What program do you guys use to read manga on Linux?
What program do you guys use to read manga on Linux?
I wait for the aneme version to come out. English dub, of course.
my HTC 10
PC's are not comfy for reading anything at all
18+ board
Website based off of anime, fuckwit :^)
>read manga on Linux?
I don't. Computers are for writing, tablets are for reading. Linux is shit on tablets.
>tablets are for reading
wrong, tablets are for watching movies, books are for reading.
Wrong, scrolls are for reading
My tablet. Reading mango on a computer is not comfy.
Wrong tablets is for snorting books is for secret doorway BTW I'm not a robot
Tachiyomi on my tablet.
The default image viewer in Ubuntu
cat, as in
cat manga > /dev/null
Here you go user, i compressed your image
> he needs a special program to read her chinese cartons
And that changes what I said... how?
I just download them with a self-written C program and read them with feh.
ok op, now have the real answer: mcomix
ranger with feh if manga is in jpgs