Free Software Foundation allegedly fires an employee for being trans-gendered

Based FSF.
They fight for your freedoms and don't fall for SJW propaganda.

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Trans people are disgusting

the way they talk, the way they eat, the things they wear, etc,...


>Leah Rowe claims FSF fired an employee for being trans

>fired someone for being trans

Where can I donate to them?

wtf I like FSF now

Any proof someone was actually fired for being trans? i did a quick search and found nothing. Looks more like a case of

>Trans person gets fired for, iunno, being a shitty employee or something
>Someone else turns it into discrimination because of course they fucking would, have you used the internet at all in the last couple years?

Which I could EASILY see being what happened.

>"Leah" Rowe, formerly Francis

The wheel transgender bullshit is fine. Idc if someone likes to cross dress, just don't expect to be taken seriously.


Tumblr nu-males on suicide watch - absolutely blown the fuck out right and left, sideways and upside down

wtf??? I love gnu now!!!

>tfw the neoliberals killed their anti-NSA enemy with one of their tranny operatives

Lads, this calls for a celebration

Fired a man for literally being a cunt.




Sounds like the situation resolved itself.

this. and for the record, im not agains trans or any other similar thing despite browsing this site.

I might start donating again if they keep firing mentally ill people like this one

I thought freetards loved boipuss

The FSF probably didn't fire them for being trans the more likely explanation is the person was stirring up trouble in some way and the FSF decided it was better to part ways with them.

Doesn't the the GNU project mainly develop software over the internet rather than face to face anyway? Who gives a fuck about your sexual orientation.

wtf i love the fsf now

This With the potential law suits, never mind the insane bad press, what organization/company is going to fire someone just for their gender? It makes absolutely no sense in today's hyper-sensitive politically correct climate. No. More likely, the person being trans was incidental.

I smell more bullshit infiltration that has thankfully been stopped before it festered. Well done FSF.

>post yfw linux-libre is labeled as a hate-OS

Anyone have a source or any other information about the FSF firing a trans employee?

In any case it's sad to see Libreboot suddenly leaving the GNU project; the last thing we need in the free software world is more infighting. Hopefully this doesn't lead to the FSF stopping recommending Libreboot. Probably it won't though, since the FSF only cares about software freedom and Libreboot is still free.

I'm sure the FSF wont be deterred from recommending libreboot just because of this slight inconvenience.

On the other hand, I hope that Libreboot don't stop to be referring to their main supporting OS as GNU/Linux but just Linux.

no biggie, just use the original Coreboot where all the real development is done anyway.

You can also just continue to use libreboot and donate to the FSF occasionally.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Only sane posts in this thread.

Not sure what you meant by this.

Do you mean
>I hope that Libreboot starts referring to their main supporting OS as Linux rather than GNU/Linux
>I hope that Libreboot doesn't stop referring to their main supporting OS as GNU/Linux

Libreboot probably mostly cares about the kernel and not the whole OS, so they could probably use the name "Linux" in a few places where they use "GNU/Linux". If you have Libreboot as the BIOS replacement, GRUB as the payload and Linux as the kernel, it probably doesn't matter to Libreboot (from a technical standpoint) whether the userland is GNU or BusyBox or AOSP.

the latter is what I meant.
Their current page mainly uses the term GNU/Linux rather than Linux.

good, trans people are subhuman

fuck off cuck

i really doubt what they claim actually happened,
most likely just using his identity to play victim.

but if it is true, thats good too.
need to offset the tranny pandering nonsense being forced on everyone.

>responding to obvious bait

On 16/09/16 01:57, Leah Rowe wrote:
> I just want to say:
> Fuck GNU
> Fuck the Free Software Foundation
> From now on, Libreboot is going to, wherever possible, live without
either of them.

Hoo boy. This is the lead developer of one of the most important free software projects categorically denouncing the FSF.

Meanwhile, I think it's pretty unlikely that the FSF fired someone for being trans, or "because they thougdt she, rather than the assholes bullying her, was causing the FSF potential damage." They're usually very tolerant and accepting of social issues and stuff.

Also, discrimination based on gender identity is illegal in Massachusetts.

>most likely just using his identity to play victim.
whose identity?

the tranny

>leftits vs leftists

>The FSF fired her because they thougdt she,
>rather than the assholes bullying her, was causing the FSF potential
>damage. As a result, she was fired from the FSF.
Okay, so you're just using the wrong pronoun to cause confusion.

but i was using the right one :^)

You mean retards vs retards
Leftists all got murdered in the 80s

if its a woman to guy transition its ok but m2f just doesn't work if you are not an ugly tai already.

I'm going to donate to them on this basis.

Fuck off dickless cuck

Ugh. We used to have an unconvincing tranny work for us in our geriatric hospital ward. He was 6 feet tall with stubble, looked nothing like a woman but wore a dress and a wig and called himself Lisa. Used to frighten all the oldies. He was a shit nurse but was basically untouchable because if anyone ever criticised him he would cry transphobia

Calling bullshit now. The person was probably fired for being rude or incompetent and wants to get media attention/money. Stallman's politics are super left, he wouldn't allow someone to be fired for that reason.

The employee was probably as stable and reasonable as Leah here.

Holy shit, I was about to put LibreBoot on my machine.

Not going to be doing that anymore. We're going to have to fork LibreBoot.

It's all over. How can they ever recover?!

With how there is zero proof I imagine that person got fired for other reason. Of course if you swallowed the SJW pill everything is a conspiracy against you.

That's the disturbing thing, on the mailing list everyone believes this tranny.

The frightening thing is all of the people using LibreBoot are now running code that is written by an infiltrating tranny.

>trans attention whoring
not surprised
>blames gnu and fsf as collective
why not blame the whole community?
oh, because he want to keep using linux right

Leah Rowe sounds seriously mentally ill, no sane person reacts like this over an unsubstantiated allegation. Especially one that has zero to do with them.

>get banned from Sup Forums

There is literally nothing wrong with being transgendered.


There is no proof that Leah is telling a true story. Sad/interesting to see the transphobia this brings to light.

Hasn't the FSF/GNU been attacked by provocateurs before? It is known that there are social engineers posing as SJWs.

neolibs are censoring assholes but even they don't like the NSA. All the spying bullshit was implemented after 9/11 and championed by the neocons, and has since been a symbol of paranoid warmongering policies of the Bush era.

Yes there is you mentally ill degenerate

Name it.

>code that is written by
Don't care. Can we stop pretending this matters? It's the same fear as with Red Hat and systemd and with NSA and SELinux. It doesn't matter who wrote the software; if it's free, we can audit it and take out any backdoors we find.

Not to mention, there's nothing wrong with being transgender.

Thanks for the you

1. Attention whoring and blaming everybody but yourself for fuck ups
2. Thinking you are a man/woman when you are not
3. Cutting dick off and taking meds still thinking you are something else
4. Causing others including your parents mental stress and discomfort for your retarded life choices
5. Still attention whoring due to sexual frustration while being ugly as sin (face it all trannies look like shit).

Literally nothing wrong with any of that.

Trans people need to be executed or move to Thailand.

Like I said mental illness. Great example, thanks again degenerate.

Guess who has the mental illness?

The championing of that shit is where you see the political boundaries disappear and you see the global agenda in action regardless of the supposed party.
People just remember the presidents but they forget who was actually writing this stuff and voting it into law.
The "liberals" in the US are dangerous because while forever championing the right of the minority, they are totally willing to go full fascist against the majority.
They aren't pro-democracy because most of their agendas would be easily struck down if actually put up for a vote.
Because democracy is rule by the majority.

Yes I who dislike these people because they always cause a shit storm everywhere they are and always use the tranny card to defend themselves, is a degenerate and not the apologist who thinks its any of this is alright. Wow, you got me. I'm going to rethink my life, thanks!

Like I said mental illness. Great example, thanks again neckbeard.


So much trans hate. Memes are overcoming you all.

You could argue a lot about tabs people and that would be OK, but plain hate? lmao

You do, just like every other tranny.

When TDOTR finally comes (Shadiley) you will be first to go.

>trans hate
Listen. The world always made fun of and laughed at trannies. That's never going to change. You can suppress it for some time by taking people's livelihoods away but eventually people will snap.

And that's when you are going to be sent back to hell.

1. Repression causes attention whoring. If hatred and sexual repression were eliminated, it would go away. Until then, you have suffering people seeking support.
2. Invalidating peoples' feelings is abusive.
3. They don't cut it off. They re-purpose it into female genitalia.
4. More hate.
5. I won't deny that attention whores post their content where it does not quite fit in. Sounds like a job for rules and moderation.

>the world
>South-East Asia is not in the world

>When TDOTR finally comes you will be first to go.
I'm quaking in my boots.

Moral of the story: Don't hire trannies. In this social climate, they can easily cry discrimination and have a giant bandwagon of retards support and rally to burn "the enemy" on a stake.

To be fair I hate the FSF.

In addition, don't hire wymyn or blacks.

>b-but it happened because of him being trans1!1!1!

Is there any proof that this happened or is this yet another case of sjw faggotry?

Fucking this.

They bring problems wherever they go. Every single one of them are cultural marxists and they will use their oppression card against the business once confronted in any way shape or form.

Just like you bring your privilege.

"It must be because im trans, I couldn't be incompetent"

Where can I donate?

>another case of sjw faggotry?
Let's take a look at """"Leah"""" Rowe's denouncement to GNU:

>The Free Software Foundation recently fired a transgendered employee of
the FSF, just for being trans, because some transphobic cissexist people
wrote negativly about her.
>As a trans person myself, I find this disgusting.
>Long live the LGBT community, and long live the free software movement.

Conclusion: Trans got his balls in a twist because another trans was fired from the FSF for being intolerable and causing the business harm. Thus """Leah""" feels it is an attack on himself and goes on a mental breakdown killing off his ties with FSF while screaming "transphobic cissexist". So yes, it is another of those cases.

This guy is baiting. No one can be this stupid.

Anyway, this is an indictment against all LGBT bullshit. Don't hire them. Don't hire women. Don't accept donations from liberal left organisations. Just shut them down and then tell them to fuck off.

And the beautiful thing is the other cucks on the projects will silently follow the lead of this trannie.


Why is it an indictment? Maybe she did get fired unfairly.

The only thing worse than nonfree software is software written by faggots

>mfw gnu/fsf had the questionnaire a few months back
>ask about money and social issues
>i told them to stop funding women, niggers and fire the trannies
>they actually start doing it

tippity top kek
10 minute well spend

Has someone mailed leah or gnu for the proof yet?

"GNU DOESNT DESERVE TO EXIST" This is why I immediatly removed Libreboot and installed Coreboot instead, GNU is the reason any of this shit even exists and is the basis of almost all Linux desktops, it IS the core and userland which runs ontop of Linux, without GNU there wouldn't be GPL, without GPL then Linus Torvalds would be a homeless nerd asking to code in C for spare change on the street, and without all of that the open source and free software of today wouldnt be so large as it is today, without all of this """Leah"""'s Libreboot would not fucking exist and he would just be some faggot everyone hates, don't blame an incredible project for existing and keep using it, go back to Windows

I find it somewhat strange how people on mailing lists make such sane and well-thought comments.

It wasn't for being trans, it was for violating their freedoms by being a proprietary gender

Damn it user, now I have to install this game and play it again.

> things have been like this door some time according to my limited knowledge so they are going to stay like that

>let me tell you why I hate trannies

Leah saw her chance to play the victim and jumped on it.

Not sure if that was sarcasm, but overall, anybody who shares their SJW ideology is a timebomb waiting to happen.

They create toxic work environments by leveraging their minority status. They can turn an innocuous comment into something "offensive and problematic". They're offended by anything and everything.

It's social cancer of the century.

FSF doesn't like things that aren't well defined.

top kek

she can always turn to chaturbate and prostitution for money, that's the only thing trans people are capable of doing anyway, useless other than fucktoys

>Why is it an indictment? Maybe she did get fired unfairly.
Even if its true this is no the way you deal with it.

>Offended by a beard joke
I'm not even surprised any more.