>reading coworkers code
>it's either "// what the fuck?" or no comments at all
why people do this?
>reading coworkers code
>it's either "// what the fuck?" or no comments at all
why people do this?
because the code is self-explanatory OP :^)
dumb makiposter
Or at least, that's what every motherfucker who's too lazy to comment pretends. If code captured your intentions perfectly, then you wouldn't ever have bugs in the first place.
It's what ever motherfucker who codes for themselves thinks.
The, one day in a few years time, they'll go back to their code which has stopped working for some reason and wonder what the fuck it's doing and what they were thinking.
Cool people use "documentation by intimidation"
>// What the next 30 lines do is so obvious that you'd have to be retarded not to understand it :^)
>clear kode
comments are a bad habits. There are only few exceptions.
>muh comments
The fact that women think coding needs to look like a tumblr blog...
Also if they slowly take their time explaining what an integer is on every function then let's just keep this to guys.
>be electrical engineering student
>have to do senior year design project, decide to work on an automation project for a large defense contractor
>find out this week that they're completely shifting the project
>now almost entirely electrical engineering/programming based
>main design problem implementing a protocol
>mfw I'm going to have to spend the rest of the year correcting mechanical engineers' beyond shitty code
it was hard to write/code
it should be hard to read
It's fake
Fixing other people's code is like drinking their cum.
Comments are the road to losing your job.
Not commenting is among the things you should do to have a bright career.
The right one cannot even be read because of its length.
The left one as practice usually doesn't make sense after a while.
The weak like OP should get used to it. Good code should need documentation
>found the coder
The left one was created for ultra optimization of a game engine ( though now we have SIMD making that bithack 2.2x slower and less precise)
Only pussies need comments, if you understand the language of the code you should be able to understand the fucking program.