I always hated how good looking and pleasing to the eye the iPhone was...

I always hated how good looking and pleasing to the eye the iPhone was, because the phone itself is a piece of garbage and Apple is a terrible company.

What are some nicest looking Android phones?

Nexus 4

S7 Edge.

iPhone hardware is actually really good and their prices are on par with premium android phones, it's just iOS that sucks balls. iOS and apple.

Never liked how the fridge models looked, the 7 and 6 are much better Imo.

Why is it so hard for them to let us drag and drop music to a fucking folder?

That's literally the reason I will never buy an iPhone. Why the fuck am I forced to download iTunes and make an account when I can't just put music in a folder on a Samsung? It blows my mind how fucking tedious that is and how it's the only way to get music on an iPhone.

Xperia z5c
Moto X Pure

>nice looking Android phones
I've yet to see any Lagdroid device that doesn't look like a cheap piece of shit

Aren't there file browser apps? Can't I use Dropbox?

i have to agree it's extremely pretty. not the greatest phone though.



Nice bait. You can hate on the software but the S series and S edge are beautiful phones. The S7 edge is probably the best looking phone we've ever seen.



in my eyes, the iPhone 5S/SE is the most beautiful phone ever designed.

the most beautiful Android I've ever seen is the S7E. Haven't had the chance to hold an N7 yet, but it does look really, really nice in the reviews.

wheres the speaker?

The opx looks and feels really nice.
The back is really slippery though. Really have to be careful where to put it down or it will slide off on its own

Bottom-bezel-less Aquos fucking when

the glass is hte speaker

Phones nowadays almost all look the same. There really aren't any ugly phones anymore. Just boring looking at best.

You can use a multitude of software though. IFunBox is one of the lightest iTunes replacement.


If you jailbreak your iPhone you can install iFile and drag-and-drop music to the internal filesystem. It won't show up in the Music app or anywhere else, but you can use iFile to browse to the folder and listen to the music stored there. It's nowhere near as convenient as Android, but at least it makes iOS a lot more usable and the iPhone feel more like a competent smartphone.

Why would I want to use additional software when a Samsung is literally drag and drop? I'm not bashing the iPhone it's a premium device I just can't fucking stand apple. They pray on the retarded user demographic and when they remove functionalities, their consumers act as if it's some huge innovative move. These incremental iPhone upgrades are pretty pathetic too. Youre spending hundreds of dollars on a negligible upgrade.

iPhones are for Mac users and the fact that Windows users have to install additional software to fully use it is no more than a hackjob. If you don't have a Mac you really shouldn't get an iPhone.

But 7 won't even have a jailbreak.

This is so fucking annoying, if only Apple didn't treat their customers like little kiddies locked in a sandbox, I'd jump off the Google botnet boat.

This is the answer. Everything else either looks like cheap chink shit or bad copies of the iPhone aesthetics.

I know I agree. Im not spending thousands of dollars on shitty apple products just so I can have a smooth experience. Until this drastically changes I don't think I'll ever own an apple device. The all or nothing approach is retarded.

I'm thinking about getting this to replace my dying Xperia S. Should I Sup Forums?

>implying apple isn't a botnet

elaborate on that terribly constructed infographic

Apple has always been all or nothing. Their plan is for you to buy an iPhone and gradually realize it's shit when paired with Windows so you buy a Mac and fully immerse yourself in their ecosystem. Most people I see with an iPhone also use Macs, so their plan is obviously working.

What is there to elaborate? The NSA now collects data from Apple just like they do from Google and Microsoft.

Which is one of the major reasons I can't stand them. I shouldn't be shoe horned into buying only their devices in order to have a pleasant experience. Android it is.

how about u just jailbreak ur iphone u fuckin dummy/ its so simple and lets u do 99% of anything u would want to do on a 4 inch screen

If you think the NSA doesn't collect data from an iPhone, which is owned by one of the largest companies in the world, you seriously should be neutered.

how am i supposed to use a computer without getting my privacy infringed on?

Jailbreak and be stuck on the current iOS version until a jailbreak for the next version comes out. Spend time reinstalling hacks after each update.
>Android (assuming Nexus)
Have all the features jailbreaking an iPhone would get you without resorting to hacks. Install updates as soon as Google releases them.

At this point, it's absolutely impossible. You can only evade it for so long. If the NSA wants to know who you are and what you're doing, they can do this with ease.

yea but then i dont have imessage or facetime or the seemless smooth feel feel of iOS you fucking kunkidor

can they see my penis?

Literally another messaging app/service.
So what? It's just video chat.
>seamless smooth feel
You mean the lag hidden behind hour-long transitions?

By encrypting it and using it offline I suppose.

No, it's too small

>assuming Nexus
Quite an assumption there, innit.

Nexus is the only Android phone that's worth it. Everything else is shit and that's a fact.

Why the fuck does it increase along the y axis when it is just a linear timeline?

i have a jailbroken 6s and apps take almost no time to open AND i have tweaks that compleltly remove the animations. your point is moot.

You think that's bad?