How easy would it be to set up a Sup Forums ark, for someone with little website creation experience? Is the forum software upon which Sup Forums is based very customized and freely available?
How easy would it be to set up a Sup Forums ark, for someone with little website creation experience...
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good luck paying for the servers
I'd just be limiting it to british Sup Forums users really. I guess a standard BB forum would do but the Sup Forums image board format would be nice
There's plenty of open source image board software out there
KusabaX if you're a baddy.
vichan if you're a goody.
Do you have the server capacity and bandwidth to support those kind of loads?
He's gonna have 10 users at most
Good luck with ddos attacks from imgur servers.
Don't forget pedobears.
Your mom sure knows how to take large loads
Literally impossible for a lonefag. This site generates over 100TB of traffic A DAY.
>Literally impossible for a lonefag.
It happened.
Nah mate brit/pol/ threads get about 50 users per thread with about 16 threads per day, if all users went with the same posting rate it could easy be 1600 posts per day, my only worry is in how much bandwidth that would make.
Did you perhaps mean, fork?
>More than 10 years ago
Oh I know, I was just suggesting making one that is just for political discussion and blocking all IPs not in the commonwealth
Already been happening for the last 10 years in the form of other chans. Unfortunately these always end up being circlejerks a la irc or bbs. you need to learn to go with the flow and not just make some alternate shitty site every time things don't go your way. your site will go to shit within a few months as you find out it's just too easy to hit the ban button as your shitty interests boil to the top and you ban everyone over nothing
>Source: last 10 years of shitty alternate chans that pop up over 2 weeks to 4 years before exploding because the site admin tries to cash out or just jerk off and ban everything
Problem is, as per OP image there might not be a Sup Forums next year.
>This site generates over 100TB of traffic
[citation needed]
yes yes I've seen this posted every 5 months since I started coming here in 2005
It wouldn't be that much if you limited the multimedia, which is Sup Forums's problem. 150+ images can exist in each thread and each of those can be, what, 5MB? Then you have to serve those 5MB images to each person currently viewing the thread which, for an active thread, is probably somewhere in the hundreds if not thousands of people. A text only board or one with very limited image capabilities would be far easier to service.
Someone tell him to install gentoo
What sort of prices are we talking about for 500gb a month?
Fucking retard. I hope he hangs himself soon.
>not moving to nntpchan
>not moving to secretchan
>not shilling your own shitty chan circlejerk butt dump failure pog fag psuedo board so you can just ban everyone in 3 months when they don't regurgitate your same 15 year old wrong information shit verbatim
That's nothing, really. You could easily do that with a couple low powered desktop computers for redundancy.
could it be possible for someone to make a chan that spreads server loads across client computers? or even a forum that you don't use a website to get to but use ssh? can you display images over ssh?
I have used ssh chans before btut they were text only terminal based.
imagine being able to ssh into a forum, it opens a window that resembles what we have on here, and every image you post is hosted by you, then is viewed and hosted by people who viewed it.
How about if someone decides to post CP? Would the fuzz come after me if I didn't spot it or would they be lenient?
Web developer here, happy to help. No idea how it'd get paid for though.
Something like this?
Doubtful, maybe get some mods though just to be safe
I don't get it. What makes Sup Forums so unprofitable? 2ch has even less ads and it exists.
8 chan would be okay if it didn't have Sup Forums leak to the rest of the boards.
hiroshima is a thieving kike.
moot, as big of a faggot as he is, ran the website for 12 years. this faggot is already having funding problems after a single year. if Sup Forums is going to die why doesn't he just sell it?
I suppose but something more like Sup Forums
Every place would be okay if faggots like you just killed themselves.
You can't be held responsible for it if you didn't know it was there, so just remove it when you see it.
Why doesn't he just remove Sup Forums that would reduce alot of bandwidth usage
Okay, thank you all for being helpful, this place isn't as shit as I remember it being a few years ago when I last frequented here.
>remove Sup Forums
>Sup Forumsitches flood the rest of Sup Forums ruining everything for everyone
Great idea, remove Sup Forums while you're at it.
That's actually a pretty nice idea.
but from the site owner? that, we haven't seen
3 petabytes a month actually
If you run a hospital and the highly contagious part of the hospital is too expensive to run, you don't solve the problem by taking down it's walls
And where do you think they'll flock to?
so 100 TB a day
damn, thats a lot. this place grew out of proportions.
[citation needed]
How does 2chan stay in the black?
But that's with 207000 users, so that's 14.49GB per user per month...
Can that be right? Is Hiroshimoot kidding us?
And it's cheap as hell.
Imgur moved ~5PB a month (Or almost twice as much daily) back in 2012 and they only just had to start doing premium accounts and ads.
Serving up files is absurdly cheap, this isn't like having to build entire datacenters to handle google search results
I thought the user base was closer to a million?
RIP Sup Forums.
No, you solve the problem by kicking out the sick and locking the doors.
Check the Sup Forums blog
look at the bottom of the front page
>boo hoo i can't afford to keep Sup Forums afloat
Meanwhile this little gook rat is turning down every offer to buy the site.
So it's agreed that this is where we're going when Sup Forums dies, right?
Nah, 8ch has a decent tech board. You can browse on Tor, too.
I completely forgot about 8ch wow.
What are they doing that Sup Forums isn't that keeps them afloat?
Being owned by 2ch.
Accepting that they run at a loss
They're in their own world of shit. Look up "infinity never"
I hope Josh gets devoured by a pig in his nightmares.
> would they be lenient
>>> Britain
LOL, you get V& just for having lolicon.
He's right, you cancerous fuck.
Stay there.
He's probably just a bot that responds to messages that regex match with strings containing "kill yourselves" and the like
A first step is to collapse redundant boards, 200 posts a day does not deserve its own boards. Many containment boards are obsolete.
(Board Retained or Created):(Boards they absorb)
a : c,w,m
co: mlp
g: sci, o
tg : qst
sp: asp
lit: his
out: an, int, trv
toy: po
i: p, ic, 3, gd
pol : biz, news
b: r9k
hc: s,hm
h: e,u,d,y
Boards outright removed
There, that's about half of the boards trimmed, it won't reduce the cost by a whole lot, but it would reduce it significantly.
Dude don't bother. /brit/ already exists on 8.
Let's try it!
Kill yourself.
If they only have 200 posts per day then they only make up a tiny percentage of hosting and bandwidth costs you mong.
You know this has always shit me. Sup Forums did run on Cloudflare. It's been stated over and over, "the $200 per month cloudflare plan won't cater to those kinds of traffic, in fact it's very expensive at that level".
Look at their fucking website. Compare the "Enterprise, request a quote" with "business, $200" plans.
It talks about SLAs and phone support. Nowhere does it talk about traffic limits.
Surprise "lol, we can't handle that" is BS.
retard. Sup Forums cost 80k per month to run
The problem with this strategy is that it won't necessarily increase traffic. It'll just concentrate the same amount of data on a smaller number of boards.
IMO, we should ban all frequent Sup Forumsposters until after the election, at which point they will have calmed down considerably.
When you open up a board, the board has to send you all the data for what's stored.
Let's say I browse pol and biz, I keep both boards up in separate tabs and refresh them regularly, the board has to send me biz's info constantly even though its not updating.
If you combined like interests, users will update multiple boards less frequently and you don't have to waste space on another 150 threads.
Sup Forums 'culture' used to be about accepting its transientness, it wouldn't hurt to push that back into the picture a bit.
>When you open up a board, the board has to send you all the data for what's stored.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. When I do a google search I don't get the entire fucking internet thrown at me.
>Imgur moved ~5PB a month
How did they do that? I'm shitting bricks over AWS pricing for that traffic.
The true power lies within cloudflare
>I'd just be limiting it to british Sup Forums users really.
please, do it. you'll be cleaning some trash from here.
> keeping Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fa/, /soc/, Sup Forums, /aco/, /r9k/, /lgbt/, and /mlp/
> removing /f/
>>> keeping /vip/
hello Sup Forums pass user
>Look up "infinity never"
I legitimately have 0 understanding of that debacle.
You've got dozens or hundreds of engineers building most large, modern websites. And that whole "Infinity" saga seems to be about a failure involving one guy building and maintaining the whole fucking thing on his own.
Hello peasant.
This exists you cunts. See and 0chan.bit also GitHub nullchan
>mixing co with mlp
fuck off faggot, it's already shitty having comics and cartoons as one board, believe me.
>And that whole "Infinity" saga seems to be about a failure involving one guy building and maintaining the whole fucking thing on his own.
It was that, coupled with the drama coming from BOTH Josh and Hotwheels that proved they don't have any fucking priorities or self-composition required to run shit.
> Pass user since 2016
Hello cuck.
Read motherfucker, mlp and r9k are getting folded into co and b respectively, that basically means they are getting removed.
The time of f has come and gone.
Also, no, I don't have a Sup Forums pass. There's just no way they'd get rid of vip at this point.
Fuck you, they were yours first. The spam is basically gone, you'll just have to deal 2 active threads at a time, tops.
im faily sure this is what you are looking for
its the base code, ported by shii, that Sup Forums originated from.
Everything not written on Sup Forums seems to indicate Cloudflare don't charge for enterprise traffic:
> Read motherfucker, mlp and r9k are getting folded into co and b respectively, that basically means they are getting removed.
> The time of f has come and gone.
> Also, no, I don't have a Sup Forums pass. There's just no way they'd get rid of vip at this point.
Sure there is.
Just delete it.
That, and shit like are the whole reason there's animosity between us.
C'mon, man... Don't just post it.
Why would you remove Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums? They're popular enough boards with distinct userbases. /aco/ can be merged back with other porn boards, /mlp/ can be merged with Sup Forums and others can just go to Sup Forums.
/mlp/ merging back into Sup Forums is probably the most sensible possible merge on Sup Forums. It is literally a cartoon which also has comics. It's not nearly as big as it was back in 2012 when the board made sense for containment reasons.
It's just bantz m80
mootykins was $20k in debt when he sold the site though.
You forgot wsg.