Is Void Linux® any good?

Is Void Linux® any good?

Install Ubuntu, it's better.

No packages.

Absolutely. Quick growing community, as leightweight as it gets resulting in very fast boot times and speed as well as responsivness in general, great package manager, easy to install due to simple and straight forward text based installer and quick and easy installing and removing software.



They have good taste in package selection (musl, libressl, runit) but the distro itself is minimalistic as fuck and the xbps package manager requires a fair bit of fiddling around to get everything set up right, has issues resolving upgrades to multiple packages, etc. So yeah, it's pretty good, provided you know what you're doing and have a bit of time to set things up.

So like every other distribution then, apart from the quick growing community since the other distribution's communities have already grown.

arch for people who can't remove sysD on their own

Void = Edgy meme distro for people with too much mental illness for Arch Linux, or people who used Arch and got made look stupid on IRC and ragequit to a void safe space.


>everything works so effortlessly now so I need to try a different operating system
>autist logic

>great package manager
>every other distro
It also doesn't install packages in the same way others do

Checked and rekt

holy fuck hipster syndrome is real

It's the logo from their site. I see no reason to get so butthurt about it.

simly ebin xd

>arch user is autistic and spams threads
nothing new and nothing to be impressed of.

>arch user
And you fell for it

idk try it in a vm or something


kill yourself
how's that for an argument

Fuck off edgy hippie shit

How does it install them differently?

I see nothing bad in discovering new things

Do it then, don't seek validation points

Nice shill post, Pajeet.

>Actual content of the post

I remember when this was the last one on the distrowatch rank. Tried it, but didn't werked the package manager which is the main feature of this distro. If you can install arch you can do this too.

What the fuck are you talking about? It does install packages like any other distro.

ITT: Butthurt Archfags wishing their distro was as fast as Void

I think it's Arch - systemd + 2 autism