Programming Memes

Can we get a programming meme thread going? ill dump my folder to start.



needs dragon factory



"meme" does not mean "funny internet image". Go back to rebbit OP

>a= 1

I like these.


That could of been created in javascript with a for loop and added to the html page. But when you view the page that's how you see it.

But why wouldn't you just ask them to enter the number into a single text box is beyond me.

>tfw Java code written in 2016 works on a laptop made in 1999
>mfw most programming memers have never actually written systems software in C or Java and have no idea what a technical wonder the JVM is
>mfw poor abstraction patterns in C, C++, C# show up in codebases constantly and Java's "standardized wacky abstraction" meme pales in comparison to bug-ridden, repeated real life implementations in other languages and the JVM is the most reliably portable platform ever built

Post the others

These legitimately convinced me to learn some stuff to understand the funny.

How can you not understand that?
The heck are you even doing on Sup Forums?

Am I the only one who noticed that they're not even getting values from the array?


It's a kite, no?


the format, numbnuts

There was some idiot who made webms of all of the best ways to input this sort of information but I saved none of them.

I dunno where it comes from but in my language it's not a kite. We call it dragon.

suicide yourself right now goober

numbnuts yourself right now, jerk-wad

Israel maymay

From a Fizzbuzz thread.

le devops meme

OC do not steal






You've forgot to add that if you hold your dragon a bit other way, your dragon crashes with segfault.



Okay, here we go






He is the hero nobody wants or deserves.


Wish those books existed for real.

Favorite one.

seen all of these, please post some new shit.



dumping memes


another meme. logo should have been wojak

Go ahead.


I actually used to write code like this


>Haskell isn't on the list
Should be at the top desu


>Breaking the Web


what the FUCK am I seeing?


Ingenious but annoying and time consuming

Python glue code rivalling that of MSI's application of thermal paste

if I remember correctly it was supposed to
>use Tesseract OCR to read text from screenshots of habbo hotel to get comments
>do a bunch of replacements to fix 5 instead of s etc
>feed the text into the pyborg chatbot
>use manual win32 api keyboard events to type the text back into the habbo hotel chatbox

there is some twitter API stuff in there too but I forgot whether it was used

goober yourself very soon sad guy


This was a great meme.

tfw I actually really really liked haskell.
And then I saw how haskell does IO.

t. I cannot into monads

(I/O is nasty shit which you don't really need anyway)

tfw all I wanted to do was use a text file as input. I saw how disgusting it was and gave up forever.

what happened then

Just use interact and ./haskellprog < file.txt :^)

I can't tell if this is fake or if these guys are just next level memeing

What is that and how do I get the text on the bottom left?

This is actually ingenious

Does anyone have the pic with a drawn fat bastard complaining about languages like python that force you to use whitespace and nice formatting. Next you see him write some multiple curly bracket hell in a single line and says "Beautiful!"


back to Sup Forums

Less vunerable to injections i guess

this is great


Can you show a non haskeller an example of this hell?

I think you're missing the point of those.


probably the most clever one

What's the joke here?

why?, i want north korea to nuke them.

then usa nuking north korea back and finally have a apocalyptic future killing or become atomic waste aberrations.

Sadly it might not be fake.
When I was creating a website I often had to search "how to do X in javascript" and whatever I searched, people recommended to use a 20-50 line script in jquerry.
It did what I wanted but I didn't want to use jquerry for, what I though, should be simple to do in js, and I always ended with a 3 line script in javascript.

I understand why the web is so fucked up now

it brick your phone.


>some perl/assembly mashup is considered perl

>timothy goatse



s u c c

This isn't a rage thread.

>External Logging Framework

This is so truthful it hurts.

because most programmers aren't capable of understanding/utilising the power that is OOP


back to /r/eddit

>writing Perl with embedded ASM

that's actually pretty smart

Even threw an exception

>web development with assembly

>that's actually pretty smart
reeeee Sup Forumset out