What's Sup Forums thoughts on VN engines?
A good way to enter programing?
VN Engines
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Not really. They are a good way to make VNs.
Programming is a good way to enter programming.
Renpy is decent if you want to get into python I suppose. You could always make your own shitty engine in whatever language you want to git gud at.
Most VN engines, and by extension, most video game engines are self-contained development ecosystems where all the programming is done in a domain-specific interpreted language such as C# or Python with tons of library hooks for the engine.
It's not a bad way. Basic Ren'Py wouldn't be anymore complicated than writing a long script in a certain format. If you decide you need branching, you just look that up.
If you don't write it in Japanese it will be shit no matter what engine you use.
Renpy seems to be highly praised.
Isn't python a slow language?
Yes, but what needs to be fast in a VN engine? The graphics are all drawn in OpenGL.
I think Renpy is one of the better performing VN engines out there, actually.
If you want an actually good VN engine, use KiriKiri. It's what the jap companies use. But the documentation is in Japanese (obviously), not sure if anyone has translated it.
That said, you won't learn programming with them. They have their own scripting languages that look nothing like actual programming.
Why people still recommend this?
It's vapeware by now, poor documentation even in japanese, and no linux support or other platform.
How complicated can it actually be though? Isn't it just basically a bunch of presentations with different routes or am I missing something else?
Because even though the development has stopped, it's still better than Ren'py.
By the way there's a fork that's under active development.
>How complicated can it actually be though? Isn't it just basically a bunch of presentations with different routes or am I missing something else?
Depends, really you can use power point/ libre impress to create a VN if you want.
But a VN engine can give you much more than simple choices.
Interested in this.
How is it better than ren'py?
A few years a go I've read that someone managed to make ren'py engine run on a PSP.
Is kirikiri provide better scripting? developer tools?
Trying to fit way to hard senpai.
Aww I liked that vn, it sucks the studio closed, just like all oelvn teams do :(
I second Renpy. I used to teach programing to kids and teen in the local community youth group and they did enjoy it quite a lot. It would not make you a good programmer but , its a pleasant way to get some basics. Wasn't Katawa Shoujo made in modified renpy ?
Not that I know of.
What was modified?
I double checked it , and it was made in renpy. It was mainly the GUI that was much different than vanilla renpy. you can find a bunch of visual novels on android that have the same gui look with certain transparent button on the bottom of the screen like quick save , quick load and skip. KS just did it in a much more professional looking way so it took me some time to realize that it was renpy. I guess if you compare it with half of the really shitty VN that the community shits out every week
Ren'py is very versatile VN engine.
If you really want you can even make a FPS with it.
Look at AKABUR's games.
I never said its not. I had done view demo point and click games with it, however I cannot say i know of any successful FPS on it