So I need to get a new USB drive

So I need to get a new USB drive.
Thinking of getting this Samsung one or the Kingston one that's a single metal body.
Looking mainly for one that's sturdy as fuck and doesn't have any moving parts
Anyone use these before? Are they any strong?

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Yeah, I have like 20 of the ones you posted. They're great.

Just bought one myself. Looks quality.

i can happily say that i haven't seen anyone quibble about thumb drives in the last 5 years. just get a three pack from costco and stop being such a nervous nelly about it

I just got one of these in the 128GB variant and it's good! Very sturdy and compact, it's gonna be my main USB drive. One thing I noticed is that it gets a tad warm, not a biggie, it uses the body of the drive as a heat spreader.

I say go for it! It only cost like $29.99.

Gonna get some type of key chain or some shit for mines, so I won't lose it.

I have that same one in 64gb, it's faster than the toshiba ones i've had.

I had a drive like this was that was flat so I could stick it in my wallet window. It was a convenient because I have an aversion to putting a USB stick on my keychain for whatever reason.

What do you guys use that for? I have never needed one in my life

samsung the best

others overheat and are slow

This looks neat. Sounds like a good idea to keep it in a wallet.

How did it hold up in there?

t. Samsung marketeer

Kingston Digital Data Traveler SE9 G2 USB 3.0

Not the fastest but lasts forever.
I have both the old USB 2 and the new USB 3 version on my keychain.


badly, thanks for asking
I am very rough my electronics and while the stick never broke, it kinda became less reliable over time
then I lost it because it was too small for my brain to handle
a more responsible user would make good use of a wallet usb.

I feel ya. Would something like this maybe be better suited?

>then I lost it because it was too small for my brain to handle
Then you definitely want one that goes on a key chain.

keychain or wallet- which do you carry more? which would you prefer?
the choice is yours user, but if you're storing really important shit or huge files, I think those unibody ones look nice, esp. the usb3.0 ones
though a true usb stick patrician never buys thumb drives. they only find

But you can't plug that in the new Mac, it's shit, don't buy.

>implying I know where my keys are

>implying I know where my keys are
Plugged into your PC of course :^)

I mean I have a 128GB version of the one OP posted but I want something that I can beat and take with me.

I don't even know what I would keep on it but I could find something.

Lol I barely even use my large USB drive.

Also it would be cool to keep it where I keep my keys or wallet, don't care.

tranny porn

>I mean I have a 128GB version of the one OP posted but I want something that I can beat and take with me.
then just buy the cheapest one you can holmes

Yup, but has to be fairly compact.

i like peenie
i got one like this but it's transparent blue 128gb

... and usb 2.0

That's exactly what I had on my keychain until a few weeks ago. Now I only carry the 3.0.

whoops, no pic

buy this one, it's waterproof so you can put it in your ass raw without a condom

I have it. It's nice, just gets a little hot when uploading for stuff for more than a minute.


That shit looks like a meme

I have the 32gb version of this, 2+ years of service.

Yeezy the snowman.

did you find it on campus fo free like me?

No, I usually buy my stuff, nice shit finding free stuff

i felt kinda bad but there was nothing on it to identify anyone with, it just had movies on it lmao

Had a solid metal body type of one . No matter how much it seems like an okay thing to do, don't open a beer with it. 40 gigs gone like tears in rain.

i bet you played soccer (football) with your gamecube too

I got the 32GB version of pic related for $10. The loop is metal and the casing is hard rubber. It's pretty fast and very durable. Highly recommend.

I'll admit to being tempted to get one of these almost completely because of how great it looks.

Buy the Samsung duo. It's small and has a micro usb connector too.

I got both that your asking about OP.
The samsung is faster but it gets much hotter and throttles

I've had this guy on my keyring for the past year, upon visual inspection it appears to have taken no damage. highly recommended