/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos


Other urls found in this thread:


/httpslists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/[email protected]/message/XW7V5A3RAWYCACU2ZMPA27ARRLIZUI37/

So my computer won't recognize two screens at the same time. The other one just won't show up at xrandr, instead it just says that it's disconnected. If I disconnect the one that works at boot, the other one will work instead, but not both at the same time. I've tried upgrading my drivers and messing around with Xorg.conf, but neither seems to help at all. Sometimes if I reboot a few times and mess around with the cables I get it to work. Is this just a GPU problem?

What card?
What cables?
Try without an xorg.conf and/or use use an vidia config at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf

Anyone else had issues with Firefox slowing to a crawl and getting typing lag on a regular basis?

It seems to be related to the firefox plugin-container process. AKA not-flash, but the thing that's happening instead of flash. When I open a bunch of youtube videos to add to my watch later and then close them, it seems my memory usage goes up and never comes back down. Same with CPU usage. You'd think since it was using my resources so liberally, it WOULDN'T slow down, but it does. Weird.

I do have a lot of tabs, but they're separated into tab groups and I never have them all loaded at once. I shouldn't have to restart firefox to get it to run normally, and doing so takes way too long also.

GTX 970, the ports that I'm trying to connect to are DVI-I-0 and DVI-D-0, and the DVI-I-0 one (the one that works) is using a VGA cable with a DVI-I adapter.

>loaded at once
They are still being cached

Please educate your self in basic computing knowledge

Are there guides to improve LIVE audio quality on GNU/Linux? All my results on youtube or duckduckgo are for recorded audio being fixed in audacity. My mic sounds worse than literally any live recording I can find of other people using it. However, these people all likely use Windows. Adding 'linux' to my search terms doesn't get me a single relevant result. All the reviews for it are really positive but I have lots of background static. Not sure what to do. It seems to be a software issue. I think it's related to ALSA/Pulse. (Happens in both, although I'm not sure if I can even use Pulse without ALSA)

My friend who has the same mic on GNU/Linux also has some issues, and I'm technically on my second version of the mic as I broke the first one by tripping on it and pulling on the cable really hard, so I got a replacement. I think this rules out it being faulty hardware.

I am aware of what you're trying to tell me, and you missed the point of my post. Please stop posting.

waht drivers are you using? I have a 970 and had massive problems with the foss drivver. The nvidia driver works for me.

I'm on proprietary drivers, version 367.44

>things are loading when i think im not loading them, when in reality i am loading them, and now im bitching about a make believe issue cause im a special snowflake

Ignore literally everything I said about RAM then. My performance still goes to shit to the point that my typing is lagged in Sup Forums posts or hangouts chats.

i downloaded the newest wine release from here winehq.org/news/2016081901 and it's a zipped file. how do i actually install it? i've only installed things with sudo apt-get install _____

did you try running nvidia-xconfig ?
if that does not worrk try the nvidia-settings tool

Why not install wine from the repos?

what's in the zip?

if there's a make file then you probably just

make ; make install

Yep, tried both. Nvidia-settings doesn't detect the other screen either.

>to a crawl
>open youtube videos
Why did you buy so much ram that you get to load all this shit in to ram for future use? Surely 1GB of ram is enough!!!!

With your file manager from your distros repo

there is a section in the nvidia article on the archwiki about this issue

What's the best distro?



Debian stable for stability, Debian sid for rolling, don't fall for the Arch meme, stay away from derviants.

Arch is pretty good. I've also heard good things about NixOS and GuixSD.

I would personally recommend you avoid anything based on Debian. Saying this as someone who started using Ubuntu/Mint back in Elementary School and spent a solid 3-4 years on Debian Testing. A lot of my love for Arch is actually just love for non-Debian distros, as Arch was the first non-Debian distro I spent an extended period of time with.

new? ubuntu
not new? debian

i installed it that way and was told it's out of date

Guix isstill in beta, right? Checked the page some weeks back. Pretty nice idea that thing.

If you're using Debian there's wine and wine-development, you probably want wine-development.


Yeah, I think so. If you like the idea, all the more reason to look into NixOS. I believe NixOS is very similar and had the idea first. GuixSD is just the 'everything is GNU' version I think. I've heard people call GuixSD a NixOS clone. Personally haven't had the time to try out either one yet. I don't have a decent hypervisor setup at the moment and I don't wanna give up a physical machine either.

okay, unzip it somewhere, then try

./configure ; make; make install

If someone else has advice, take it over mine, I rarely compile software from source, but that's what this is doing.

there's a configure, just run that.

>not checkinstall

I don't really know what I'm doing. I just didn't want no one to help him. Feel free to take over.

He doesn't need to compile it from source if it's already in the repositories.

How do I wipe a laptop and install Linux?

why'd you call it a zip? the neutral term would be 'archive'

Most distros do that automatically if you tell them so during install.

Generally installing any OS takes care of the wiping part. (unless you tell it not to in the installer by resizing partitions and such)

You'll probably want to start by choosing a distro and burning the iso to a usb flash drive to install it with. If you're on a unix-like system, look up how to use dd for this process. If you're on Windows, I think win32diskimager can also do a good job of this. Just keep in mind you're NOT just putting the .iso file on the flash drive.

>if it's already in the repositories.
Which it's not

He mentioned apt-get so he's using a Debian-based OS and Debian has the latest version of wine (1.9.18) on the repos.



thanks, i'll try it out on wine development next time. for now i'm going to install steam and just play some made for linux games since i'm tired of trying to get wine to work lol

Why is this conditional not working? With just the if..then..else..fi it works, but not with else if. Do I need to add fi's for those ifs as well?

if [ "$v_res" = "720" ]; then
else if [ "$v_res" = "540" ]; then
else if [ "$v_res" = "360" ]; then
echo "invalid resolution"

Is that supposed to be bash? Use "elif" instead of "else if".

Bash knows no "else if"

>Do I need to add fi's for those ifs as well?
Pretty much, or you use "elif"

Is there a painless way to rename a user, and transfer all of its permissions to the new username?

Can you explain it to someone who has no idea what you just said? Haha

Well the easiest way I know is using usermod but you'll still have to change some things manually.

Thanks, elif makes sense.

Now I'm wondering something else. This is part of a quick bash script for ffmpeg. I'm asking the user to supply some basic info like start time, target resolution and whether audio should be included.
echo "audio? [y|N]"
read audio
if [ "$audio" = "y" ]; then
audiocmd="-c:a libvorbis -b:a 192K -vbr on"
This is working. But when I pass audiocmd to ffmpeg with
ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel "info" -ss "$start" -t "$duration" -i "$1" -c:v libvpx -pass 2 -qmin 0 -qmax 50 -crf 10 -b:v "$bitrate" -s "$h_res:$v_res" "$audiocmd" -threads 2 -speed 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 128 -sn -f webm "./webm/$output.webm"
I get this error:
>Unable to find a suitable output format for '3'
>3: Invalid argument
I've traced this back to the -threads 3 option but I can't figure out why this is only a problem when audiocmd is not "-an". Any idea? Can post the entire script if you want.

How do I make gifs have a thumbnail isnt of being blank like this? Using Ubuntu by the way

Use a better file manager.

Hey people. I'm switching from Windows to GNU/Linux, and I noticed that fonts are rendered differently between the two.

For example, pic related shows this thread being rendered in Firefox with the same Firefox profile on Debian Unstable and Windows 10.

How do I make Debian's font rendering a little sharper, or perhaps thinner?

If you like the windows style just customize your fontconfig. wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Font_configuration

Theres something that automates it for noobs tho: wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Infinality

Sup Forums css:
font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
If he wants exactly the same, he needs the original font too.

>not using bitmap master race fonts system wide
>dealing with blurry true type fonts

What does this thread look like for you? I'm curious.

it's because you're quoting "$audiocmd" so it will make the entire variable a single argument
in this case, don't quote $audiocmd because you actually want to expand the parameters

Thank you!

amazed at how automatically audacity and my recording interface work in linux. the only hiccup is that it records in stereo with the right channel muted even though the interface is mono, so i have to split the tracks and delete one every time. but that's no problem. if anyone's wondering whether their guitar or mic interface will work in linux, from this experience i say it likely will. literally just plugged it in and selected it as audio input


I'm trying to install GalliumOS on my Acer cb3 531 chromebook. GalliumOS is supposed to be tailored to fit chromebooks. The installer that I mounted an image of to a flash drive handles the partitioning, it gives me an option to do manual partitions, but I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I know I need to give GalliumOS an ext4 formatted partition of some size, and the OS's wiki says it takes up 2.7GB of disc space, but I should probably give it more. I'm thinking I'll give it 5 GB, but I'm not sure, my netbook only has 16 GB HDD.

When I pressed esc at startup to get into the bios, it only listed the usb flash drive as a possible boot. When I try to boot without the flashdrive, it says it can't find anything to boot from the disk drive

Here's the lsblk outpout
galliumos@galliumos:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 1 7.6G 0 disk /cdrom
>sda1 8:1 1 956.5M 0 part
loop0 7:0 0 933.9M 1 loop /rofs
zram0 252:0 0 2.8G 0 disk [SWAP]
mmcblk0boot0 179:8 0 4M 1 disk
mmcblk0boot1 179:0 0 4M 1 disk
mmcblk0 179:0 0 14.7G 0 disk
>mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 14.7G 0 part

Has anyone been able to run the Dark Mod on linux lately? It's a free and open source version of Thief.

It seems like a few 32bit packages are no longer available on most distros. The furthest I got was a black screen with sound.Their wiki hasn't been updated in a long ass time so I'm thinking it might be abandonware.

and I transcribed the lsblk output

i also have this problem. what do i do? how do i get a better file manager?

galliumos@galliumos:~ $ sudo lsblk --fs
sda iso9960 ISOIMAGE 2016-07-02-03-17-18-00 /cdrom
>sda1 iso9660 ISOIMAGE 2016-07-02-03-17-18-00
loop0 squashfs /rofs
zram0 [SWAP]
>mmcblk0p1 ext4 c6ed8602-5fe9-48f6-b426-b847e3d9f315

What's the best VM to run Linux?
Is VMware Worstation Pro (with a fake licence) retarded?
Whats the best distro for a n00b that desperately wants to learn and experiment, and is concerned about privacy+security?
(But will still be comfy to use)

How do I set wallpapers individually for different monitors in Gnome 3?

Quick! What youtube-dl arguments produce the video/sound quality? The video is from youtube. Spoonfeed me pls.

nevermind google was faster than all of you, step your game up

The best distro for a noob is either Ubuntu or openSUSE. Ubuntu because it has the most support. OpenSUSE because it has yast so lots of things can be configured in a gui so it is easier and it uses btrfs which allows you to rollback to an earlier snapshot in case you fuck something up.

Would there be a particular reason why the LANG=ja_JP.utf8 wine ANIME_TITTIES.EXE I used on Fedora doesn't work on Ubuntu? Distro-specific or what config files of mine would be messed up?

Thank you.
Any advice on VM or it doesnt really matter?
Should I just install it on a seperate partition and forget the VM?

is it bad not to unmount removable drives before shutting down?

virtualbox is good, it's owned by oracle though and oracle bribes politicians to expand its monopoly

I'm probably bullshitting, but if you're shutting down the correct way, everything gets unmounted for you.

so what? every big company does that

because it's wrong and there's alternatives that don't support evil companies

seriously no one?

If the device was made post 2000 there is zero reason to.
>but but but buuuut my sync
I have never lost any data just removing the device when it wasnt being used

How does GNOME even work with multiple monitors? When you enter the activities overview do windows you had open on other screens just stay there? When you switch workspaces do you get a new workspace for all monitors or just one? Why are you running GNOME on a computer that isn't a laptop, anyway?

google is the first step friend

probably missing the actual locale files
check if you have them with $ locale -a

Why is Gentoo so based?

Is it preferrable to use urxvtd over spawning different processes?

Yeah that was it. How come american distro Fedora had those files installed by default?

It is absolutely infuriating how fucking bad the trackpad support is on this. Moving the mouse cursor feels awful and "tap to click" and "two finger tap to right-click" don't fucking work most of the time. I'm here furiously tapping to get them to work.

THIS IS SO FUCKING GAY, I'm forced to use the actual clickers at the bottom of the trackpad to get shit done. Like fucking retards use

If I download or write a file to my /tmp directory, encrypt it and move that file somewhere else will the original file be able to be recovered after reboot? The /tmp directory supposed to be stored in ram right so it shouldn't?

Installed Lubuntu earlier. Comfiest distro ever.

Is there a guide to securing it though? I remember Mint was terrible for security.

> configuring laptop touchpad in xorg.conf.d
> literally just two lines to enable edge scrolling
> that and the stuff that's required for it to be recognized as a config file
> works, xorg is fine
> can no longer paste/close tabs by middle-clicking

How do I get this ability back? I have no clue what the name of that function would be.

change your repeat rate

have you tried switching it off and then back on again?

nvm, /tmp is a tmpfs partition so yes.

Just installed Debian testing and found out Gnome 3 sucks. Installed mate, now how do I switch? Rebooted and it still defaults to Gnome.

nvm, figured it out on my own

At the logon screen there will be an option menu where you can select the desktop environment. It's usually a gear or spanner icon but may be something else.


thanks that's exactly what I did. Didn't reboot yet, but I assume it's been set as default now, right?

It should remain the default until changed.

Is mate a good de?