To all that are new to the Android world of ROM's. Here's all you need to use (providing your phone is supported)

To all that are new to the Android world of ROM's. Here's all you need to use (providing your phone is supported) ...

>TWRP for your recovery
>Official Cyanogenmod for your daily driver ROM
>Open GApps Project or no Gapps if you prefer to use the AOSP alternatives
>Privacyguard for root, built into Cyanogenmod, turn it on in developer tools
>Xposed framework
>Adaway for a general ad blocker (get it off F-Droid), and Xposed youtube adblock module for blocking youtube adds
>Nova Launcher Pro for your primary launcher

All other roms are pure bullshit, and all they offer are tweaks that can mostly be added in with the Xposed Framework.

That's it. Good luck not bricking your phone. Once you get past that growing pain, you can enjoy the latest Android OS on most older devices out there.

If you're looking for a phone specifically to root and run ROM's, check out the XDA forums for the phone you have in mind, and make sure there's an active modding community for the exact model of phone you want to buy.

As for new phones, you're better off sticking with your stock OS. I prefer ROM's for older phones that are no longer updated by the manufacture.

Other urls found in this thread:

gtfo shill.

there are way better roms than babbys first rom

Do tell us

steal cm's device common and compile aosp yourself you stupid

>doesn't list any roms.
Get out cancer.

CM has always been a safe bet but there's too many roms and too many phones to make a wide list. Like OP said to look at XDA forums for more and experiment to find one you like.

This is nearly my setup except for that youtube crab, because Adaway blocks these for me, too. I also recommend xprivacy which is used to block apps from getting unnecessary access to your phone.

I want to try out microG, anyone has experience with that?

>This is nearly my setup except for that youtube crab, because Adaway blocks these for me, too.

Adaway does not block YouTube ads, it only blocks browser and some app ads.

To block YouTube ads, you need the Xposed Framework and the YouTube Adblock module.

XPrivacy is kind of redundant if you have Privacy guard.

You could also buy a device that isn't shitty so that you don't need roms

Strange. I never installed something to block ads on youtube because I never had any. I don't use the official youtube-app, maybe that's why?

If I install a new app, while Privacy Guard is active, I'm still asked by xprivacy whether to allow or block certain requests from the new app. So I'm unsure about Privacy Guard doing all what xprivacy does. But please convince me, if I'm wrong here.

Got's me a Galaxy S4, mint fucking condition off of fleabay for $90. FAR from a shit phone. Runs everything out there.

Ya, it's a little laggy at times, but I aint spending $800 or getting stuck in some $60 monthly, 3year contract just for a phone that can be rendered useless from one simple drop.

>I don't use the official youtube-app, maybe that's why?

What app do you use for YouTube? It must have an adblocker builtin.

xprivacy is not only redundand but also doesnt work.
read up on how it works and look at github at the plenty code examples that are used to defeat xprivacy.
you dont even need root access to defeat it.
the built in android permission manager is much better.

Hell yeah it's the only way to go

>All other roms are pure bullshit
That's a bit too harsh, but I'd agree that CM is all you need.

I mostly open youtube in Lightning Browser. If I need backround playback, I use NewPipe right now but I'm not satisfied with that.

If you say so...

>I mostly open youtube in Lightning Browser. If I need backround playback I use NewPipe

I prefer the official YouTube app. I can get adblocking and background playback with the following Xposed modules, providing you have the Xposed framework installed...

>YouTube Background Playback
>YouTube AdAway

There's a bunch of other YouTube Xposed modules you can add to enhance YouTubes app.

>no tasker or greenify

>no tasker or greenify

Fuck ya, Tasker and greenify are great, though, for a noob, let's not confuse them. Those treasures can be discovered once they get used to installing their ROM.

For conserving system battery, I use both Greenify and Amplify (Xposed framework needed for Amplify).

Update your hosts file through the app bruh. It is a host file ad blocker, so literally NO ads should be able to slip through except YouTube ads. It used to work for YouTube, but Google got smart and blocked videos from playing that block ads that way so adaway white lists YouTube ads and the xposed module is the only way to block them on the official app

>TFW trying to install Sailfish on your Xperia mini
>TFW it doesn't work
>TFW trying to build a sailfish image for your Z3C
>TFW too stupid to do it

xprivacy has been defeated a long time ago

I've almost got the same setup as the one in the OP, except I don't use Xposed because I hardly use the Youtube app and don't really need adblocking there. I generally only watch twitch in bed and Adaway blocks ads there.

I also use SuperSU for managing root access because I think it has a more intuitive and easier-to-use interface as compared to the built-in root tool on CM13.

Also: I'm running a Xiaomeme Redmeme Note 3 Pro. Thanks for getting me in on all the memes, Sup Forums. I really like this setup. It's more my own and comfier than any of the phones I had prior.
>dat price
>dat performance
>dat battery life
>dat stock Android on CM13

Here's the permissions you can deny using Privacy guard. You can even disable internet access for certain apps (outgoing traffic). AppOpsXposed is better in terms of the permissions it can deny, but it can't block internet access. Those two in combination are all you really need for denying permissions.

Reporting in

You shouldn't be using a proprietary rooting method. I don't see anything wrong with CM's built-in root.

How's the RR ROM? Better than CM 13 in your opinion?

>I don't see anything wrong with CM's built-in root.
Granting root access to Nova Launcher after bootup didn't work as intended and I had to disable and re-enable some root features of NL after every reboot. But granted, I am retarded and didn't check out all the features of the built-in root tool in CM.


Why would you grant root access to Nova launcher?

Hiding the clock from the notification bar on the home screen to prevent >lmao2clocks and to speed up notification expand animations

Fair enough. Tasker has a really steep learning curve, I'll give you that. It would be like putting someone's grandma at a Linux box and telling her to write her autobiography with vim.

Greenify is pretty straight forward and walks you through everything, but I can still see where it might intimidate someone who's only "advanced" experience is following instructions from a XDA thread to unlock their bootloader, install twrp, root, rom and ogapps.


It's the main reason I want to root my g4p. That, and I'm a cheap ass so I got the Amazon ads version.

I know that the status bar pull down was buggy and slow a couple of months ago, but that has been fixed and I don't see the need for letting Nova fix what has already been fixed. I remember when I used to have the same problem and Nova didn't help one bit. It was up to CM's developers to fix it.

Not sure if it's fixed on my build of CM. I'm using an unofficial build (Santosh's for RN3P) from some time in June / July and updating this build with the official CM nightly updates has caused bugs, corruption of lockscreen PINs, etc. So after having to re-install my phone twice, I decided not to bother with CM updates and wait for Santosh to release a new build instead.

However the current build works well enough, didn't experience any bugs beyond AudioFX crashing when using MXPlayer and changing audio tracks or skipping in the video, so there is no real reason to update.

>installing roms

2 years since its release and my phone is still unsupported.

What should I use to disable app permissions on lollipop?

I was skeptical about changing a chinkphone's custom ROM. does the fingerprint scan work still ?

is miui bad?

It's Chinese
No other reason needed

sup plebs

aosp/customs based on officials have always been better than generic half ass ported by random pooinloo cyanogenmod. CM itself is buggy as fuck, the people who port it have no clue about proper drivers and shit, it also has limited features in comparison to any aosp or custom based on official rom. In other words - go for CM when you have no other choice, otherwise a rom that has been tailored to your device will always be better.

Posted from my nexus 5 running PureNexus rom, cyanogenmod is shit.

Noice, Andoid Nougat.

Probably won't be seeing that for my Galaxy S4 till October, hopefully.

Supposedly, you don't have to wait for that "optimizing apps" any longer with Android 7?

Any truth to that?

Funny, I was just about to post a thread about how CM has gone to shit. I reverted back to TouchJizz when I started having issued with the gallery not generating thumbnails for videos and crashing the whole system. I didn't get anywhere. Solutions were pretty inconclusive and simply suggested to "delete the videos." That was a couple of months ago. I decided to freshly install the latest snapshot and try it out again.
> Snapchat virtually unusable, crashes the whole system when loading video
> same issue with gallery, the issue extends to anything using gallery as the browser to share media, which is fucking everything
It sucks because the rom has so much potential and it's miles better than TouchJizz aside from pretty obvious bugs. I feel like the maintainers just don't even care anymore. There needs to be a successor, somewhere?

You shouldn't spoonfeed retards. Spoonfeeding is the cancer of 4cahn

The ROM I use works surprisingly well. The fingerprint scanner works just as well as it does on MIUI. Not problems and it's really responsive. Camera works decently also, albeit photos come out a bit worse than it does on MIUI (or so I've heard, didn't take any pics for comparison).

CM is rock solid n my end, though I don't use Snapchat.

I did have issues with other apps on CM, though, over time, the bugs got ironed out.

How the fuck is this spoonfedding? it's just a list of mods to install, so someone doesn't have to wade through the endless bullshit just to get a rom and root up and running.

True but this setup can reduce those stupid threads from retards bricking their devices with ULTRA MEGA SUPER ROMs that are shit.

> "cancer"
> simpsons
> tumblr

fuck off. you are reddit incarnate.

thanks for that. I won't be using XPrivacy anymore.

Whats your device? What was your install process? I did a complete wipe and installed via twrp with gapps micro. Tried multiple installs and even tried the latest nightly to no avail.

So spoonfeed me, I have a Galaxy S5 on Stock 6.0.1 still because I haven't pulled the trigger on rooting or custom roms on this phone

I heard that your banking apps and shit will not allow access while rooted and whatnot, is there a work around for that?

Uh, as far as I know the only thing that doesn't allow custom roms yet is android pay. My banking app works. May be different for you.
You need to find out what variant your s5 is since there are like 5 different variants and go to Put your phone in dl-mode and flash twrp with odin, find out the cyanogenmod image and copy it to your sdcard then boot into recovery and install it from there.

Why does this happen?

its all ogre

alrighty, thanks man. I'll look into it.

Full disk encryption on cm13 for redmi note 3 pro is completly broken and nobody gives a shit for half a year. Even a chink botnet miui is more secure than your shitty cyanogen.

It really depends on the device you have. If you're using a carrier model, tough luck. Some of them don't even have unlockable bootloaders or don't get as many ROM updates and releases if at all. And almost every single phone with an Exynos SoC never gets the official CM.

Mine is klte. Didn't have any issues before.

It's launcher related. It should probably be solved by changing the width and height grids. I don't that would work on Trebuchet launcher though.

Same here. Another great ROM for klte is Resurrection remix.

Never heard of it? Is it stable?

CM is fucking awful on my phone. The camera, the battery life, the audio - they all go to shit. Videos I've recorded appear very laggy as well.

Yes, that the official version. For the time being I've went back to the stock 4.2 ROM I was running, and I have root access (so I can block ads, remove bloat and use root-only tools)

Yes, it's great and I've been using it for quite a long time. Check it out:

Can flash with twrp and gapps?

Is there any benefit of rooting a Huawei P9 Lite specifically?

I looked at getting CM once, but it said my device wasn't supported. Does this mean I can't, or Is it just not recommended?

Yes, you can.

I don't know what kinda phone you have, but the new samsung phones can't run CM for shit. The few ones that do are in alpha and have a shitload of bugs.

To answer your question, no, you can't run it at all.

Well, if it's not a Galaxy - tough luck. And if it doesn't have a Snapdragon SoC - tough luck.

Yep. Use it on my surnia.

So I got this cheap as shit chinese tablet/phone, I don't even know the fucking model number how do I check if cyanogenmod can run on this thing? Fuck I'm not sure if I can even root it.

If it's some obscure off-brand no-name device, there's probably no modding community it, so you're fucked for going with some cheapo china crap that'll probably break in a month.

You should have bought a used Google Nexus 7 2013 tablet. You can get them for about $100 -$120.

Meh it was only like 40 bucks.

Fuck you!

Stock recovery
Custom AOSP build without most apps
Regular gapps you autist
Privacy is in android 6
Xposed is a shitty hack which badly emulates Cydia
Use minminguard; it's better; or just don't use applications with ads and install adblock on safari
And finally, use AOSP or Google Now Launcher. Or KISS, if you're slightly autistic. Nova is pure trash.

Which build did you use?
Are there any bugs?