Just like real life...
Just like real life...
why am I laughing
Man that looks depressing. Where is it?
This spooked me so much when i first saw this feature.
Las Vegas, Nevada.
anywhere, America
So high quality.
Jesus christ your suburbs look like crap.
"Remember, respect is everything"
>tfw still no auto generated 3d mesh for your city
Bumfuck nowhere, I suppose. I live in a small city in Germany and we have some high quality 3d going on here
>not living mid atlantic/east coast
Western sprawl depresses me desu.
Daily reminder that Google Earth is shit outside Burgerland
>pic related: second largest city in Sweden
Wellington, New Zealand. Even other smaller cities in the county have it.
>next Islamic caliphate
>have to use fucking Bing maps
RIP Sweden.
>street view
>majority of people are white
what the fug
>american suburbs
You guys are going to get invaded by Russia next week.
>idiot realizes Sup Forums's propaganda is just propaganda
I thought that was Cities Skylines on low graphics for a second or two.
lol but pol is alwaiz rite huehuehueheue
Is this really how americans live?
>posting 3d on Sup Forums
if you're more than 500 miles away from canada, you're in mexicoamerica
>being a gay whore on Sup Forums
what if you are canada?
Good goyim
>If you live west of Louisiana/Arkansas, you're in MexiMerica.
Fixed that. Don't forget the entire southeast exists.
>not using openstreetmap
plebians, all of you
>Google Earth is shit
>post google MAPS example
Just don't use maps, it's fucking shit, Google Earth is immensely superior and isn't filled with bullcrap features (stupid shitty 3D view) that makes it unusable on most hardware.
Pic related, Goatborg station in google earth.
Just like real life...
Is this broken for everyone?
For some reason this layout reminds me of the Buy more setting from Chuck (must be the wienersnitzel)
They're just blurring the UFO base.
fuck you
Not liking it
where is this
I just wish you could tilt shift the Burj Khalifa.
You can't see the world's tallest building in this viewing feature.
Germany looks pretty good in it to be honest
Verdon Gorge
Sounds like hipsters
looks good to me
Now imagine a GTA-Like using these 3d maps
I'd be more interested in a MMO RTS
How long do you think it'll be before someone makes a vr fps google maps
wow that would be really awesome
So this... is the power of... Google Earth...
>all these ameriplebs and their shitty suburban cities
can see my house :)
looks terrible desu
Wait, why doesn't Chrome support the Google Earth plug in?
You don't need a plug-in.
>Maps in browser
>don't even wait for it to load
>looks like atmosphere/sky enabled
ebin thread
Why are euro-olds so sensitive about their shitty deprecated city designs? You'd think you guys would be over it by now.
Where are the churches you godless heathens?
How can they get the height of buildings from satellite images? This technology seems like magic to me
here's one
probably the parallax + satellite position
a lot of these models are handmade though, i think
they use streetview data and image-matching tech (along with the known precise location of each camera shot from the car gps data) to project all the elevations together and build up a depth map. Then they average out the depthmap and build a 3D model from it. I think there's probably a fair bit of manual tweaking for major landmarks but otherwise it's mostly automated.
Some buildings even have proper balconies.
Quite amazing level of detail.
>that water color
Sure this isn't New Delhi?
is this tokyo
Why are you surprised, this is London. They all got replaced with Mosques.
Why are all of you expecting it to look like your silly little video games.
East coast is dog shit.
Shit weather
Everything rusts to death
High population density
I haven't seen a cop in 2 years. Southwest rocks.
It's a feature.
>suburban cities
>car based design
want to puke
Nah, a commie block infested shithole with overcast weather like in an average russian town would be depressing. OP's pic is miles far from it.
>eurotrash is triggered
That's a lot of fast food, takeout stores.
Why would you want to live anywhere else in America but a cozy east coast city?
>uninsulated cardboard house
>shit windows
>massive cars/tracks driving in front of house all the time
>constant unbelievable noise
Sane person wouldn't survive 15 minutes in this hell.
suburbs are actually pretty quiet, eurocuck
>constant unbelievable noise
Unless you live next to a highway, there isn't much noise.
You mean unfree.
>Why would you want to live in an east coast city?
Is that Virginia or Maryland?
But video games are based.
satellite imagery is expensive
not that google could afford it or anything
why don't they have their own fleet of earth observation satellites yet
The mother of all botnets
identify the city thread when?
should probably hide the watermark giving away the country then
Coven. Excellent movie
tfw Google sold this data to my municipal government so they can collect property taxes from those people that built expansions to their homes but never updated the registrations.
They sent a letter to my work place and wanted to fine us for the same thing but our building is on a slope so they thought we had an extra level.
I had to go to the offices to fix the issue and I saw their software, it was a 3rd party software using Google's data.
Oh, and it was running on Windows
that's not the country though
You can at least walk around in the commieblocks town and there is stuff close by. There is literally nothing in American suburbs and you can't function without a car.
The architecture might be a bit more depressing, and it's not like a cookie cutter suburbs offer great architecture either, but I'd much rather live in a commieblocks than a suburb.
Why is it "excellent"?
oh well... it's been running for a few minutes
any hints?
what are you running
overpass query on openstreetmap data that searches for churches near rivers (see bottom right in your picture)
it timed out now
well it's not a river it's a canal
but i'm sure there are plenty of churches near rivers in the world anyway.
Google Earth is amazing, to the point where anyone trying to hate on it is obviously trying to hard to be like Sup Forums. There's nothing like it.
East coast people kill the comfort
are you ghost
Trees make me claustrophobic.
>I see mosques from here