/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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install gentoo

*sees OP image*
*fucking guns down that pathetic animal the based penguin is lying on*


First for Debian:
1. Respects your freedom first and foremost.
2. Allows you to knowingly opt-in to non-free software if you want/need it.
3. Stable by default.
4. Allows you to knowingly opt-in to a rolling release, if you want/need it.
5. Decisions are made by the community instead of a single entity.
6. One of the eldest and most influential distros to this day.

After brexit they will use windows nt.

*Unsheaths katana*
*Teleports behind you* heh, nothin personnel kid,,


>5. Decisions are made by the community instead of a single entity.
as a pro
*executes your dirty little ass*
*preemptively shoots a few rounds behind his back so the katana user teleports into bullets*

That's cute shit. Can i use it in the grub2 menu?

That's just the host name. My browser not support reddit.

Drop it into /boot/grub/ and update.

>1. Respects your freedom first and foremost.
>5. Decisions are made by the community instead of a single entity.
what did he mean by this?

hola senoras y senoritas
is it possible to do a gpu passthru if you only have igpu?
if not, i imagine it would be possible to do a gpu passthru with an external thunderbolt gpu yea? does linux even support thunderbolt 3?



Hey Sup Forums, what's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?

Is that the infamous pepè I keep hearing about?

It's the official symbol of hate.

*sudo apt-get install love

and that would get you love2d-0-10-1

>not smug



Should I use linux-ck for bfs instead of using cfs? Additionally, should I enable bfq?

I'm going to fucking devalue the shit out of it just to spite you.

What's the best lightweight, user-friendly distribution that is webscale, for beginners, but also not hiding anything from expert users, that's customizable, offering long term support, supports servers, while also being optimized for desktop use and which has a version of libxau higher than 1.0.5, but lower than 1.0.8, also it should support my S3 Virge videocard and come with the Faenza icon theme that supports icons for Anki?

How much of a difference does building with gcc 6.2.0 make over 5.4.0 and 4.9.0?

I'm using ffmpeg to encode about 4GB of videos to HEVC and it's taken like 5 hours on a i5 2.4ghz with 8GB RAM. Got me wondering if there were ways to make ffmpeg run faster for the same job

How do you have separate wallpapers for your monitors without using nitrogen?

>what did he mean by this?
"Respects your freedom first and foremost" refers to how Debian comes with 100% free software by default, including a deblobbed Linux kernel.
This is enforced by their social contract, part of which served as the basis for the Open Source Definition:

"Decisions are made by the community instead of a single entity." refers to their constitution which lays out how decisions are made in order to not give one person or group too much power:

But a constitution isn't a fucking community. You clearly said the decisions are made by a community, not by a semi-independent piece of paper with rules on it.

way to reset gnome extensions. Accidentally dash to dock somehow so it doesn't display right.

Debian has a voting system.

>"I use X Distro because of how it looks"
>It just uses out of the box cinnamon / unity / MATE / whatever

Is there any helping this people? Is it even worth correcting them? It's not like I care that people use Ubuntu / Mint, but when their entire justification is because of the DE it irks me a bit. I feel like it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of linux.

Is ther a way to make urxvt stop underlining links?

Is Xubuntu the best distro?
>just works
>stable but not as old as Debian
>will always have support since it's basically Ubuntu
>Xfce is the best DE, not bloated like GNOME and actually made for desktop use


>But a constitution isn't a fucking community.
True. I guess it would be more accurate to say that the decisions are made by the community of developers who collectively maintain all the various parts that make up Debian.


BFS is deprecated, we MuQSS now
(also written by Con Kolivas, linux-ck in arch at least now uses MuQSS by default)

from distro hopping I noticed "out of the box"
KDE works better in suse
Cinnamon works better in mint
Unity works better in ubuntu
gnome worked better in fedora and debian

xfce and lxde pretty much worked fine in everything.

It' more of those distros spend time so they just work, but if you know what you're doing you can make them work the same.

is there a linux that works best on amd hardware?

8350 and 7970 here

There actually is AMD Linux, but I remember it was always tricky to find it's website on AMD main page.

>BFS is deprecated, we MuQSS now

Not yet...

BFS Updated For Linux 4.8, To Be Succeeded By New MuQSS Scheduler


Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 16.04 derivatives because AMDGPU-PRO is officially supported on Ubuntu 16.04.

>Announcing an updated version, and the first -ck release with MuQSS as the scheduler, officially retiring BFS from further development, in line with the diminished rate of bug reports with MuQSS. It is clear that the little attention BFS had received over the years apart from rushed synchronisation with mainline had cause a number of bugs to creep in and MuQSS is basically a rewritten evolution of the same code so it makes no sense to maintain both.

>officially retiring BFS from further development
literally deprecated

i dislike it, but forking for any reason has become the answer.

Debian's Social Contract states the goal of making Debian entirely free software, and Debian conscientiously keeps nonfree software out of the official Debian system. However, Debian also provides a repository of nonfree software. According to the project, this software is “not part of the Debian system,” but the repository is hosted on many of the project's main servers, and people can readily find these nonfree packages by browsing Debian's online package database and its wiki.

There is also a “contrib” repository; its packages are free, but some of them exist to load separately distributed proprietary programs. This too is not thoroughly separated from the main Debian distribution.

Previous releases of Debian included nonfree blobs with Linux, the kernel. With the release of Debian 6.0 (“squeeze”) in February 2011, these blobs have been moved out of the main distribution to separate packages in the nonfree repository. However, the problem partly remains: the installer in some cases recommends these nonfree firmware files for the peripherals on the machine.


neat, thanks!

oh thats cool, is it open source? Also which buntu is best? xubuntu looks decent but should i just go for ubunutu? is it actually safe after the whole amazon thing

drivers or an actual fork?

Actual GNU/Linux distribution with proprietary drivers included out of the box.

So I just wasted about 6 hours recoding some videos from some crap mp4 shit into mkv+HEVC+opus master race but most came out with dropped frames so I have to do them from scratch.

It was the ones that were higher resolution (4K) that came out badly. How should I prevent this from happening?

Also I did use vsync 1 but it clearly didn't help

are you sure you're actually missing frames, and not just struggling to play them back at full speed?

ffmpeg should have been telling you constantly that frames were being dropped while encoding

That's the thing, even with vsync 1, it was telling me about some dropped frames, but beyond using vsync, I don't know what the fuck to do to stop this shit from going on.

and you're not changing the framerate manually? (ex. "-i file.mp4 -r 20")

I know that's from gnu.org, but it has nothing against none of the points made.

It still respects freedom first and foremost, because it's 100% free software by default. e.g.:
>Debian conscientiously keeps nonfree software out of the official Debian system.
You have to go out of your way to get nonfree software on it, even if it isn't "thoroughly separated" enough by the GNU's standards.

No, this is the script I used (wrote myself so could be fucked/shitty)

for i in *.mp4 ; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vsync 1 -c:v libx265 -c:a libopus -x265-params -out "${i%.mp4}.mkv"; done

Nobody likes a shill.
Are you trying to make people hate debian by making them associate debian linux with your annoying online presence?

Can software break hardware?

I got yelled at by Senpai over at /tpg/ a week ago, now I'm asking /fglt/ because friendly.

I don't know anything about Linux, can get my way around Windows and I figured I'd give it a try, it seemed interesting. I, for the fun of it, tried, and succeeded, to install Gentoo on my Thinkpad, it was too bothersome/complicated for me, so I installed Arch. I had no idea what I was doing, but the system was working, so I figured it was fine and seldom used it, swapping between it and my Windows install (physically swapping the HDD that is). I did notice, however, that the fans on my laptop were running much quieter than on Windows, I figured that it was because the system was more efficient or something, honestly I didn't think much of it.
Now. A month ago, I started getting random BSOD on Windows, figured I had to format, so I decided against it and to use only my Arch install. It did work for about a week. The next day, the laptop wouldn't boot anymore, motherboard failure.

I got a new Thinkpad a week ago, but I'm afraid of installing Arch again because I'm scared that the software, not correctly configured, could have killed my laptop. Maybe the fans setup wasn't done properly and the laptop got too hot while in standby?

What should I do /fglt/. Could Arch have killed my laptop? Should I stay away from Linux because Windows Baby? The only reason I got into Linux was out of interest, I'd like to learn to code and I figured it would be much more concrete on Linux, I always liked to tweak and customize everything.

Thanks for reading /fglt/, have a cute anime for your trouble.

you might need to specifiy bitrate

gentoo killed it because you trashed her and switched to arch

not really sure, the only times i've run into dropped frames are when;
- the input is weird and gives me some/lots of ... can't quite remember what the error actually said, but it contained some floating point number under 0, and probably "timestamp" or "pts", adding -vsync 1 seems to do the job for these
- setting the framerate after the input, this causes a conversion, so frames and dropped or duped to suit

ps. you've specified -x265-params but haven't actually written any

also, while trying to find the error mention above, i ran into a similar one regarding invalid timestamps, and the fix for that one was "-fflags +genpts" (before -i)
couldn't hurt to try it

DIdn't realize the thing about -x265-params, as I said I wrote it myself by copying stuff here and there from the net. I'll try with the timestamps fix, sounds good actually.

>some floating point number under 0
under 1, rather, like "0.89283737"
haven't seen it since using -vsync 1, so i struggle to remember the rest

if +genpts does what i think it does (scans through the input to generate timestamps) it'll probably take a bit longer to actually start encoding

You should noticed the overheat and as i know the fan should speed up automatically on every TP and if it's overheat it should restart to save the cpu. I use a TP too with arch and i have no problems with the cooling. Are you sure it's the motherboard?

Yup, according to the beeps, it's a motherboard failure.
System won't boot to bios, even without a HDD.

What confuses me, however, is that the thinklight and the leds still works.

Also, yeah, the fans would have probably kicked in if it overheat would have been the problem.
It was a T400 so, maybe it just died by natural cause.
I guess I'll install Arch, or maybe Antergos this time, on the new T420.

Thanks for your input user.

>What confuses me, however, is that the thinklight and the leds still works.
they run on seperate microcontroller(s)

That would make a lot of sense!

Yeah. I think I'll take the plunge and install Arch again. The more I think of it, Windows BSODing every now and then for no reason, yeah, it was probably slowly dying. Or is right, and Gentoo was poisoning it from the inside.


You can't,what's wrong with nitrogen?

Disables desktop icons, causes a bunch of problems

you'll have to be more specific

Unrelated, but instead of looping, you could use find. Here an example:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.flac' -exec bash -c 'f={}; ffmpeg -hide_banner -c:a libopus -ab 192k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i "${f}" -- "${f%.*}.opus"' \;

As Debian user I say: This.

Xfce can't do this?

Never had this issue on my machine,what de are you using?Are you sure nitrogen is up to date?

How do I set the mouse acceleration to the same level on Windows? Everytime I boot up Windows for games it feels awkard because the mouse speeds up way less than Linux. What value should I set?

What's the best Chromium fork? Iridium, Inox or ungoogled-Chromium?

>just use firefox


>Half assed freetard distro with old as sin packages maintained by SJW dipshits

Linux doesn't change your mouse speed; X does it (man xset).
Example: xset m a/a b
a = acceleration
b = threshold
Real world example: xset m 1/1 1


Using it right no. I'm thinking iof switching to Manjaro Xfce

>half assed
that's why everyone is forking it, right
stallman doesn't approve
>old packages
what is sid
welcome to gnu/linux, it's not debian, it's the whole community

>it's the whole community
Arch gives zero fucks what the "community" wants.

Doesn't change the fact that sjw's are everywhere, for example: archwomen.org/

>Half assed freetard distro
Half assed WANNABE freetard distro that allows you to run NON FREE programs
>what is sid
Old as sin packages
>No male programmer privilage checklist
>No mansplaining
It's fuck ton better

Welp, no wonder, the buzzword "freedom" attracts all sorts of mental ill people... see the libreboot drama.

That is the equivalent of a 10yr olds first geocities webpage, which has absolutely zero sway in what the developers do.
Nor is it even officially acknowledged by the dev team, let alone the general user

>distro that allows you to run NON FREE programs
Just like any distro?

>Can software break hardware?

In general, it is possible. For example, some failsafes exist in the drivers, and inaccurately written drivers could unknowingly bypass them and blah blah.

But honestly, it's extremely unlikely. Especially if we're talking something as widespread as Thinkpads or Linux.

Did you know that mpv devs recently replaces all "master" and "slave" words in the sources? Time to uninstall mpv, right? :^)

So much for being a freetard distro

I don't use mpv

>To this end, we provide a safe space for people of all genders and backgrounds to share skills, learn, network and socialize.

what are they called now?


Is rsync still the best backup tool?

> Use Linux Mint on my laptop for Android programming
> Shut down Windows, boot Linux to do some work
> External monitor is not working
> It was working a minute ago
> Restart computer
> Wifi not working, monitor still not working
> Reboot again
> Everything works now
I don't fucking even. Why is Linux so shit?

dd or rsync are the only options

>Stable by default.
Wrong. This FUD is getting too old now
