Am I the only one seeing this?
Am I the only one seeing this?
Other urls found in this thread:
What am I looking at?
tell us what browser is this, so we can laugh
firefox and chrome
>not opera
What the fuck
>using the homepage
Not OP, but I have a new, big-ass space right above this thread. Anybody else seeing it?
>just blocked it, it's ##.adg-rects
This, actually. Who the fuck uses that?
Yeah, I had the same empty space right below the board name. I blocked the same element as you.
Even with adblock on, I still see a huge gap between the title of the board and "Post a Reply".
I knew Hiroshimoot would sell us to the highest bidder.
can confirm
what's the chink up to now
just block it and move on. You know it's going to be ads.
>can confirm
gb2 rddit
works on my machine
>browsing Sup Forums in the same browser as Facebook
>using Facebook at all
What are you even doing on Sup Forums, lad?
Not him/her but what's wrong with Facebook?
hurrr durr normie get out reeeee
that shit
It's adspace
I have Sup Forums unblocked and was bombarded by malicious ad spam today
Hiro put a bunch of ads on the front page. Adblockers haven't added cosmetics filters yet.
its hard to be anonymous when the site demand you use a legitimate name or they'll ban you. Also just being with other people who use it shows what kind of retarded culture facebook has proliferated. On top of all of that, they inspect your cookies and history and try to force ads that "cater to you" there.
If one uses facebook, I'd recommend doing it on a separate browser, because facebook can build a profile of you - through the single sign-in thing, the facebook "like" and "share" buttons, and a lot more crap. Third-party cookies play a role, too.
I guess, it doesn't hurt if you're okay with Facebook knowing most sites you visit, but this is a valid privacy concern.
Just changing your browser isn't likely enough to stop them from completely doing that crap, but it's /something/.
fucking mook is making bank with his deceiving "muh 4chin is in danger of closing"
if thr fucking chinese kike is receiving donations, he must open up about costs
Whatdefugg hiroshimoot
nip jew.
hosts blocking doesn't prevent that
The space is there with ublock origin as well. The cosmetic filters just need to be updated.
>hosts blocking doesn't prevent that
Which is probably for the better. Ad-blocking extensions shift elements around to hide space reserved for ads, which can move other tables out of position and make the site look like shit.
What the fuck are those ads even supposed to advertise?
bait links to other sites full of ads
>using the worst chromium browser
fucking leave
Privacy Badger, my nigga
Fucking shit. We've been sold out. Motherfucking gookmoot
are retarded what the fuck do you browser off of the chan.
>visiting the front page
gtfo fag
Attractive Russian girls are online, don't you want to talk to them user?
No, girls suck.
It's affecting the threads too
Don't know what you're talking about famalama.
Not on Android.
Fucking goot
>implying any girl browses Sup Forums
Is Sup Forums actually scamming those scammers?
.center:nth-of-type(5) { display: none !important }
.center:nth-of-type(10) { display: none !important }
.adg-rects { display: none !important }
.belowLeaderboard { display: none !important }
If your adblock isn't catching it all this will get rid of the empty spaces.
haha, yeah, I just did this too.
Funny how Sup Forums allows you to add custom CSS to remove its own ads.
> Make Sup Forums Great Again
boards.Sup > .center:nth-of-type(4)
boards.Sup > .center:nth-of-type(10)
boards.Sup > tfoot > tr > td
boards.Sup > .center:nth-of-type(3)
boards.Sup >
boards.Sup > .center:nth-of-type(3)
boards.Sup > .center:nth-of-type(8)
boards.Sup > .center:nth-of-type(7)
boards.Sup > thead > tr > td > .aboveMidAd
!boards.Sup, blockquote > br + br:nth-last-child(2)
It can only hide them, the ads will still be loaded if they aren't blocked by something else.
Out of sight, out of mind, friend.
Remember when the ads were real, static images? Not these privacy invading, malware shitty animations? This was the only site I felt fine to whitelist but now I have to block
Some of them redirect you to malware if they're allowed to run. That's the main problem with not blocking them.
>using an addon to take screenshots
Press shift+f2, then type in "screenshot --fullpage".
You're welcome.
How do I add this to Chrome?
I know I'm a newfag but I just want Sup Forums to look normal again
1. Install uBlockOrigin
2. follow screenshot
thank you blessed user
You're welcome.
>be on phone
>browser wanted to download some apk file
That's neat, but clicking three times is much faster.
fucking kek
The speed you earn with clicking 3 times is a lot less than the speed you lost from having yet another addon
Not really, I just checked and they both take the same amount of time to complete, but the GCLI route requires having to type.
Is there any way to get an adblocker on my phone without getting a google account?
Literally impossible
Use Firefox, you can install uBlockOrigin
Don't listen to the other two, they're idiots.
Install F-droid
Install adaway from f-droid
You still have the blabk spaces but works just as well as any other adblock. Doesn't have a banner if you're rooted
Nope. Something fucked up somewhere.
>mfw the filthy gook sold us out
Not even Moot was that much of a kike
>cant get ride of blank spaces
Not a problem with ublock origin
And this works with no root? How about for YouTube and shit.
Welp, hiro ruined the site even more. I cant root my fucking phone because of the usb c meme.
Can i install a lightweight adblocker for android without root? Which one?
Perhaps a Sup Forums browsing app is better? Which keep the experience similar?
Learn how to fucking block their shit then, you retards.
It is trivial.
Just use clover
Fucking hell, read the thread. Install firefox or chrome and use ublock origin you can select what elements you dont want to show.
I have always used Chrome on Mobile, how is Fox? I need something quick.
I have used youtube app for a very long time and only notice ads when I don't update adaway periodically (once every 2 weeks/1 month is fine). The update is built in the app, not as an actual update
Thanks, ill give it a try
>he bought newshit
Nice memery.
Your fault for being a fucking idiot.
You never buy or update anything unless you can be sure to continue your experience unhindered and unfucked-with.
Install a DNS server, or install a VPN firewall. ("no-root firewall")
>clearly said he is a phonefag
i saw it and just blocked the element quietly. what the fuck is wrong with you needy winbabies?
haha mobile cuck gtfo
Shit. How does Adaway work with no root? Any ideas? Considering getting it just for that.
Its the principal of it. moot had shitth porn ads and realised it was a bad idea so he removed it. Hiro is doing it again, adding more trackers, as well as asking for donations
I am not sure about the mobile version, but i had to add this to remove the spaces:Rrmove the lines about global message amd blottler if like to see the Sup Forums news.
I don't know, there is a small icon on the top that can't be removed when in use but it does work. Just download fdroid then adaway and give it a go. Free anyway
>there is a small icon on the top that can't be removed
What do you mean?
Vote trump, he will send the chink back to the bleach
ty senpai ~^_^
Aw I see, that doesn't seem like a big deal honestly.
>I cant root my fucking phone because of the usb c meme.
the fuck? USB C stops you from rooting your phone? how'd that even work?
Fuck up.
>clearly said he is a phonefag
Why would that stop him from using those browsers and addon/extension?
>I'm proud of having no friends
>there is only one way to communicate with friends
>awhahahahah this fucking guy doesn't have facebook, lets beat him up and call him a nerd
Where as in reality
>do you have facebook?
>nah, but here's my number if ya need anything
>not denying it
They mostly lack that ability.
The phone versions are absolutely shit-tier compared to desktop.
White list Sup Forums, they clearly need the money you fucking jewey cunt
friends or not, facebook is cancer.
You're all my friends