IPhone is better than android

iPhone is better than android

And climate change is real.

it sure is.

it is real though

>can do objectively less with your OS
it isn't better though

See pic related. I own one btw. KILL ME

iPhone users are literally cucks.

>torrenting on a phone
They already have enough valid points, why do they need to include retarded ones?

Torrenting on the go can be pretty handy though. I'm able to download movies in like 10 minutes and auto seed them to a ratio of just 1. Barely dents battery life throughout the day. Finally I can just connect my Android phone to my TV at the end of the day and watch the movie.

Or you could just download the torrent on your server and stream it, you know, the non retarded way to go about things.

You've been able to torrent on iPhone without jail breaking for years now

I don't want to jump through that many hoops and battery life is affected very little.

lol no you can't. Torrent apps are banned on the aplel store.

>I own one btw. KILL ME
>connect my Android phone to my TV at the end of the day and watch the movie.

Why do you have both then you fucking retard? Oh wait, you don't.

>upload .torrent file to web torrent client
>direct download from it

>Why do you have both then you fucking retard? Oh wait, you don't.
But I do...

Anyway I could watch my movies on a 4.7" screen or on a 66" screen I just happen to chose the latter most of the time, sue me.

>I own one btw

no you dont. Poorfag


What's with all of the Applefags recently on Sup Forums?


Whats wrong in buying the best products in the market? Why do poorfags have to create all these psychological barriers between themselves and Apple?

Some people can afford the best, others cant.

If Apple stops being the best, ill stop buying it. But now its not the time.

Bullshit. Post pic of iPhone with timestamp you whore otherwise you're a lying piece of trash.

You do realize any nigger off the street can own one right?

>Some people can afford the best, others cant.
I've owned iPhones in the past, but they just don't have the functionality Android phones do.
