>He doesn't cool his computer with copper foam
He doesn't cool his computer with copper foam
Other urls found in this thread:
Christ I can only imagine the dust and stuff that'd get embedded in there.
>not silver
Are you poor?
>He doesnt pressure wash his copper foam
cool idea if hooked up correctly and designed well
>cool idea
I see what you did there.
>not water cooled raspberry pi
business idea: buy a mini-fridge, drill a port in the back for wires to get out, and put my case inside of it
>Not using gold foam to cool your hardware
Yeah, I also want to see my electronics die from the frosting.
wanna know how a fridge seemingly puts little effort into staying cool?
it's because food doesn't generate heat
a fridge only needs to out-pace losses out of a sealed, insulated box to stay cool
through a computer in there and it'll choke
>Cooling a device that puts out more than three hundred watts of heat with a heat pump that consumes one hundred and fifty watts, with a terrible duty cycle.
Best of luck with that.
I would totally use that copper foam idea if I could mix it with water.
alternatively, you could do liquid cooling, and keep the reservoir in the fridge. You'd only need to make 2 tiny holes where tubes go in and out for this to work. There'd also be enough spare room in the fridge for soda.
Why not just pipe in air from outside? (during the fall/winter/early spring months)
Enjoy your condensation.
>Bird makes a nest in duct
>cig smoke and smog from street clogs up heatsink
>not just using pc as a space heater during those times
Is that made out of MKBHD's hair?
>He doesn't cool his computer with fluorohexane
I left reddit months ago
>tfw i bought AMD and my PC is always a heater
>gold foam
>all that empty space
poorfag cooling detected. using a solid gold block, myself.
>Bird makes a nest in duct
I'd assume anyone would be smart enough to put at least a screen in (for bugs etc)
>cig smoke and smog from street clogs up heatsink
Still SO much cleaner than all the dirt/dust/hair and crap in your house. (esp if typical Sup Forums user)
Most people just use plywood and no insulation though, wish I was closer to a window to try, but hate to overclock my PC half the year, and other half be summer and throttle my pc.
holy fucking kek
This is not even impressive.
The CPU was running at 3.5Ghz 1.350V and still hitting 74°C
Even my shitty H100i keeps my CPU below 70°C under full load, 4.5Ghz @ 1.3V
dude, look again, the cpu has /no heatsink on it/
fuck all surface area
>1.3V or more
I run my 2600K 4.5GHz @ 1.265V
its a crackheads dream come true. they use that for a screen in their crackpipes.
Old FX-8350 at 4.7GHz and a R9 290x, just browsing Sup Forums and watching a youtube video on the other screen.
Cheap H60i on CPU and stock Sapphire on GPU.
Case is sitting inside a wall with passive airflow from outside.
Also wasn't meant for
actually I just noticed OP's video is a 2600K too, what the fuck are they doing running that many volts through it at stock frequency
why not put your rig in a bucket of ice water?
try it and find out
>hottest elements are not placed deeper in the coolant
>no vapor powered turbine connected to all this for better power efficiency, also dotations for producing clean, gaymer powered energy
Yep, the compressor motor would burn up.
What's the matter, poorfag? Can't afford a particle accelerator to generate a black hole that sends all heat into another dimension?
Will it prevent cats from laying on it? Not sure how sharp it is.
GPIO is pretty sharp.
shit wrong thread
dumbass doesn't do cooling with cum, all those millions of possibles lifes being used to cool my rig, i destroyed countless of future Einsteins just so they could cool my rig
I honestly dont know.
Funnily I have a 3770k running at 4.4Ghz and STOCK voltage.
nice fake, you faggot.
suck it jelly fags
nice crawling in my skin theme
it's easy on the eyes
shiiiit. im on board
I think you meant phase change cooling, not liquid cooling.
Just put the radiator in.
>producing energy from consumed energy
At the most you're just reusing the energy that turned to heat instead of remaining as electricity.
Use salt. The motherboard will be safe.
Haha fucking poorfag, I use a antimatter cooler.
literally kys poorfag
I think he means running the liquid through the fridge for it to cool off, not using phase change of xeon itself
Holy fucking kek!
The point is you can run with MORE CORES in a more compact volume without spending much money keeping them cool.
10 seconds in note that they are able to run 4 nvidia cards without causing a housefire
>Your sperm will potentially produce an Einstein
That's just ridiculous, and that's not even considering the very small chance of them being able to fertilize an egg in the first place.
Gold has worse thermal conductivity than either silver or copper. Your only advantage is lack of oxidation.
>not using your computer to gloat about your wealth
If you can afford a gold foam cooler, you can afford not to care about it failing to work.
Salt? How? I'm not sure hard drives will...
>falling for the copper cooling meme
I like how you just quoted random posts instead of those that talk positively about copper cooling.
>1500W+ to cool down a computer
Fucking retarded
isnt this thread about irony?
said literally no one ever
Because you're eating it?
Whats with the jew hating meme? Are you retarded?
wow what's with the hostility?
top fucking kek
kill you'reself
You know that foam would be better at dispersing heat, right?
freon cooling is a thing. It's unpopular and not without a reason, but idea exists.
water droplets (from air) on metal can be fatal
That's a really fucking stupid design. There's a reason heatsinks are all designed similarly with blades.
Not your safe space.
Just kill yourself, holy shit what a faggot
great contribution to the thread
Imagine this PLUS copper foam
but user, Linus did this and it was a terrible experiment.
>he doesn't live in a negative pressure environment
stop using our culture to cool your processors white bois
No. this thread is coppery not irony, keep up
Is that a real product? It doesn't look like a good idea.. It will create pockets of air that can't easily escape passively. A heatsink need to effectively not just release the heat to the air but also let the air flow freely so that it can keep releasing the heat to new, cool air. There's a reason insulation is mostly foam shaped.
>he doesn't heat his computer
It's like you don't even know things move faster at higher temperatures.
are you dumb? overclock your components so it generates heat and it won't frost
It literally has a jew fro.
What are you fucking poor?
This could work
That looks really neat OP.
Now I can clean my soldering iron after I solder the CPU.
How does this autism qualify as a buisiness idea exactly?
>he doesn't fluorohexane his cool with his computer
wanna know how an air conditioner seemingly puts little effort into staying cool?
it's because bodies don't generate heat
an air conditioner needs to out-pace losses out of a sealed, insulated house to stay cool
through a computer in there and it'll choke
... oh wait ...
>equiting a 150w fridge to a 9kW aircon