What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
He should've built a wall between his money and wife
well cuck'd
>What did he mean by this?
Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks
(He should have spent all his money on himself and declared bankruptcy before dying)
More like
>Steve Deads
Cucked beyond the grave
I'm glad Donald Trump lost the election.
He was married?
Was she an anorexic?
A bitch is a bitch no matter how hard it is to see sometimes. Dont get me wrong I love women but they are vile and disgusting creatures.
Like this user says
How do you sexually identify?
not him, but same sentiment. straight. the dude took the refreshing candor of not being a career politician and fucked it up by putting his foot in his mouth basically every time he had an audience of more than 10 people.
i would've liked trump from 5 years ago to win. or 10. or 20. he just got depressing, needy, and all edgelord-y in the last year. all of his supporters seem to be depressingly retarded or edgelords as well, so i guess it suits him
a bull
I hate steve as much as the next guy but god damn this is fucked up. He got cucked, from the grave.
I agree but even a turd would be better than hillary - bot.
Not really, hillary will turn america into a SJW paradise but trump would have turned it into a target. Still sucks either way though, just a little bit less with hilloli.
I am not american and I can't wrap my head around the fact that Bernie didn't win.
There wasn't a single wrong thing in his program.
I guess americans didn't find him charismatic enough.
that's just it. if donald trump literally just went up and said "look fuckfaces i don't know shit about syria or putin or anything but i figure i can't possibly be worse than the shit for brains politicians we've had for the past couple cycles, can i?" then he'd have won in a landslide.
instead, trump went out there with shit like "I have the best memory in the world" and all this other shit that was easy to disprove. he made his wife give a speech and her speechwriter ended up copying michelle obama's speech. he just overextended himself insanely. he thoroughly embarrassed himself at every turn. what's he been doing this week? hotel openings or something?
hillary's corrupt, but trump made that look better than a petty, angry nutcase. i bet if he had just not tweeted for the past year that would have been enough for him to overcome hillary.
trump somehow made a corrupt dynasty look appealing. these last few weeks i almost wonder if this was his plan. nobody could bomb this hard, could they?
The DNC sabotaged him, he was never going to get the Democratic nomination.
The DNC did everything they could to shut him out. They already promised Hilary the nod back in 2008.
It was planned out like that - he got "campaign" money to attract voters for the "democrats". Then they just rigged the elections so Killary would go against Trump.
Trump knows women are disloyal parasites
At the very beginning I had this feeling as if Trump was put against Hillary as a clown, so she would have a chance of winning.
US elections are a scam anyways, they aren't even close to credible.
the short version is that clinton seemed like the more moderate candidate between the two of them, so she would win undecided voters. this was the rationale people gave pretty early on (well, that and the argument that "it's her turn" or something stupid).
i can still see the logic in it. if you go with bernie, he even alienates some of the more conservative democrats, so you would expect him to alienate the fuck out of "moderates". clinton is super mainstream though. "moderates" (and let's just call them what they are - retards) might just vote for "clinton" because that sounds like a presidential name (because it was). and clinton wouldn't lose an appreciable proportion of bernie supporters unless they actually didn't support bernie on the issues but really just wanted a democratic flavor of "watch the world burn"
nobody expected trump to implode like he did in the last month. absolutely nobody saw that coming. i mean even trump's victory in the primaries was shocking, so everyone that was looking at polling data just couldn't formulate a model that made sense of the past and convincingly offered anything on the future.
>hillary will turn america into a SJW
Why would she do that?
He can't into economics at all
She's not a moderate, she's a bad chameleon wannabe.
us elections are like choosing your favorite fastfood restaurant.
all candidated become cancer inducing
Only memes win in the US. Take Obama as an example.
>le monkey president meme
It could very well be that everything was organized to let that old hag win. They prepared a perfect plan.
>has a vagina
>is going to let fuck tons of muslims in the country
>plans on stacking on more gun control
>is going to increase taxes to fund her stupid programs
>cares about black lives
i don't see clinton losing to any of the other candidates. carson? christie? giuliani? even as secondary characters these guys have made fools of themselves. put them under more scrutiny and they would've popped like an ant under a microscope.
so that leaves Jeb!, Rubio, and... who else? Fiorina? Cruz's resemblance to a lizard is too strong. even john boehner called cruz "a miserable son of a bitch" and described him as "lucifer". this from the former speaker of the house. from the same party.
Fiorina was a disaster. her business history was just trashed. straight up business people have too many layoffs in their histories for them to ever seem likable. i don't think we'll ever get a straight up businessman to be president because of that.
so back to Jeb! and Rubio. i have no idea what happened with Rubio. the dude just melted down under the pressure from Trump. i have to assume he would've done the same during the general election run-up. and Jeb! had all this baggage from being a bush.
if it became an election for Bush v Clinton, undecideds would vote for the name they associate with prosperity — Clinton. these undecided retards associate "Bush" with 9/11, katrina, the housing crisis, etc... and it'd be hard for Jeb! to escape that>
Well she never does what she says publicly, and she is racist when not on stage, as a simple internet search could prove.
>two party system
That's not why they got Bernie with the dems.
I'm not American or read about politics. What is the state of the election? Is it finished? What happened?
if you're arguing that Bernie Sanders isn't more to the left than Clinton is, you're a nutty little fruitcake who's been left out under the sun for too long. and that's the point: sanders is consistently to the left of clinton. he rightly called himself a democratic socialist. that sort of shit scares away people that aren't registered as democrats.
everything in your little foursquare of shame or whatever places clinton somewhere between sanders and... let's say Cruz. because honestly Trump has been all over the place as well. which is fine, because as a businessman he shouldn't be all bitchy and nitpicky about his politics. but that also makes it hard to go full politics.
i feel like going between business and politics this way is a little like going between business and academia. you can go from academia to business (andrew ng and a number of others have done/do this), and you can keep your feet dipped in both pools, but i don't see people going into business whole hog and then being able, years or a decade later, to return. you're just too tainted.
you need to write more. i have no idea what point you're trying to make. what do you mean by "got Bernie with the dems"?
Why you do this?
steve got cucked
There was Rand Paul, too bad he's a manlet
Bernie lost because none of the other Democrats liked him over Hillary.
The funny thing is though, that if the election was trump vs Bernie I think Bernie would blow him away.
It was his logo for the campaign, autist.
that was his slogan thing.
oh right, randy rand paul. like ron paul without quite all of the racist letter baggage. i don't know what happened to him. too soft spoken i guess? i mean it's not a great sign when i literally can't remember anything about him. and i was a fan of jon huntsman back in 2012. that dude was more vanilla extract than mitt romney and i still remember the guy. he had foreign policy chops that literally no other serious candidate these days has. i forgot what killed him — maybe he just wasn't crazy enough — but i wish he would've run this time around.
him and/or paul ryan together (with paul ryan being his current "i'm just too fucking tired of this retarded shit" air about him) would've been a great ticket.
He was a standalone until they paid him to join the dems.
Bernie was weak and the Democrats set out to sabotage him from the start. There's no way he could have handled foreign policy. Ever since those two paid off BLM women took the mic from him at a rally I knew he had no chance
Thank you, I wasn't aware because I'm not American and I paid little attention to the primaries.
Mostly because, lol primaries.
oh man, you know what would've been a kickass campaign?
paul ryan, jon huntsman, or some other person as yet unnamed (everyone i mentioned so far demonstrated that their judgment was just too poor for the presidency) for the republican ticket
then for the dem ticket... biden, bernie, or what's her name — warren something? — pick any two of them
this campaign was a fucking shitshow all around. and whoever wins will almost certainly win again in 4 years. so all of these above people are probably going to be too old or too sick of this shit to go for it in 8 years. i don't even want to think about what weak loser fucks these parties will have in a decade.
>I am not american and I can't wrap my head around the fact that Bernie didn't win.
>There wasn't a single wrong thing in his program.
there actually was many
see: his FTT proposal. it makes no sense, sweden tried it in the same fashion as it was proposed in the 90s and they had a financial crisis with all of their markets moving to london instead.
how the fuck do you intend to impose a tax on even LOSSES in the stock market
honestly dude someone needs to do a compilation of all the shit that was literally laughably stupid about the primaries. there was this debate among the republicans where 2 or 3 of the guys (carson, trump, and maybe someone else?) literally just stood around like fucking retards for like 5 minutes after their names had been called. sometimes i go find that video and watch it to laugh at this shit.
so you're missing some comedy highlights, but even if you were american i could forgive you for not keeping up with this shit. if i didn't take a break from this shit i bet the republican primaries would've given me an ulcer. i feel like all the candidates were ideologically so scattershot that it was like they didn't know what the fuck they were doing.
honestly if you think sanders' financial transaction tax proposal details were the subject of much scrutiny during the primaries, one of us wasn't paying much attention. maybe it was me (honestly it might've been), but i don't remember anything substantive coming up during the primaries
Well, yeah. It's comedy gold, but it's sad that American democracy has been reduced to bickering and childish fighting and slogans and catchy catchphrases.
I seriously hope that after this election, given that Hillary is having the landslide election it looks like she's getting, and given that the outcome of this election is also looking to influence the Senate and HoR elections, I'm seriously rooting for the Republican party to move away from the primary election system and focus more on either direct democracy or just choosing the head of the party as their candidate.
Also, I don't like how the reps are trying to appeal to the "grassroot" by acting all edgy all of a sudden (with Palin and the teaparty in the previous election and now with Trump). Seriously, it's pushing away voters and is the opposite of the popular Reaganism.
I mean, I don't even know what the fuck either candidate's policy actually is on certain topics, because even the fucking debates are just about flinging shit like mad chimpanzees at each other.
Seriously, US, WTF?
what's most likely going to happen is the republican party will implode after the election. they're trying to regroup now so they can keep the house and senate, but it's looking like they might lose the senate too. probably not the house, but the house is where retards go to play government.
i think it's unlikely that the republican party will push for a serious change to how people are represented. i think it's more likely that they'll spend some time reflecting on whether the evangelical base is worth appealing to at all. the republican party could cover a lot more people if it just stopped pretending that both extremes needed to be covered (with bernie covering the socialists and the republicans going all bible thumber on everyone)
it's a clusterfuck. we'll see what happens in the next 6 months. the senate will rise or fall entirely on voter turnout, which (thanks to trump) will be at an all time low among conservatives. way to go, trump.
Paul Ryan and John huntsman will both so be younger than the current nominees in eight years. I'm still hoping for that Rand will figure out how to appear presidential, personally, I agree with most of his positions and he's not insane like most of the group this year
>she starts dating a nigger
steven jobs should have made sure they bury her with him like in the good old days.
>think it's more likely that they'll spend some time reflecting on whether the evangelical base is worth appealing to at all.
>the republican party could cover a lot more people if it just stopped pretending that both extremes needed to be covered
Well, that's a good thing too though. If I were American I would definitively vote Republican for their economic stance and stance on stuff like affirmative action and these things, but the irrational hatred on gays and seriously wasting everyone's time with making bills that enforce which toilet you go poopoo on all the time wasted on making all these arbitrary anti-abortion stuff is a serious dealbreaker for my part.
Not that it matters since I'm not American, but I
feel plenty of younger Americans feel the same way.
I mean, from an universal healthcare system, legalized abortions is actually a good thing because various statistics point to poor Americans suffering the most from abortions being hard to get, and these are also the most reliant on various welfare systems (such as Obamacare). Not getting a kid because you can't afford it would in many cases equal one less future welfare recipient.
i feel like paul ryan is just burnt out from being speaker. i haven't heard from huntsman in years, but maybe he's in cocoon mode or something.
it's a null point though. huntsman is a principled, intellectual conservative, and the party doesn't want that. it wants a trump-palin ticket and t-shirt canons.
maybe rand can make himself more appealing in 4 or 8 years, but he sort of aligned himself with the tea party movement — the conservative side's version of occupy wall street, so it was less popular and isn't as cool in hindsight — so he'll probably need to shake that. add to that the fact that he opposes gun control and the reality that there's a mass shooting practically every other day in the US and he'll have to figure out a more likable position than "arm everyone, that'll stop a crazed shooter", which seems to be the favorite position among gun rights advocates.
libertarianism sounds fine at first, but it kind of only seems to work in moderation. you actually take a scalpel to some of the internal organs and you find you might miss some government programs.
yes, but most young people don't vote, and most old people do. this is part of why both parties appeal broadly to older voters (and also part of the calculus in picking clinton — bernie was more appealing to younger voters but we still don't have a good handle on whether young people will bother to vote, or what will motivate them).
this thread made me vote for Hilary
#imwithher thank you for correcting the record fellow hilldogs
Did he grab her by the pussy
Pls no
Sanders is a fucking kike, all he knows is economics.
So you'd rather have cold war with Russia and China?
dude free stuff lmao
It's rigged. The states that are required to win use Soros electronic voting machines with no source code published.
Can you hear my heartbeat?
Tired of feeling never enough
I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true
There'll be no more darkness
when you believe in yourself you are unstoppable
Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades,
you set my heart on fire
Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
We were born to beat Hillary
We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
Yes, we were born to beat Hillary
Can you hear my heartbeat?
I've got a feeling it's never too late
I close my eyes and see myself how my dreams will come true
There'll be no more darkness
when you believe in yourself you are unstoppable
Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades,
you set my heart on fire
Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
We were born to make history
We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
Yes, we were born to beat Hillary
Whatta cunt you are
>people on Sup Forums unironically believe that Hillary Clinton is the lesser evil
What the hell happened? I thought Sup Forums was a NatSoc board?
Every time I read one of his tweets that ends in an exclamatory statement, I can't help but feel like I'm reading something that an Indian
Fuck you, I'm not replying to your nigger posts.
He was expressing his hatred for cucks
Sup Forums aka /r/the_donald fucked themselves in the ass by shitting up every board and making the whole site hate them and their opinions
>is going to increase taxes to fund her stupid programs
She's not going to increase taxes for anything other than warfare and bailing out her lobbyist sponsors
>cares about black lives
If you honestly believe that, you're retarded
>is going to let fuck tons of muslims in the country
Brown people are cheap labor, plus she wants those SJW brownie (pun completely intended) points.
>cares about black lives
>any politician
>caring about common folk
>caring about anyone who isn't their own race