
What do you use to backup your computer Sup Forums?
Copy&paste? Drive images?
What's the best backup software on Windoze and leenux these days?

>backing up
>not living in risk

im not as brave as you lad, help a welp out

Copy paste to external drive

Hate cloud, hate back up "software"

backup what?
rsync pull for servers, blocklevel snapshots on Databases, time machine for laptop/desktop

time machine on mac is cool over ethernet to nas+encrypted

I pretty much back up everything in my sftp server

>Top 10 most amazing superpowers of dogs

I dont save anything local.
No risk and basically this has been industry standard for 10 years.

Azure storage account over SMB 3.0.

It's geo-redundant.
It's offsite.
It's encrypted at rest and in transit.
It's 5TB max per file share with unlimited shares.
It's free to store (only costs money to bring it out).

For cold storage of backups, it's kind of a no-brainer.

I don't understand this picture.


no backup. if the windows disk dies or whatever, i'll lose some savegames. no big deal.
nas box rsync-pulls from every desktop/laptop, backup box rsync-pulls from nas box (after taking a db snapshot with pg_dump). important stuff is saved to sd card once a month and placed in a safe in my brother's house.

Sounds gud. Hope their cloud service is better than their Update server.

OP has clearly never had a pet dog...he thinks dogs crossing there front paws like that is noteworthy


robocopy C:\Users\Admin D:\Backup
rsync -avh --delete --no-l /home/user/ /media/user/drive/backup

oops - forgot /mir parameter for the robocopy command

Been using robocopy /mir for syncing my mp3 player lately, pretty neat. Does it handle interruptions well though?

Make a shorcut of the C drive and copy/paste that into a thumb drive.

Borg to backup anywhere i want to with encryption

I'd use a raid setup too if I could

rsync to my Raspberry Pi server running a 2TB RAID1 array

Sometimes dogs and cats cross their paws while they're sitting and it makes them look like they have class.

sshfs and syncthing goes to my server than server storage gets rsynced into a separate hdd


Desktop: CrashPlan to connected external drive. Runs everyday and backs up all the data I have, versioned. Weekly image of C drive that gets saved to CrashPlan drive and another one. Weekly copy/paste of all of my data except videos (which I don't really care about or have anything important in) to a third external.

Laptop: an image of my MacBook Pro HDD stored on my CrashPlan and C: image drives. I only make a new one if I change a decent amount. I don't really use it often and it has no real data on it. The dual-booted Ubuntu doesn't get shit because I don't care.

All the external drives are encrypted, as is my desktop. Laptop currently isn't because I was fucking around with Linux distros recently.

Automatic robocopy to my external HDD. Also automatic rsync to a rpi running at my parent's house with external HDD attached to it.

What do you mean? They clearly have an amazballs network that utilizes clients to offload their massive bloated updates. It's like a giant torrent swarm except Microsoft saves the money on bandwidth because the customers help to distribute broken fucking updates! I've had 3 people in the last 2 days all get fucked from that last batch of updates.