Ask a tesla fag anything

Ask a tesla fag anything

Why do you think we care?

If you had the choice, would you take waffles or pancakes?

Does your breath smell like cum?

How much money do you make a year, what is your job?

Can I have some money pls

Mkbhd pls

Firepro is better

The $fuckhuge LCD on the dash seems like it would get old quick, especially at night. Thoughts?

Wrong board retard.

>model x

kek faggot.

Neurosurgeon, I make about 300K after taxes a year. I work 3 days a week.

Nah, it doesnt really. The hitboxes are kind of small though. I would have preferred buttons.

Do the brake lights come on when you let off the gas with regenerative braking on?

Not sure, I'll check it out when I go out.


>Model X
You're gay aren't you?

What's your IQ, and how many women do you fuck a month?

What is that, your buttplug?


>tfw thumbnail made me think the same

I would probably get a Tesla too if I would have the money. I don't like gasoline cars.

How long before you are replaced by a surgical robot?

Doctors have a union type gig going on in the US. They limit the amount of doctors we have and make it illegal for doctors from other countries to practice here. They're bleeding regular Americans dry to pay for shit like OP's car. Think of his car the next time you have a $500 copay for a routine procedure.

wonder why programmers can't get this shit going,