Sup Forums humour thread


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>picture unrelated





Better than paying the same amount to learn about a racist cartoon frog.

Would be funny if they didnt draw it incorrectly.
Cant believe people still don't know how to draw their comfy fascist logos properly.

Proof that Poland wasn't invaded enough.


how do i do this with 6x6 grid and 1 line


The same way but with the correct orientation. You should google the swastika and see how it really looks.

You seem incapable, so dont worry, I'll do the work for you; after all, arbeit macht frei - right?


i-i thought it`s skewed or somethin

am Gentoo user, can confirm
well I have a job but wish I was a NEET

>tfw arch

Where is my qt Japanese loli gf?


I kekked






here you go, retard.
this is why you guys should've been exterminated.

from the other thread

my sides are all gone


Jesus fuck

Theo the rat sure is based

took me a while

what is the "hello world uses/weights only ... MB" meme about?

there is no contest about the lightest hello world app, is there?
(python would be the clear winner)

i dont get
explain please

>python would be the clear winner
bait or reddit


Fucking A


>there is no contest about the lightest hello world app, is there?
>(python would be the clear winner)

I pray you're just trolling and not actually that stupid.

Sup Forums


took me a minute


Throwback to the time I dm'd her about it

I'm going to hell for laughing at this.

>tfw debian


fuck that picture mate

The fucking chicken at the end


>what is the "hello world uses/weights only ... MB" meme about?
There isn't. Autists just assume that the growth in size is linear and pretend that the runtime their OS provides shouldn't be included in comparisons. Yeah, if we don't count the Python runtime, Python has much smaller "binaries".

looks like the type to do anal on the first date

t. electron "developer"

You need a shower

>Recalculating... Recalculating...

>there are no other languages besides C and javascript

Include me in the screencap





>there are no other languages besides C and javascript
Pretty much

i have just released a shit into my underwear







yeah I have no clue either

Is that Sup Forums meetup?

But the 1060 isn't even faster than the 480?

oh man that's fucking gold

isn't there some esoteric/parody language with a dedicated "Hello world" operator? Perl 6 possibly?

u wot

it's probably one of those things where there was a picture but then the picture gets deleted, i dunno


These two faggots.

Why the fuck does youtube suggest me these videos?



Apple convention?


It's bothering me that the "then" picture has dual lcd monitors. In 1995 a 17" crt was a major luxury. Dual monitors were basically unheard of.

Fuck, man, this makes me sad every time. Why couldn't his family have just not put anything on there? Why did they do that? Do they want to push him away? Shit why does this strike a nerve

Why is there an actual dog? Is it an undercover spy or a sex slave?

many keks

That's not Bill Gates, it's Steve Wozniak

>From a shitty kickstarter , can't remember

>incognito mode
cause you never know who's watching

fuck me why is this so funny

its Sup Forums in disguise.

I'm so fucking pissed because those fags always look like their having the greatest time

>five candles
what did his family mean by this?




Furfag here
Can confirm, everyone is having a great time

The whole point of that autism is to have fun with no impact to ones normal public life

Met a guy who had an 80k/yr job, had a wife and two kids, your standard "the neighbor, Dave" kind of guy
Who sometimes wore a full autism fursuit to conventions.
Goes back home and returns to normality.


What a scary thought.

jesus, poor user...

A lot of the "efficiency" tricks they did back in the day wouldn't hold up to modern security requirements, which obviously weren't a concern at the time. There's a reason those binaries are fuck huge.

Is that php? Goddamn ugly syntax, fucking "$"

>mfw I recognize some of those suiters