>Until November 11th, all information technology governmental organs must forward request to acquire Microsoft licenses. It's the first time the federal government, after the Workers' Party's era in power, buys proprietary systems.
Stallman warned us against these fascists (look up on stallman.org's notes section), now it's too late. A free software friendly, democratically-elected government has been forcefully replace by an extremist right-wing, corporate-bootlicker and illegitimate government. The rabid right insists it wasn't a coup d'état, but it's been obvious since day one that it is, and this kind of news make it even more evident.
Pra você fascistinha que bateu panela, continue se convencendo de que não foi golpe, filha da puta!
His endorsement of communism should be proof enough of how far up his own ass he is when it comes to politics.
>free software works alright >therefore free everything will work alright
I'd love to see a fat fuck like Stalin sent to soviet-era Russia, he wouldn't survive 5 minutes without junk food and hentai.
Ryan Walker
Vai dar o cu, esquerdista de bosta.
Austin Martinez
maybe they'll gas all of you commie faggots again since apparently one military dictatorship wasn't enough >corporate bootlicker it's no different from the "free software" ecosystem that's controlled by the likes of red hat and canonical other than the price tag
Hudson King
Yeah, but how does proprietary software made by a foreign multinational not threaten national security and sovereignty, ya doofus?
With open source, even if it's made by a foreign corporation, you can still tell what it really does.
Blake Young
Gas the KIKES The commie (((Stallman))) will soon be killed.
Liam Morales
>fat fuck like Stalin kek
that shoulda been Stallman
Aiden Rivera
Por que eu que tenho que dar o cu se é você quem gosta? Curta pra caralho esse pau da Microsoft enterrado até o talo.
Caleb Smith
>chamando impeachment de golpe
Nem tem diálogo com pessoas como você. Vai fumar maconha no DCE, esquerdista imundo.
Dylan Turner
They are the same anyway
Owen Ward
just say fuck it and install Linux anyways lmfao. Fuck da gubberment
Nathaniel Murphy
brazillians need to leave
Blake Miller
Who the fuck gives a shit? I'll continue to use Linux myself. They might as well run DOS for all I care.
E não, não foi golpe. Lugar de bandido é na cadeia, não no congresso.
Evan Taylor
Linux is insecure as shit.
Justin Butler
>Brazil >Post ends in 71 >7-1 It's like poetry. It rhymes
>before commies >politics steal with OS licences overprices >commies >put "free" software and cocksuckers cherrypick as they steal with overprices for the hardware provider >commies get cucked out of power >back to proprietary software with 99.99% chances they are stealing money from the gov with it.
Jace Flores
You fucking leftist piece of shit. Commie de merda, se mata seu maconheiro sujo.
Eli Campbell
First, to Brazilians: Software livre nunca foi levado a sério pelo governo do PT porém, gastar dinheiro agora com porcarias da MS é demais.
Second to gringos: This is like a joke from president say will cut cost of a lot things.
Nolan Lopez
It's more poetic than you think, it ends in 171. If only you knew what 171 means in Brazil...
Eli Johnson
Panela mal batida do caralho. LUTA ARMADA JÁ!
Michael Turner
Niggar, 171 is the nº of law of larceny.
Oliver Howard
Lutar armada nem tanto, mas vai ter um monte de script kiddies fazendo defaces para reclamar...e não vai mudar porra nenhuma.
Landon Martinez
>ruindows >inseguro >bosta >lento >cocô >caro >merda >telemetria >esterco >dãã não vai mudar porra nenhuma
Vai sim. Vai mudar pra pior.
Jose Robinson
Bentley Lopez
Kek. Fico pensado talvez essa lincenças sejam para cobrir os windows piratas espalhados por ai.
Charles Thompson
Oh god, I didn't notice. Poetry truly is magic.
Adrian Baker
>Literalmente apoiando o uso de um OS minerador de dados em computadores do governo
Vai se foder. Sério. Não é possível alguém considerar isso moral.
Sup Forums, given our current political scenario, this is more fucked up than it looks like.
Jason Ross
>another 7-1 Pepe is real.
Normalmente trabalhamos com copias piratas podem terminar com processos.
Asher Reed
Calma companheiro, o Lula volta em 2018 e bota o país de volta nos trilhos novamente. Dois anos de neoliberalismo serão mais que suficientes para o povo perceber a cagada que aconteceu.
Daniel Clark
>A free software friendly, democratically-elected government has been forcefully replace by an extremist right-wing, corporate-bootlicker and illegitimate government. Not only Brazil my friend.
South america is down the road to hell.
Nicholas Collins
>The catch is that this purchase is not yet known to the public and took place just a week after Microsoft held an event behind closed doors (without press access) with government officials.
banana republica a n a n a
plis ruskie bros. test satan 2 here. I'll die happily if I can bring these fuckers along.
Jacob Wood
90's neoliberalism is coming back with a sense revenge.
It's almost as if this motherfuckers didn't make a dime during their hiatus.
Nathan Baker
gosh, kys. don't ever breed.
Jackson Turner
Go die anti-GNU shill
Wash your mouth you filthy creep
I really hope to see a world without your kind of people
Brody Flores
The right does this kinda shit and then they complain when they're associated with irrationality, obscurantism, lack of intelligence, etc.
Hudson Sanders
Innocents are going to suffer, and whatever how good the activist are, they are shit to innovate.
Hence, right shit wins.
Bentley Nguyen
And respect the other anons ffs. If you can come here to read and discuss things in english then post accordingly. I fucking hate brazilians hueheing at every chance they get.
Go to a place where people are discussing matters in portuguese if you wish to huehue like retards.
imbecis de merda. vcs são o exato motivo da nossa "reputação.
Hudson Reed
>tfw u will never FIESTA DURO with stallman
Nathaniel Collins
Se você se importa com o que outras pessoas pensam de você então você é um beta cuckold, especialmente se essas pessoas nem no mesmo país vivem.
The right-wing stops progress at every level, not just societal but also technological and scientific.
Thomas Williams
#bora temer linux has always been shit.
Jason Cruz
>complains about not using english >does the same
Daniel Cook
pic saved
Jordan Gutierrez
Hue cares?
David Russell
They should use OpenBSD instead.
Joseph Morgan
>reputação >Sup Forums Que raios eu estou lendo.
Evan King
the cost of moving from one system to another is enormous. if they are replacing their software ecosystem then they'll end up losing tens of millions if not hundreds of millions. guess it's time to hack the shit out of brazil! :D
Liam Anderson
Our glorious leader: >guise we're broke. No more monies for education AND healthcare. Dun ask gibs.
at the exact same week they come up with the brilliant idea that they should perhaps ditch a perfectly functional free software, which people were already trained and fit to use, for a proprietary solution.
I don't know how this level of purchases work, but i'm assuming that new licenses would have a far bigger cost than simple renewalls. Plus some more nice fees in consulting for readaptation for the new ecosystem. which they'll pay despite the fact that every single user would have the exact same thing at their personal private computers.
Evan Sanchez
>guess it's time to hack the shit out of brazil! : not worth it. unless you like pics of trannies, because you'll find lots of them.
Jayden James
I though about it. I had to leave some sort of proof that I'm a brazilian who hates this practice. But I acknowledge that it was a bit hypocrytical of me.
Lucas Scott
>promoting an OS with cuck license
finally some informed user
Temer is making this because he loves micro$oft
Jonathan Howard
Primeiramente, morte aos esquerdistas.
Não é culpa da microsoft que esta merda de governo escolheu a dedo os profissionais mais inúteis do mundo pra participar do SISP.
GNU/Linux é superior? Sim, mas não nas mãos de um bando de chimpanzés drogados. Se for pra ser uma merda como é hoje, pelo menos que seja uma merda e funcione, com suporte da microsoft, os retardados não vão ter a oportunidade de cagar com software sensitivo
Daniel Watson
>complete coup >screw around with IT Why?
Oliver Ward
You are overthinking all this of being part of Sup Forums a bit. Take a nap.
Justin Davis
>Micro$oft dindu nuffin
Austin Ortiz
Temer needs to game. He's gonna fall back to silver a this rate.
Ryan Myers
Primeiramente, fora Temer!
Claro que não, coitadinha da Microsoft! Por puro acidente que o governo mais americanista e neoliberal em décadas está entregando todo o patrimônio brasileiro às mãos de poderes estrangeiros.
Angel Barnes
>C3S programmers are dumb as bricks and create programs with college-level of shittyness >Microsoft is attacking brazil
wew lad
Asher Torres
Dear god, /lefypol/ you are on wrong imageboard. Say hello to /tech/ for me.
Jason Moore
You know how Temer got into power, right anons?
Owen Phillips
Vá-te à merda Roberto, aposto que nunca teve que tocar no aborto mental produzido por esta aberração de instituição.
Jayden Baker
>não é culpa da microsoft Não, é só coincidência!
Este é o nível dos coxinhas brazucas.
Todo dia um 7 a 1!
Joseph Morales
Here comes the right wing spamming squad. How is the money for spamming these day niggers
Gabriel Lewis
sometimes slavery is easier
Ethan Myers
Pretty sure you misquoted me. I was being ironic. Do we have to use < irony > tags around here?
Samuel Baker
>government is taken over by military >the military spends their time on IT and spamming Sup Forums Short regime.
Jaxson Wood
> The right-wing stops progress at every level, not just societal but also technological and scientific Pure left wing also kinda does that.
I'm on the left and sometimes think our left is retarded, you can't for instance force book stores to reserve big compartments to promote local writers nobody wants to read anyways, and thereby force a sort of preservation of culture / writership / local small jobs. Or other shit.
IMO it's a question of having a sort of balance without most citizens and politicians trying to sit in the middle. It's better if strong parties exist for both right and left, and people actually are more on one or the other side, but change positions occasionally when arguments convince sufficiently.
Samuel Ramirez
Because they want to surveil and control the population. Think outside the box, user.
Kevin Lewis
>anime girl Thanks god isn't the scum of maki.
Eli Cooper
I know, right? #makeamericagreatagain Huehuehue
Daniel Williams
come on. There's no HDF (hueDefenseLeague)
There probably was a project for that, since it's the cool thing that all of the big countries are doing, but its funds ended up almost entirely set aside by Mossack Fonseca somewhere nice and cozy and with the remainder going to some Senator's nephew who's "good with computers".
Jackson Moore
>spouting memes like a good goy
Christopher Turner
Did people seriously expect US backed political parties to promote non backdoored systems? Hope brazilcucks and the entirety of the new "right" enjoys getting fucked by Shillary
Luke King
>His endorsement of communism Not even the third line and you're already spreading misinfo and blatant lies >calls people leftists while supporting the leftist United States backed coup No wonder Brazil is a shithole senpai
Nathaniel Evans
There's no such thing as a right in the entirety of the Americas The last thing closest to a right in South America was Pinochet
Caleb Cook
>coxinhas Já esqueceu que Dilmãe permitiu que o Facebook colocasse drones sobre espaço aéreo brasileiro para entregar internet para um favela? Isso sem contar tentativas criar patrulha para censurar a internet.
Jonathan Hall
Did they even finish migrating to GNU/Linux systems?
Henry King
>he expected something other than automatic irrational furious insults with no content from the progeny of Olavo de Carvalho kek
Luke Lopez
>Primeiramente, fora Temer!
Carter White
É por essas e outras que eu #FechoComFreixo!
Julian Hernandez
Dear god, Sup Forums turn battleground to Sup Forums and /leftypol/? I start missed the Sup Forums.
Easton Parker
postmod leftism is cancer and unfortunately all that's left from the brazilian left
Antifreedom capitalists and anti freedom communists are his enemy.
He is a shining star in a world of shit.
John Ward
Microsoft doesn't sell your data to most governments senpai, they do to the NSA because otherwise they would be buttraped into oblivion, but not to small and even possibly rouge governments A country that just had a political coup is not a good one to give them proof of your corruption, documents could easily land in Wikileaks by some IT grunt who supported the previous government However, it does give access to critical data and infrastructure to the NSA and the CIA
Eli Ramirez
Sou meu próprio patrão, querido. Quem sabe um dia você chega lá
David Perry
macOS might not be 100% free software, but it's more free than Windows.
Nicholas Anderson
Vou começar fazer spam de imagens de anime no Sup Forums e no /leftypol/.
>defendo mac ou não já que eles só querem fotos de pinto.
Eli Brooks
Oh, it also promotes american services, which is a lock in into the botnet and thus population surveillance/control
Samuel Price
you forgot the worst part: hues. The day hues turned Sup Forums into a Sup Forums vs /leftypol/ battleground.
Asher King
>Sou meu próprio patrão, querido. Legal esse meme. Tá curtindo os juros do cheque especial? Tomara que você não se incomode muito quando o Walmart acabar com seu "negócio".
Há corda parceiro, você não é patrão bosta nenhuma. Tu é pobre metido a rico. Vai ser bonito ver a tua laia cair do cavalo.
>Quem sabe um dia você chega lá Trabalho numa cooperativa, já estou melhor que você campeão! ;^)
Nathaniel Miller
>comunas de um lado >fascistas de outro >ninguém defendo ditadura da singularidade tecnológica
David Thomas
Tecnocracia é a única ideologia correta, senpaiília.
Christian Rodriguez
Bem, eu estou indo dormir. Se até amanhã essa thread não tiver sido deletada ou arquivada, algo de ruim vai acontecer.
Luke Green
Why can't US citizens kick the people that want to make total surveillance easy as fuck for totalitarian regimes (or even companies striving for monopoly) out of office?
It's one of the roots of the problem, the trends in the computer industry are still very, very US-based after all.
Benjamin Sanders
Close errado.
Boa noite, monamur.
Nathaniel Cooper
>Why can't US citizens kick the people that want to make total surveillance easy as fuck for totalitarian regimes (or even companies striving for monopoly) out of office? Dunno', they literally have a traitor running for the presidency, and """"leading"""" in the (((polls))) I guess they're way too deep in the doublethink to fix their country, years of a bloody civil war might reset them back into sanity
Mason Jones
enquanto vc bate punheta na internéte, eu como as coleguinhas q ocuparam a escolinha com migo XDDDDDDDD