8 USB ports

>8 USB ports
>6 sata ports or 4 sata ports and one sata express port
>price not outrageous

other than the gaming decoration i see no issues with this board is there any reason i shouldn't buy it?

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Yes. You have no money for this.

But I do have money for this well I will when I get paid. where did you get the impression I did not?

well it's an Asus board so it automatically belongs in the garbage and probably has dozens of sketchily soldered parts on it

If this is true then my ONLY other option is gigabyte. I mean what other good motherboard brands are there?

Gigabyte sucks.

Then what board maker do you recommend?

No MSI they are garbage.

What's that user going to recommend? AsRock? HAHAHA please.

>Gigabyte sucks because their software does, the hardware is fine.

what does the software matter for a motherboard? i just need to know what board to buy

Just get the damned Asus board.

Gigabyte as a last resort.

ok but what brand would you normally recommend? why all the hub bub if asus was fine?

fuck off shill

asus is only good at the high end not as the low end and support?
really 5 years is all you get.

gigbyte has longer support and are duriable for 5 year + and better overall athestics and colour selection and plently of various shades

I've had asus boards and that are not too bad but not ground breakingly good ether like coloursdon't much and not breath takingly athestic or good at cooling and often or not run hotter than the other main brands.

as for Asrock only the modern As-rock boards have been okay like the 1151 intel and the 990 AMD chip set
and support is longer than asus or gigabyte
but lack the cooling of both.

MSI is a oddball its ether really good or really shit

EVGA , meh teir and over priced.

+1 to you on this.

>MSI is a oddball its ether really good or really shit

Just get any Z board, you'll do fine. (ofc from the 3 asus, gigabyte or asrock)

Well the Asus Z170-A never did me any wrong.


This one has problem with sound and especially calls. You can google it.

It's great, get it.

I got an asus z170-a as well, always works nice, has epu and dram settings, a really nice soundcard and a preconfigured os sata port. Never had any issues with it.

And the difference between Z170-A and Z170-PRO are that you either choose 2 extra USB 3.0 ports or get a USB 3.1 port.

yeh get it, i bought it last week and its good

member to buy new ram too

You're probably not ever going to use half of its features in real life for the duration that you are using it, which will probably be 5-8 months when it becomes too obsolete and replaced with something way fucking better than it at a lower price

i was looking at the A but it also has less sata ports that was what made me look for another

No, ECS as a last resort, ASRock second.

I have the board and it's pretty good. Just get it OP the software is great too

>I will when I get paid
>meaning you don't make enough to buy it now

You don't have enough

>can buy the board without neglecting any bills or food
>dont have enough


what software? do you mean the uefi?

Its a fucking motherboard. besides the sata controller everything is inside the CPU. it doesnt really matter
Its not the 2000s where you have north/southbridges that could make or break your computer

That, and they include some nice programs to optimise fan speeds and overclocking within Windows

How is that any special? My old P35-DS3R had 8 sata ports and more USB than I can use.

>still caring about SATA
>not using m2 or PCIe SSDs

its one of the few LGA 1151 motherboards with a decent amount of either

Look at all those shitty reviews

i stopped looking at reviews when i realized only the tech illiterate write them