Why not give us touch screen instead of this stupid touch bar, Apple?

>why not give us touch screen instead of this stupid touch bar, Apple?
>tiny context menus, tiny icons everywhere
>implying a touch screen for an OS which is not optimized for touch screens would be any good

By the way, Microsoft Surface.

Wrong board

Because they don't want people smearing their fingerprints all over the Macbook.

it's not even a picture of a MBP, OP. are you that retarded, or are all of the stock photos already on this board and giving you duplicate file errors when you try to upload them?

why are you faggots so obsessed with apple? why do you *all* need to start your own threads about it? do you like getting worked up and having tantrums and shit?

if fingerprint smears are an acceptable arguement against touchscreens then why is iphone touchscreen

not him, but probably because there aren't many better options for a smartphone.

do you really need me to give you that answer? you can come up with that yourself, can't you? like why do we need to have this back and forth? you're not stupid. i'm not stupid. just skip to the part where you have a question where the answer isn't self-evident and maybe one of us can answer it.

Someone is in dire need of attention and it's (((((You))))).

They have said plenty of times, having a touchscreen on a laptop is retarded, your screen stands up right, if you were to use it as a touch screen your arms would get tired. Also have you seen someone use such a touchscreen laptop for real? It's so awkward as they constantly switch between touch, trackpad and keyboard as they not exactly know all the time how to interact witth the thing.

>having a touchscreen on a laptop is retarded

Just like having a stylus is retarded, right?

Apple will make a touchscreen laptop in time

it literally is a picture of a macbook. you can see it right there in the image.

>touch screen
Found the retard
Apple is shit. See:

They will soon just make the entire trackpad a touchscreen.

this, it's only a matter of time

In the words of Steve Jobs (sort of), he stated that touch screen displays on computers causes arm fatigue.

Why would you need to touch the whole screen when you can touch a strip goy?

Oh so you can rotate a photo with a slider on a strip? nigga you can pinch and grub the screen and rotate your mom like a mofo with a touchscreen.

By the way, Microsoft Surface.

>touch screen on laptops

yeah they haven't done it because even apple knows it's retarded and OSX isn't made for touch

Your greentext reflects the poor reading comprehension that most of Sup Forums suffers from. OP actually mocks the idea of a touchscreen because macOS isn't optimized for one.

What "" """""optimization"""""""" would OS X even need for touch controls? The apps and buttons are already fuck huge enough for grubby neckbeard fingers, and there's no navigation done with a trackpad that couldn't be done with a finger. I'd take current OS X with a touchscreen over babbymode iOS any day of the week, every year that iOS has existed.

>OSX isn't made for touch
could have fooled me with that ridiculous dock eating up screen space

>apple releases the touchbar
>normies go crazy over it
>now every computer must have the touchbar
>used non-touchbar laptops flood the market

looking forward to paying $300 for Thinkpad x1 carbon

>microsoft surface
>an inferior mac ripoff
Seems like every company is playing catch up to apple

What apps are we talking about? Because besides the folders being scalable, Finder would be a nightmare to use on a touchscreen, so would the menu bar and its tiny menus and icons.