Sup Forums humour / trigger thread
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>that 1366x768 monitor
elevated kek
gotta get that high fps in cs:go
He obviously knows he was a keylogger.
>being this young
>having this much autism
he prolly un-ironically shitposts on facebook
Maybe his keyboard got fucked
well he better have SOME excuse or I'll fucking kill him
Looks neat desu.
Wish I had clean space like that.
Ya know my PS2 and all my metal gear solid disks are collecting dust and KVM swiches are cheap...
Is that... a cyberpunk expresso machine?
That's what I thought too, but the image is still fun
are you new here?
get on my level
>farcelona fans
>any level at all
Imagine, with that new Microsoft computer, we can show off as well.
whats with traps liking animal dick
I blame walt disney
> Sup Forums humour / trigger thread
How's life as a virgin, OP?
How did you come to this conclusion
showing sexualized anthropomorphic animals to kids
when there are real humans, they usually aren't good
They're called homosexuals.
looks like a receiver to me.
Little Dot headphone amp
don't ever stop making these threads op, i think they are great. this message might be dumb i smoked a lot of weed
I would kill for this setup
some nigger probably stole a macbook and bought that box to make it seem legit when he sells it and still makes over 1000 profit
sucking cock is all you need to do for this one m8
You couldn't sound more white than this.
Do those green line things move in real time? Looks like a neat background.
What's actually the deal with the image shown on the TV? I know that from somewhere.
Mr. Robot
This image still grinds my gears.
>keeping boxes
Maybe for a week or two until you're relatively sure you won't have to return something, but fuck that.
>not saving apple product boxes
Have fun losing 20% of your resell value.
Some boxes are useful for storing other shit. I use my old monitor box to hold DVD cases and such. I wouldn't put the box on display, but I'd keep it around for storage.
i use a box from my psu to hold different cables and such
I can't believe somebody on this board has never watched the matrix, now fuck off and go watch it faggot
How can you tell?
At first I thought it didn't look that bad but then the longer I looked the worse it got.
>>keeping boxes
Keeping the one for your PC case, monitors and keyboards come in REALLY handy if you move since it's better than wrapping the damn things in five shirts.
The Matrix is not a very good movie. 6/10.
Believe it or not with a scam like this you invest those 160 bucks, get 1200-2500 out of some dumb normalfag, send them an empty box and only end up losing about 500.
I'm 30 and unironically shitpost on facebook. fite me
me too dude, it's the new 1234 for me. I don't think I'll ever get over it or find it amusing.
>1200 - 160 = 500
beat this
You're not a very good person. 0/10.
I mean... that's pretty funny, yea.
someone post the fat family at starbucks all using apple products
they are dudes mimicing women thus size whoring and irrational thinking come with part of the package.
yes that's right most women being fucking morons is not an excuse to be a faggot, they just love big things in their ass.
poor effort nigger no lulz were had
>fucking crystals
>women being fucking morons
Men are dumber on the average.
A 2014 meta-analysis of sex differences in scholastic achievement published in the journal of Psychological Bulletin found females outperformed males in teacher-assigned school marks throughout elementary, junior/middle, high school and at both undergraduate and graduate university level.
Another 2015 study by researchers Gijsbert Stoet and David C. Geary in Intelligence found that girl's overall education achievement is better in 70 percent of all the 47–75 countries that participated in PISA.
Back when this first started getting posted it was mentionened that he is on a fucking bus and maybe he isnt a cunt and is aware of the noise a keyboard can make, so trying to be considerate, he chose to use the on screen keyboard instead.
you cant teach common sense, sadly.
That's a UCB, not a USB.
There's no way a keyboard is louder than a bus.
The guy is obviously a millennial, has Apple earbuds, what more do you need to believe he's a huge faggot?
>blue light
enjoy your eye cancer
worst one, terrible fuck everything about the whole setup
anime, when people say it is a hobby or interest.......... fuckkkkkkkkkkkk
lmao that pic
it now occured to me that he maybe drew and posted the drawing himself to find out if anybody saved the original photo. Being the narcistic pussy you have to be as a macfag.
It's fine to keep boxes for computer components. You can leave the extra wires, I/O plates, fans, and screws in the box with the wrapping and manuals. Keep them together in a storage room so you can easily locate the manual/extra parts, and put unused components back in the box. Also good if you've had a computer for 8 or 9 years and you forget what specific components are when you need to replace them.
Obviously you can do all this without having those boxes displayed prominently in your living room, but that's the fucking joke.
where iz this from?
I'm thinking Die Hard 4, but might be wrong.
That doesn't mean what you think it means
found the milleNNial
Calling out muy tyypo is nott an argumennt
so many things wrong with that
new bourne movie
Triggered at the first post
t. man
yep, but its not wrong because of that. sorry.
School just teaches you to parrot things.
>there's nothing wrong with being a man
>not liking anime
>not having a waifu
holy shit dude, get control of your life.