community college for an associates in IT, then transfer to Uni for something different of your interest. get a job, a new car, rent a better apartment or buy a small and affordable home. save money, perhaps go to graduate school.

we're all gonna make it, brah


mint is a shit

Inshallah bro!

shadilay mein fuhrer


It is though. The interface is busy and ugly and the screen tearing is fucked.

Install trisquel

So make it look nicer. The interface is based on Gnome 2. Much more preferred over the unity "we know you don't know how to use Linux if you're looking at this" interface.

As for screen tearing, that sounds like your graphics card has shit drivers or your monitor config is fucked.

Nah it was Mint m8.

Ubuntu just werks on the same laptop.

I'm also a brony and my desktop doesn't look that bad.
Start by installing Gentoo or Arch.

>unironically calling yourselves bronies
>>>/reddonychan daily/

OP, just go to your desktop and press ctrl+A and then Del
bam, your computer now looks 40% better

disabling aero is the next step

>Unironically being a brony
I mean the characters are sexy but the show tanked after season 4. I can't imagine why you still watch this shit. It's just Jewing at this point.

Basically, we've gotten attached to the characters in seasons 1 and 2 and can't move on.
S5 and S6 have some pretty damn good episodes though.

Season 5 was actually pretty great with only a handful of exceptions.
Season 6 is less so.

Good news, OP. Making a dual-boot requires you to intstall Win first so you're halfway there.

Nuke the icons, put that shit on the task-bar.

Get a better wallpaper, that guy's art is pretty bad and there are much better D&D crossovers done by other people.

Install your favorite Linux distribution into some new carved out partition for Linux, use it from there on out and you'll never need icons again with the hotkeys and terminal at your disposal.

>Making a dual-boot requires you to intstall Win first so you're halfway there.

How so exactly?

I'm an oldfag that still has mostly MBR computers and have not fully embraced GPT/EFI. Is Windows required to bootstrap into GRUB now?