>tfw 800-900 mb anime plays like shit, slows and skips
What do?
I can't upgrade the hardware.
Tfw 800-900 mb anime plays like shit, slows and skips
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>800-900 mb anime
what file format?
grow up
mpv my dude
1. install gahnoo slash loonix
2. install mpv
3. go to mpv general for tips and tricks.
I was able to play fullhd 8bit anime with .ass subs and 720p 10bit anime with .ass subs on a fucking Turion64x2 1600MHz with Radeon x1150 shittop from 2006.
>800-900 mb anime
Actually, mpv performs better on Windows than Linux so better advice is to install Windows 10 and then download mpv from sourceforge.net
stop watching stupid gook shit, get out of the house, and get a job, because i know you dont have one.
download 720p or 480p rips instead of 1080p
I used to have this provlem vut then I installed mvp and now everything's gonna ve good forever
How is this possible on moderately modern hardware
you can use VLC do avoid slowdowns and skips in exchange for screen tearing
>1. install gahnoo slash loonix
B-b-but I don't want to redownload...
You know how your VPN has udp config files, right? Stop using them and use tcp instead, it's more stable than udp.
>install gentoo
>compile mpv with -O3, -march=native and optimal use flags
>all anime will magically just werk
download deadfish releases they're made to be played on toasters
But on gentoo it will be optimized for yout hardware better
Video stream details? Media player? Any configs on it?
>Video stream details?
Where to get?
>Media player?
Both, mpv and vlc
>Any configs on it?
You haven't even told us the hardware yet.
And considering you're lagging on mp4 you've got some real issues.
remux it for 720p
you can't change the resolution of a video by remuxing it, you'd need to transcode it
upgrade the data
watch normie TV