i do not have time to read discussions, just tell me if / g / will vote for trump.
I do not have time to read discussions, just tell me if / g / will vote for trump
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Will you op?
Would if i was an american
>falling for the ballot Jew
I would never vote
Yes, because I like the wall idea and he's a pretty lulzy guy. He just keeps doing and saying stuff that pisses off liberals, it's funny as hell.
No, Trump is the least pro-tech candidate in the history of the US, and is completely inconsistent on every single issue, literally every single company he's ever started has gone bankrupt, he inherited all his wealth and he's probably mentally retarded.
The guy literally tried to sell steaks at the sharper image 7 years ago and now we're pretending like he's a serious contender for the presidency? Who's next, Weird Al?
The other candidate wants to literally censor the internet, Sup Forums will be the first to be shut down.
>Who's next, Weird Al?
When using this kind of argumentation, please provide an example more outrageous than the one alredy proposed, otherwise it just doesn't work.
>tfw you live in europe and have more than two parties to choose from
Trump is pro-business and nationalist so by extension he'll be more "pro-tech" than any other candidate just by virtue of his economic policy. His private sector shortcomings are pretty much irrelevant given that his opponent has never done anything in the private sector in her life. You should probably look for some substantive reasons you wouldn't vote for him other than parroting talking points from the Daily Show.
>implying it matters how we vote
> pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com
Probably to a large degree, when you look what sort of idiots posts here.
Not clicking on that link simply because it has pepe in it.
Yeah, trump is more ignorant about technology than malicious like shillary is. He can improve, shillary cannot.
fuck off with that retard
Neither of the candidates will last 4 years as the POTUS.
There is some sort of evil incan curse that drains the life energy of whatever person gets the job, and neither trump nor hillary have much energy left.
ha ha he trieded to sell
selld a steak haha
baah baah
two legs good
four legs baaahhhd
You gotta be literally retarded to claim you support technology and/or free software and/or privacy and still vote Trump at the same time.
I don't care about government puppies.
My vote only for mother Anarchy!
I at the same time don't want illegals in here or syrian durkas.
Dude, is that really your idea of criteria for the head of the most important country in the world? Like, really?
From behind the ocean, all I can see is an incompetent hot-air dude that got big by inheriting a fortune and his achievements mostly lie in running a reality show and commercialising of talking big. Sure, what could go wrong?
Oh look, it's another racist Drumpf supporter!
You gotta be literally retarded to base your presidential vote on who the tech community donates money to.
If you don't count san francisco cult start ups like google, how much donations to you get?
Nice single-issuism, you fucking moron.
>My vote only for mother Anarchy!
Which one? Panty Anarchy or Stocking Anarchy?
Nothing wrong with being racist imo
It's time to stop posting.
Fug u got me there. Foiled again.
Trump is probably safe, I doubt he'll really put in much effort and when you don't care a tiny bit, you don't get stressed and drained.
These sorts of celebs just take public functions to satisfy their ego so it will probably even be enjoyable trip for him.
What? That's his real name, you nimrod!
Stocking > Panty
>Real name
He got his name changed. So no, it's not his "real name". But please keep saying "Drumpf". It's easier to point out the retard that way.
No one that sat on that chair got unscathed, no matter how oblivious he was.
This is why I refuse to call her Cait
Why the fuck are you saying their names backwards? It's Anarchy Panty and Anarchy Stocking. Don't americanize their names.
>He got his name changed
Yeah, to conceal the fact that his parents were immigrants too.
I hope you were just pretending to be retarded.
>trump wants to keep our guns and protect the 2nd amendment
>wants to protect free speech and end hate speech laws and political correctness
>wants to bring all the jobs back
>wants to end welfare abuse so Tyrone and Jamal and other NEETs can stop being a parasite.
>wants to slash government waste so they'll stop killing jobs
>single issue
>Voting for a dude that Russia and China favors.
>Good job truly.
The mother of cryptography:
I'm going to be voting for Trump.
It's ironic, I was a left-wing faggot 2 years ago, the SJWs grinded all of that away from me. My only complaint is that Trump is too much of a liberal.
>muh 2nd amendment
You haven't got a clue what the 2nd amendment is about, you xenophobic conservashit:
And those are the people bringing hillary down.
People wanting to force her into a social justice voicebox, avoiding her from speaking what she NEED to speak to win.
Will not be the alt-right, milo, gamergate, trumpf or anyone that will defeat hillary.
Will be her own "allies" pulling her away from the shit that actually matters.
And the numbers show that clearly.
After that alt-right thing, she dropped like a hot potato because the general us populace had no fucking idea of what the fuck she was talking about.
But free speech and hate speech are two separate and distinct things, user.
Totes cause I'm deffo scared of brown people and trump gives me a safe space.
desu, its memetic warfare
>implying I'm a conservatard
Keep projecting, guns is a right that cannot be infringed upon.
Now that I think of it, Trump voter is a cuck like no other.
Not really, given the fact you solve any issue that both brings the same way.
By letting em speak, then hitting it with sane counter arguments like a wrecking ball.
Trying to hide speech is basically letting people talk it freely, away from the criticism.
>tfw you live in hueland and have more than two parties to choose from
>all of them are leftists
>Cult of kek
>Olivia Nuzzi
>Olivia Nazi
>favors Russia and China
Do you even know his positions?
First off he doesn't like what China does at all with trade and with Russia being one of the biggest geopolitical threats you need to have close ties or you're fucked. Whether they become more powerful (very doubtful but possible) or for alliances against evils like Islamic terrorist organizations
>guns is a right that cannot be infringed upon
EVEN if the 2nd amendment really did mean what the right ideologically construe it to, no, guns wouldn't be a right. Rights are about good things.
Also, I always find it funny how the right is so restrained about giving people rights like healthcare, education and clean water, but "rights" like guns are ok by your book.
>“We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what’s happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way.”
>“Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech,'” he added, dismissing the objection with an arm wave. “These are foolish people.”
South american commies are the worst
I'm not American. But if I were I wouldn't since he's a full on NSA anti-privacy shill.
>Rights are about good things.
All of our parties are leftist before and during the elections but rightists after they are elected because the motherfuckers always do what bankers want.
Deification of meme magic.
It had to happen at some point. Surprising that Kek works so well for this.
Basically, Sup Forums just memes and it just happens. This is why redditors against Sup Forums better watch out or we'll meme you hard and ruin you. This site is Sup Forums and our weapons are memes and shitposts.
>only one of them tries to oppose islamisation and mass welfare emigration
>tfw you live in Europe and have 8 parties to vote for but all except one even try to be unique and stand by their politics and instead just copy whatever the two biggest parties do
And funnily enough the one party that does try to have ideals is the one that have always been criticized as hated on.
Sure thing, smelly dumb Sup Forumslack scum.
fuck off reddit nigger
>Falling for another two idiot candidates
>One is another step from the grave and obviously has parkinsons disease, who is in bed with security lobbyists and the NSA.
>The other only cares about his own business and wants to use the US economy to further it.
More like "Pick your Civil War Antagonist" than President.
Pushed a button, didn't I?
>tfw based mitt couldn't save us
People that are on government assistance shouldn't be allowed to vote desu.
>you in charge of reading
Go back to redd.it you cuck. This is a Sup Forums website. Our memes are not to be taken lightly. You won't take pepe or kek from us that easily.
My state is a Democratic stronghold, maybe I could get away with voting for Trump ironically.
Then again Brexit happened in part by people voting for, thinking it would never happen.
>who is in bed with security lobbyists and the NSA.
That applies to Trump as well to be fair.
To be honest, Trump is probably the least offensive. He's too wacky and extreme to have any of his ideas go anywhere. It's just gonna be 4 years of the status quo pretty much. While Hillary is sneaky and corrupt enough to get her way.
Fuck you're right, what was I thinking!
Rights are about getting yourself fucked! You have the right to die of cholera in a smelly dumpster.
Oh so apple wants me to vote Clinton?? That's what you're saying here. God when did Sup Forums become such a sheep pen
Yeah, except they LEGALLY immigrated here you fucking idiot. I swear to god you people hear "DRUMPF HATES IMMIGRANTS LOLOLOL". No, he hates ILLEGAL Immigrants. His Wife legally immigrated, and so did his parents.
Ever since the Zimmerman thing, Sup Forums has gotten a lot bigger. I don't believe in a Trump presidency, with but the kind of exposure Sup Forums has now it's not impossible. There are a lot of unsatisfied people over in the states as well, or so I've heard. He might win, but it won't be a devastating win - he would be a couple of percents above Hillary. Stein is out of the race.
>Facebook filename
does 4chin provide current statistic for all boards with amount of users and post/hour?
I remember few hours ago I have seen screenshoot but was it from Sup Forums or other service?
You sound frustrated.
Drumpf and him can't even agree with each other.
Best part is, Mitt is voting Hillary too.
I want Trump the win for the only reason it might shut Sup Forums up when they realize at best he won't do anything, or more likely, will do stuff they dislike. Like being in bed with Israel.
The difference between legal and illegal immigration is a technicality, you dumbass.
If your problem is illegal immigration, then Hillary can solve your problem too: she's gonna legalize them!
How silly do you feel now?
>Donald Trump, his son and a close adviser have all posted photos of Pepe the frog, a cartoon amphibian which became controversial late last year after a group of gamers worked to associate it with Nazi propaganda.
>after a group of gamers worked to associate it with Nazi propaganda
What the fuck? What the fuck is this "gamer" bit here?
Nice try, but everyone can tell your real issue isn't with illegal or legal immigration, it's with the color of the people immigrating.
>inb4 strawman
Then why do you use words like "shitskins" and "durkas"?
Fuck off right back to your containment board!
Sup Forums is the heart and spirit of Sup Forums, it represents Sup Forums the best. Only a reddit is against Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is full of freetard cucks. Can't wait for them to very BTFO hard by trump who is going to stop their degenerate behavior.
yes you do
you also have the right to drink coca-cola all day long and have you legs taken by the beetus
you also have the right to collect things. like guns
Yeah. MAGA user-kun.
Trump is a bit ignorant, but Hillary is evil.
Evil is worse, IMO.
Plus she's literally dying in front of our eyes, how the fuck is she allowed to run for president.
The people against guns are neocons and cryptoconservatives who are considered """""right wing""""". Most liberal and/or "left wing" ideologies support individual rights such as having the means to protect oneself from a rogue government. Take your muh cuckservatives argument elsewhere. The people who support socialized healthcare and workers rights should also be supporting rights to bear arms.
t. Liberalism pro
I wonder how long it take till sites like Sup Forums will be closed.
Some people must be really mad right now. Free internet is treat for elites.
Group of people behind hillary invested millions of $$$ in her campain.
Commando of khv neets from taiwaniese hamsting enthusiats imageboard armed with computers and photoshoop had such big impact on elections.
>you also have the right to collect things. like child pornography
gamergate is still triggering sjws after all these years, and its their go to boogeyman
except those are pornographic images with individuals too young to consent to be taken
which is why its illegal
why not link to the national enquirer?