has anyone ever tried this? What were their teaching standards like?
Has anyone ever tried this? What were their teaching standards like?
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fuck it im down
More pics? Nudes?
ok im back, but do i pick the program i want to learn or the girl i wanna see naked?
nice binary blobs
i'm already a developer. the problem is i'm a virgin. i need the opposite video of this.
The girl
If this would approach me somewhere outside advertising teaching programming from me I would probably run away screaming, because the end sure is near.
hmm baby,,, u r very sex! I am make love for you please post more sexi vidos,,,
if its free, why not give it a shot. Its not like you have anything better to do.
>women in tech
i can literally get behind that.
Didn't remember empire earth looking that bad.
>a known silicone/fake internet whore advertising on some kid channel on jewtube
nothing special to see here
jesus all those tattoos
so hawt
>glad you came.... this far
dem tits!!!
Neither do I, that's why I don't play it again now, to keep the illusion.
I was expecting cuh-razy memes but that was actually informative. I'm pretty impressed.
>plastic surgery is available for the (((perfect body)))
What a time to be alive.
>i want to squeeze silicone bag, look at an ugly uncaked face when i wake up and be excited about someones slowly smearing leather canvas
i would just kms instead
The girl is fugly, but the view sure is awesome.
>no money for ass implants
no wonder she has to resort to internet whoring
>next step is disgusting baboon lips
This thread is pure advertising
dude did you watch the video of that picture? Im sure she already got the ass implants
maybe not alright
Best ideia of year.
But if this shit is free...how they won money.
This Argentos daughter?
pancake ass
h-how n-naked will they get?
is it worth learning pajeet level """coding""" for this?
This has been around for awhile...
no thanks, Mr. Shekelberg.
q u e
l i n d a
h e r m o s a
>has anyone ever tried this? What were their teaching standards like?
Are you for real? It's a cashgrab scheme. Fuck you're retarded.
>code babes
i know most spackers here will consider anything female a """"""babe"""""" but this roasty needs to come back to reality.
Don't be a faggot just take CS50x.
>need a way to make a lot of money
>have attractive women with low cleavage
>market them to introverted virgins
>apply this market to their interest
this is 10/10 marketing
Those titties are horrible. I've seen such nice fakes, why would you bother with anything less?
Yea, ok, but WHO is it, asshole?
Will someone clean that fucking glass?
Yeah she's pretty fucking horrifying.
I don't want to think of her rock hard scarred frankentits.