How fast do your old oxygenated microUSB cables transmit data?
How fast do your old oxygenated microUSB cables transmit data?
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found your problem
use thunderbolt and neither your ssd nor any flash drive can even scratch the surface of your transmit speeds
if i suck on it hard enough will i get all the oxygen out
The same as your horseshit Monster Cables motherfucker.
Cuck, the cross sectional area determines current/bw. Even then it's limited by the controller speed.
at 3 oxygen speeds
Speed of light or something like that.
its obviously pre-sucked - seeing as only faggots will buy this shit.
>transmission speed increase of 40%
Nearly 40% faster than the speed of light?
That's amazing.
>implying electrons travel at light speed
That's why I said nearly.
electrons actually travel really slowly.
About 0.000023 m/s. in a 2mm cable.
What travels at the speed of light is the "wave" of energy, which means that when the first electron at the start starts moving, then you can calculate when this pushing causes the last electron to also move, which is extremely fast, at speed of light.
So electrons move really slowly through the wire, it only starts moving everywhere really quickly.
Also, a source
"oxygen free copper" makes me kek every time
>the difference in conductivity between the purest OFE copper and a standard cheap wire is like 1%
If your copper is oxygenated you should honestly kill yourself and your immediate family just to stop your genes from spreading
it's not the electron's travel speed that matters it's the speed of the wave that gets them in motion. You don't need to wait for an electron to go "from one end to the other"
Whoever made that should be oxygen free
Audophile here
Only we have the right to enjoy $500 oxygen free silver-plated prewarmed cables
where's the gold-plated, oxygen-free lightning to 3.5mm adapter at?
>speed of light
>electrons through a conductor
>implying that a particle with mass can travel at the speed of light, through a material even
even snake oil isn't that expensive
You've got to be fucking kidding me...
Oxygen-free snake from Korea.
How fast are they?
>not understanding difference between electrons drift speed and electric current propagation speed
Pls kill self
>How fast do your old oxygenated microUSB cables transmit data?
As fast as whatever USB spec is used
it still doesn't come close to the speed of light
depending on the material it can get from 50-75% the speed of light.
Holy fuck I need to start shilling cables out of my garage. I have can allied all their protons for you but itll be double the price.
Copper is oxygen free, as copper and oxygen are two completely different elements.
And they sure as heck ain't marketing copper oxide wire given they don't conduct and are very brittle.