Ok your starting to piss me off by complaining about the ads! The ads don't get in the way at all and at least they are...

Ok your starting to piss me off by complaining about the ads! The ads don't get in the way at all and at least they are not popup ads! Be happy the website is still up, thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:


>The ads don't get in the way at all

you got that right

>leaving all sorts of blank space

Ads are literally damaging the brains of all of us, clever boy :^)

>The cancer killing Sup Forums
Either way I miss the jlist ads


What do you use?

uBlock Origin.

Cleaned it up a bit more.

Why do cucks like you even use Sup Forums?
gb2reddit if you can't properly set up your browser, you insufferable faggot

It doesn't remove the spaces by itself, you have to do it manually.

boards.Sup Forums.org###bannerCnt
boards.Sup Forums.org###blotter
boards.Sup Forums.org##.aboveMidAd
boards.Sup Forums.org##body > .center:nth-of-type(10)
boards.Sup Forums.org##.belowLeaderboard
boards.Sup Forums.org##.party-hat
boards.Sup Forums.org##.adg-rects
boards.Sup Forums.org##.center:nth-of-type(6) > div
boards.Sup Forums.org##.center:nth-of-type(6)

If by manually you mean clicking the little eyedropper thing and then clicking on what you want gone, then sure. It's pretty easy.

I don't use adblock because I want the website to stay up and running, I don't mind them. And I'll have you know I use reddit a lot too, its a great site!


The ads don't even show up for me. I tried disabling both uBlock Origin and uMatrix but there's just a huge blank space there.

Do they require Flash or something to display?

I disabled ublock, and there's not even an empty space

Here's how it looks for me.

I wonder if Sup Forums X is breaking the ad.

>people actually pay hiroyuki for scam passes
Top cuck

Turns out it was Sup Forums X, though only half the ad seems to show up still.

Checked for respect.


uBlock filters:

What ads?

Just block

boards.Sup Forums.org##.adg-rects

Feels good using Clover, phoneposter masterrace.

the fuck you on OP

rice, mate

I think about jlist ads everyday
Those were some ads I didn't have a problem with

Today i turned on adblocker on on Sup Forums for the first time.

Sup Forums doesn't even serve ads for me

What's the best application for browsing Sup Forums available on android?

clover on fdroid

I have ublock (used to keep it disabled on Sup Forums though). I still have a large blank space.

Anyone without this problem, mind sharing all your particular and third party ublock filters?

Try adding this to your filters: boards.Sup Forums.org##.center
It worked for me.

Mind reading the thread?

>Be happy the website is still up, thanks.
The website that was perfectly fine financially running solely on J-List ads before moot left?

if you're not using an ad blocker you are dumb enough to deserve shitty malicious ads in your breakfast

It needs to be .center[style] or you'll hide some other things such as the save button on the settings dialog.

yea this is pretty garbage. i saw the expanded header and thought there was some sort of halloween event going on so i unblocked it, but it looks like hiroshimoot is just a fucking faggot

im glad ads are finally up.

Hiro, honestly, I have to say that you are very stupid. Not only are you asking for much money all of a sudden to pay for of Sup Forums, and a few extra servers (which you don't need and don't deserve). I personally hope Sup Forums dies, and a proper site like iichan or 5chan is once again reborn. This piece of crap you call a site has nothing to do with an image board anymore. It is the craphole of the internet, with the worst mods ever pushed out of your asshole. You've done nothing for Sup Forums fans other than allow the 12 year old "noobs" to overrun the place. I like to think of Sup Forums as a giant room, filled with thousands and thousands of bottom feeding rats shitting and pissing all over themselves, until finally being caught in the giant mousetrap that is W.T. Snacks. You may live for a little while, but you're going to be pissing and shitting all over yourself. And then you'll get banned, and then you'll cry. And then wonder why you gave ten dollars to someone who hasn't even left his teens yet.


I don't understand why these companies would even pay to advertise here. I would wager that 99.9% of Sup Forums users are internet-savvy enough to know these ads are a scam. The only people who they might get to click these ads are normalfags who have just showed up from a link in some news article, and even that's a stretch.

>I would wager that 99.9% of Sup Forums users are internet-savvy enough to know these ads are a scam.
Did you come here after captcha?


It really only takes someone marginally familiar with the internet to know that "this hot girl wants to fuck you"-type ads are a load of bollocks. I assume anyone here is at least that familiar with the internet to never click these ads.


Block all ads, let this shit site burn to the ground.

I don't see them.

how will I /fa/ though?

glossgloss blogspot

The fuck are you normalfags talking about