What the fuck Sup Forums

What the fuck Sup Forums

Check your paste

clean dust off
get cooler ambient temps
cable manage
etc. etc.

Thermal paste is probably a fine white powder at this point.

Paste and dust basically, the same happen with mine

I payed 5 bucks on a computer store to get my thermal paste changed 2 weeks ago, not that i don't know how but I thought a proffessional might be better at it, looks like he didn't do shit right?


well you should probably go back because they clearly fucked something up

>not that i don't know how

Then why not do it yourself and know the job is done right?

I'm gonna do it first thing tomorrow

Another thing a "tech savy" friend of mine said was that apart from changing the paste there's a plastic thing near the processor that needs to be changed, and "that's a thing that only computer stores do", is it bullshit?

>distance to TJMaxx
Why the fuck would an app for CPU temperatures show you the distance to a particular chain of discount clothing stores?

apparently that the maximum temperature a cpu can reach before getting damaged

My 2700K used to get up to 100C. Bought a new cooler, all good. Would anything have actually happened running at that temperature though?

Are cooling pads effective?

sharpie in pooper


>doesn't block ads
>cannot into thermal paste
>posts tech support thread
>doesn't know a shit about computers
This is the kind of cancer that needs to be actually banned from Sup Forums.

Sage, report and hide.

only way to make this thread fun now is to imagine this story

>Hi sir, how can we help you
>Um sir, we sell shirts, and we also don't carry XXXXXXXL
>stares at the wall for 45 minutes straight
>store owner leaps out with ten boxes of black shirts that all say ">buying games"
>huffles out, trips, and 1000 shirts fly into traffic and there's accidents
>"In other news Intel stock dropped over 500 points after their latest avant garde publicity stunt failed"

Finally new Sup Forums humor material

Top kek
>there's a plastic thing near the processor that needs to be changed
That's bullshit.
The store that "cleaned" your pc/laptop did something horribly wrong, go demand warranty, I offer 30 day warranty on any service and 1year on parts.

congratulations you are September's moron of the month

Donkey cum is not thermal paste user


you forgot this step
install adblock

cable management does literally nothing for temps tbqh famalam

they apply one rice which is not enough.

>seen when posted
>still laughing my ass off
>crying tears