Is C++ just a meme?
It seems that every kek I know of who wants to learn to program thinks
>"gonna learn c++ is cool xD"
Out of experience, is there anything that C++ excels which another language does not do better?
Is C++ just a meme?
It gives you more power than just about any imperative language.
With #DEFINEs, overloading, and other bullshit, you can practically write your own language with it.
No garbage collection and no unboxing means you can bitfiddle data structures at the low level as well as build great castles of abstraction and decide exactly what resides where in memory at all times.
So it is unique in that it has a foot in two worlds of low level and high level and refuses to give up any power for safety. With great power comes great responsibility.
Yeah C++ is awful that is why pretty much every single video game and operating system is written in C++
It's great if you've got the manpower to develop for it, because it's just a huge timesink to make anything decent with it.
As a solo developer you're better off with a higher level language if you actually want to make something and have it work.
Linux is written in C.
I meant desktop operating system.
It's better for just about every application except web dev.
Even than if you've got some guru C++ guy doing some backend engineering it's going to shit all over something a pajeet's done up in some other language like python or perl.
GNU/Linux is written in C
I like this.
I meant desktop operating system.
>linux isn't a desktop OS
Well meme'd pajeet
Not that guy, but:
GNU/Linux COULD very easily have been written in C++ using the STYLE of C, that is, "C with Classes", which is personally, my favorite approach to the language.
Compile as C++, so you can add whatever you need, SHOULD you need it, but keep it lightweight when it's not necessary or when it'd be unreasonable to use the extra features due to performance hits at the low level.
I meant good desktop operating system.
>which is personally, my favorite approach to the language.
You're a retard then.
If you're going to use C++ in the first place, you should write idiomatic C++, that is embrace RAII, embrace the STL, embrace const correctness, embrace smart pointers, embrace constexprs and type inference etc.
C++11 and newer is truly a high level language. Either write C or C++, not limit yourself by writing C++ as if it is "C with classes".
C++ is the most powerful language that exists
It's not the most stable, the most secure, the easiest, the most elegant or the most lightweight, but for making fast, heavy duty desktop applications in a reasonable amount of time, C++ is king
C++ isn't better at one particular thing than other languages, but being quite good in almost every single area is what makes C++ so powerful
"To be good cpp programmer you need to be masochist"
That what my professor of object oriented programming said.
More i think about that, i see it is true. Writing good cpp code is painful and slow process
I know the "pajeet" thing is satire and all, but it stopped being funny a while ago. Now it's just racist. You can stop already.
this guy
you heard him
you are all fucking white males and when non white says that something is racist then it means that it is racist
C++ can do literally anything, which is what trips people up. It's the most powerful programming language there is, but it won't hold your hand.
what are you smoking?
win, osx, linux kernel are written in C.