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Oh shit. Not bad.
> $ 2,999 PC with 28 inch + touch screen vs $ 3,400 Cintiq 24 inch
How is this even a competition.
If only they took that sort of care with Windows
May be great for graphics designer and that all.
the specs in presentation cost 4,299$ it makes apple look cheap.
4:3 for normal usage meh.
no kaby lake(but it's nothing shocking and really bad)
no USB C (really????)
why nvidia 9 series not 10.
It's essentially mac mini plus good monitor.
no pcie ssd
and it's beautiful. A beautiful meme.
Yet they can't even get Outlook.com working properly.
I came
>computer is built for design
Fucking retarded.
I don't like it.
Music title?
Any serious artist is going to use a Wacom tablet over this shit. I don't see what Microsoft is trying to accomplish.
You know music discovery apps actually exist right? you fucking mongoloid.
looks like it'd be good for porn
>why nvidia 9 series not 10.
fucking this, the 10 series is like 50% faster, both surface book and studio are already outdated on launch.
Reminds me of that Vlack Mirror episode
I can see a lot of people tired with Apple's bullshit getting those.
>$ 2,999 PC with 28 inch + touch screen vs $ 3,400 Cintiq 24 inch
Yeah..... no.
search for the lyrics you anus
>iMac and Wacom Cintiq at the same time
>We want the apple audience!
So it will be an overpriced shiny toy?
Also, minimum angle of 20d, with a screen that big being unable to rest your hands will make the touch screen unusable for long periods of time.
Its a deal breaker for you right? you were just about to buy it to play dota 2 but not having the 10 series really did it for you.
>Search for the lyrics
Are you a time traveler from the 00s?
Cheapest one is 3K and the specs are fine for photoshop/light room work.
It's a Cintiq, woo. Call me when it costs less than a year's worth of rent.
There is people that work outside of retail you know? not everyone is a sandwich artist like you.
It really should have USB 3.1, which they would have gotten for free if they'd used Kaby Lake. The high-speed external bus would kill any limitations of the small form factor.
Also the 1060 outperforms the 980m and even has a slightly lower TDP.
Those would just make sense. I don't know why they were so conservative.
Tip: If you are complaining about the GPU is not good enough to run games at 5k on high, this is not the computer for you.
Now let's see someone using that IN PRACTICE
Looks pretty shit.
>implying a $500 drawing tablet wouldn't be cheaper and better
none of which he listed is le gaymen
stop being retarded
It costs less than a Cintiq, and its not made for poor people like you.
I like this thing
>that fucking prop
can you add oil as well?
You can't seriously be this fucking stupid.
>Year's worth of rent.
Nice country you've got there.
Yep. I seriously am. All valid points.
It wouldn't.
Like in the video?
Can I use it with Linux?
As in unedited
looks great but i'm not a drawfag so I don't see myself fully utilizing it
>i5 and 965M
>In a $3000 machine
>Upgrade to i7 and 980M is an additional $1200 raising the total price to $4200
Not sure how they did it, but they made the baseline 5k iMac, which starts at $1800, look like good value for money seeing how it's pretty much the same specs minus the touch screen.
> play dota
nah dude, I'm a game developer.
Why wouldn't it? If it runs Windows 10?
Macs aren't generally bad value compared to most premium competitors anymore. Where that's because other people raised they're price to match or Apple have become competitive, I don't know.
Microsoft are the old Apple.
Or he could be living in an apartment owned by a family member. I lived for a couple of years in an apartment owned by my own mother and only paid enough to pay for the fee to the housing cooperative (which takes care of the building).
>computer is overpriced and outdated before it's even out
This. I'm a game dev and I would have loved to buy this for my artists but it doesn't have the GPU to run in engine
This would have been literally perfect if they put the 1060/1070 in there
>TFW Microsoft Out-Apples Apple
Okay. They've won me over, I want it.
But damn, it's expensive. I can hardly justify buying it over spending the same amount fixing up my house.
> Sup Forums saying the surface studio has a good value
> go to Apple.com
> see pic related
Microsoft BTFO by the old iMac generation, now imagine what will happen tomorrow when Apple releases the new iMacs.
They really, really dun goofed today.
>comparing a regular AIO to this
I literally evacuated my semen reservoirs
>no touch
>no touchscreen
Nice Facebook machine
> iMac
> regular AIO
not sure if retarded or troll, but the iMac is THE original AIO in the first place.
No. It will be locked to Windows 10 thanks to Intel(r) Secure Boot(tm).
Not the user you refer to but
>sandwich artist
made me burst laughing out loud and I wanted you to know. Splendid combination of words, Sir.
I'd imagine they are targeting first gen at the normalfag businesses who just need it for design work and start making more high end Pascal versions for high end shit like vidya in the next refresh.
At the same time, I know one game studio ordering a few of those fuckers because for the art department alone, it's a revelation being able to do storyboarding and concepting then sending assets on to other departments, without fucking around on their Cintiq.
This. AMD RX480 would be alright but it's using the 280
The Surface Studio is industry-tier, iMac is muh photography/media tier
Really nice machine. Shame it runs botnet.
I think it's pretty cool and I'm not often happy with what MSFT does.
I'd buy one.
>965M in the $3000 model
>980M in the $4200 model
Its a regular AIO, it being the first or not is irrelevant.
if that was a display only or has displayport passthrough, that'd be absolutely amazing.
but as an AIO it's going to be gimped with laptop internals.
You are not supposed to play Call of Duty on them, retard. A 965M is more than enough for most industry purposes.
fuck that should at least have 10xx GPUs.
It's not about gayming performance, it's about the Operating System and integration with the rest of their workspace.
Black Ops 3 on a GTX 1060 is something special though ya'll niggas gotta playdis.
Looks nice but obviously not targeted at normal plebeian home users like us. Definitely meant for the enterprise type of people who spent like $80k or whatever on that Surface whiteboard.
If the quality of my Surface Pro is anything to go by I would be hesitant to buy this desu.
>a new weapon camouflage has been deposited in your account
GPUs have other uses than just rendering games, they are used for rendering in adobe software, and 3D design rendering, also microsoft is expecting some people to play games on it as it's got a built in xbox wireless receiver.
>Implying the 10 series doesn't or perform the 9 series and
It is from Willy fucking Wonka dude.
Jesus how fucking poor are all you little faggots here. Literally everything posted here should include the posters ability to possibly own the item of discussion. If you cannot afford it, it ain't for you. So why even try to enter the conversation.
>doesn't understand that the studio is under-powered for proper professional work which isn't drawing or lightroom
it'd probably choke with photoshop and autodesk.
What is his point though? There is nobody who would prefer a 980m to a 1060. The 1060 is faster, draws less power and is probably cheaper.
If you didn't care about the performance then you wouldn't upgrade to the 980m from their default anyway.
You do understand that games are not the only thing that can take advantage of high performance GPUs and CPUs? Graphics work is one of these things and this is supposed to be for heavy graphical work at 4k resolutions, meaning that that GPU will definitely be under some pretty heavy stress.
I do know that but what utilises that power on OS X?
They're not exactly working with game engines on iMacs
apple usually puts fairly high end GPUs in the imacs or they use intel iris pro graphics, with desktop CPUs to even the load.
If they did they'd have to start it from scratch, and say goodbye legacy software support.
this. Nice looking hardware, shame windows 10 is so shitty
I like that thing as well.
>we want the iphone audience
>we want the ipad audience
>we want the mac audience
Just give up Microshit, if people want apple they will just buy apple
would be nice to have just for scrolling desu
this, I like Microsoft and all but poor move
>if it looks good and is convenient its apple shit copypasta
the singer in the promotional video song uses a mac. Microsoft. stop targeting artists. They use macs. get over it and target office and business aggressively.
Probably after a few months of hacking.
Or you could use a virtual machine at launch.
>call of duty
>SD slot on the back
>Hurbaderbpppfffffffff my mail won't work :C
Nice blogpost. Subscribed.
How much does it pay to shill for microsoft these days? you still get paid per post or have moved one to an hourly fee, like the amd shills?
the dynamic dial peripheral looks neat as fuck at least
Well, at least they fitted the PSU in it.