Correcttherecord is laughably bad at security

Sup Forums here, sorry for leaving the cointainment board and bothering you all but this may get your attention.

So, in an attempt to stump the Trump shillaryhas set up a website that people can send "tips"about him. here it is

It has no captcha, no filter, and seems to accept everything that is typed in the input box. We are working hard shitposting loudly on it but quite a few anons are interested in the "no apparent filter" part.

Can this be used to make life for the IT people in CTR hell? There are anons already trying to send entire .iso's and all of the Bee Movie script, so there doesnt seem to be a caracther limit either.

Again, sorry for bothering you. Please help us shitpost some more.

Other urls found in this thread:

Still funny tho

2 things
1. Give me a link to the thread on Sup Forums
2. Wouldn't bots work cause there's no human check?

Its likely been abandoned at this point...

I was watching that thread this morning. Fucking hilarious.

And yes, people are already talking about setting up bots.

Bots will work

Wrong board faggot Sup Forums is for the sole purpose of advertising Apple products, try Sup Forums might get some of them to bite

1. Stay on your containment board
2. We don't give a shit about Trump or your retarded HRC conspiracy theories
3. Everyone here prefers Clinton over Trump as she's more sane with regards to the tech industry
4. What you're doing is probably illegal and
5. It won't have any effect whatsoever

tl;dr fuck off

Bump...with respect of course

go back to your containment board, Sup Forums doesn't give a shit.


Holy shit your a cuck

>And yes, people are already talking about setting up bots.
Use python's requests library. Very easy to use.

Fuck off you dumb cuck.

>3. Everyone here prefers Clinton over Trump as she's more sane with regards to the tech industry
just you, cuck

Suck me off nigger loving cucks

Sup Forums is great


>Everyone here prefers Clinton over Trump as she's more sane with regards to the tech industry

Clinton is crooked and you do not speak for everyone

>babbies first time realising that most of Sup Forums browses Sup Forums

Go back and stay go

I'll give you a free (You) for baiting people this hard

>Sup Forums here

>bella and the bulldogs poster
fucking lol'd

Good shitposting thread, lads


Trump proposed a chinese style firewall to fight "terrorism", against encryption and supports censorship.

Trump is fundamentally against technology freedom and he is a luddite. Trump does not support FLOSS "Free as in Speech" ideals.

And Hillary does?

Hillary has Parkinsons, Biden becomes president. Obama wins again. Screencap this thread. My death was not an accident.


>Biden becomes president

Fuck off pedo.

I never said I favored this outcome, dipshit.

Sup Forums here, I give.

>no character limit


kek what were they thinking

That is nothing I sent them about a third of "War and peace". Tried to send all of it but my browser kept crashing.

Here is a good palce to find YUGE texts. Just select a old book and download the TXT file.

I've been spamming acsii porn with my sh script

I can tell you are HUE too

This is as cringe worthy as it gets.


>no apperent filter
They probably accept just one letter from one IP every day so all your spam is probably getting autodeleted

I'm going to have fun with this.

Hillary thinks you wipe a server with a rag. She's tech illiterate.

>Implying this is even remotely true

Sup Forums and Sup Forums couldn't have more different userbases. Very few users browses both, and that reflects on the board culture. Stop projecting.

>"You’re going to hear all of the usual complaints, you know, freedom of speech, et cetera. But if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we’ve got to shut off their means of communicating. It’s more complicated with some of what they do on encrypted apps, and I’m well aware of that, and that requires even more thinking about how to do it." - Hilary Clinton

>"We're losing a lot of people because of the internet. We have to do something. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some ways. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people. We have a lot foolish people." - Donald Trump

Both are god awful, stop being so partisan.


You need to be at least 18 to browse Sup Forums

>Sup Forums boards don't share user bases
For you

They're probably going to send all gibberish to /dev/null. If you send a request to the server that is 600MB they'll probably drop the connection and then ban you at some point.

oh boy, another Sup Forums tries to do some epic hacking thread


Isn't Sup Forums where the MRAs from Sup Forums come to complain about women in tech?

Don't forget trump literally says snowden was a spy planted by a foreign country.

>Very few users browses both
speak for yourself, faggot. What's next, you're going to have me believe most of Sup Forums doesn't browse Sup Forums either? Get real.

nah, they'll probably just unplug the server and plug it back in again, cause that worked so well last time

Snowden is a greedy bitch who sold American secrets to the highest bidder. Not a savior like some people want to believe.

No one believes Hillary is spotless either but Trump is crazy fool

of course he wasnt a savior, but someone dumb enough to think he was a foreign spy and that we can simply cut off the internet for isis has no position to have non-paid shills come to a board dedicated to technology

You guys are pretty dumb if you think this will "make life hell for IT". If anything, it will just make them laugh as they just delete everything with one command.

>3. Everyone here prefers Clinton over Trump as she's more sane with regards to the tech industry

Have another (You) because I know there are people browsing on Sup Forums who actually believe this.

Also Sup Forums fucking despises H-1B visa's, no points for guessing whom is palling round with Zuckerberg trying to make it easier to outsource tech to India.


Leave Sup Forums forever.

Damn exactly like their strong independent boss

HA had you fucking NERDS fooled! Am actually undercover! WITNESS ME

kek, stupid neo, you are so yung its hilarious. Its a semi-permeable firewall, specifically to keep out niggers

Stop giving this far-right conspiracy any credence.

Just sent then a portion of the first chapter of Mein Kampf

he doesn't even name the Jew in the first chapter...

>Very few users browses both, and that reflects on the board culture.
>he doesn't know

Wasn't Sup Forums in favor of a small unobtrusive government(ie mostly libertarian). What happened to that faction of Sup Forums?

Still there, Gary is such a fucking embarrassing stooge they are either not voting or are voting Trump just to break the establishments nose in the hopes of a better prospects tomorrow.

>Again, sorry for bothering you.
I'm already backtracing your ass, fucking 14m3r.

If Trump wins the next candidate is going to be just as bad as him if not worse. Makes no sense to vote for Trump out of spite. Gary isn't perfect but if you wait for perfect you'll just be waiting forever.

Note: Hillary is not good either do not take my post as an endorsement for her

The left has become more and more cancerous nowadays according to them. That's why they're behind Trump.

Where did you get Nazi or Windows from...? Not even him but you might be retarded

Trump is like the polar opposite of what libertarians want though. He's all for expanding government as long as he gets votes for it. He doesn't seem to grasp what rights the constitution guarantees and has vocally supported expanding libel laws so the media cannot criticize him. He's trying to become Putin and he even looks up to Putin.

He still hasn't released his tax returns

Gary is pandering hard to disenfranchised Bernouts, at the expense of the integrity and aims of the Libertarian Party, which was already pretty piss poor.
It's adopting Socialist policies which are the complete opposite of what "Libertarian" means even in the vague definition.
He didn't know what Aleppo is, which is fine for the average citizen but for a Presidential nominee that is extremely discrediting and shows how godawful the Libertarian leadership is. It's now the DUDEWEELMAO party we always feared it was.

>3. Everyone here prefers Clinton over Trump as she's more sane with regards to the tech industry

>He's all for expanding government
He's all for delegating federal power back to the state.



ex-libertarian here

it's not 2012 anymore I grew up, we /trump/ now nigga