Indians and Microsoft... Why?

Indians and Microsoft... Why?

More than 30% of the Microsoft workforce is Indian.
Microsoft-centric sertificates are VERY popular in India. Find an online Microsoft certification help website, and chances are it's Indian.

A company which supposedly takes pride in its diversity, isn't this a bit... shit?

Also, what are you experiences with Indian engineers and software developers in general? Pakistani also. My boss may be trying to get some shit done and is pushing to get some freelance workers, but on sites like UpWork, plenty of them are Indian and Pakistani. Should I trust the ratings, or?

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same reason the tech industry in general likes them. There's an abundant supply of them, they generally speak English thanks to the long period of British rule, they're cheap. There's still large portions of IT that needs just average intelligence, not some brilliant superprogrammer, and Indians are the cheapest way to get that.

Indians who have an American citizenship are Americans, Mark

Microsoft is a shit company that lost all innovation, who else are they going to find to do that kind of shit work?

so that pajeets will buy windows

if they don't have the 'you can be a programmer too' scam in india, ms would lose money.


microsoft ditched american cultural values in the 90s when they decided they were going to tell the DOJ to fuck off, it's no coincidence everyone here hates them


>Indians and Microsoft... Why?
shit attracts shit

But there are lots of other minorities that speak english and can be paid pennies

blacks and mexicans don't know how to computer

muslims blow themselves up

> A company which supposedly takes pride in its diversity, isn't this a bit... shit?
You mean a bit poop?

hence why you've been seeing call-center stuff moving to the Philippines in recent years. Educated, English-speaking workforce, similar cost, less of an accent (Indian call-centers are very distinctive) and a closer time zone.

>More than 30% of the Microsoft workforce is Indian.
Because Indians get paid in pennies. A penny to a Pajeet is a week's worth of money.


>believing in pajeet memes

Big companies love H1Bs.

First, companies don't pay for the H1B, the employee that has it does since the company won't "sponsor" them unless they bill the cost back.

Second, for huge companies, they then go to the gov't and get bulk licensing deals for H1B visas.

Put the two together and Microsoft is pocketing the cost of H1Bs on the backs of its employees.

>tfw latino
>tfw no hope

>a news story for pajeets by pajeets posted on a pajeet news site
and you just bought it, like an illiterate nigger or something.

You have to be white to really be an American.

Probably why OS X has been getting so bad over the last 8 years.

India as a country is producing alot of good software developers and Microsoft is a global employer who will accept applicants pretty much from wherever if they've got the highest qualifications, and it just so happens that lots of Indians have high qualifications in relation to other countries out there.

hope of what? being hired for an IT position at below minimum wage?

the ones in the US are either wealthy in the first place or studied their balls off from the age of 3 to get here

there are lots of indians, they can envision middle-class standard of living so they have motivation, and the culture values impressive sounding credentials.

folks in suburbs of modern countries already have everything, they're more likely to spend time appreciating the finer things in life than working their ass off to earn a little more than their parents.

Not as much as Indians, India has a population of whole Americas, whole Europe and Russia combined.

You can't get as much people in a single country, mind it single country. It's easier to manage things if things stayed in one place, while you have to start centers many countries to get as many Indian.

Also on a global scale, Whites are actually a minority.

Indian education qualification is shit. You get good education if you go to the IITs but that's actually a minority(The rich Indians you know of) while majority study in shit colleges with poor infrastructure and outdated study materials and teaching methods.
Calling yourself an engineer is like calling yourself a liberal arts major in India
t. Indian

You must be from reddit

>Should I trust the ratings
As long as the work is some IT tier shit that anyone passed out of highschool with CS as subject can do, you will be fine. Make sure you pay them less.

whites are european, real americans are natives

>30% of workforce
>less than 5% of the population

This is racist, where is the diversity

> average intelligence
Rules out negros and latinos
> decent English
Rules out chinks
>abundant supply
Rules out third world white people
>paid pennies
Rules out normal white people

Who's left? Indians

Legally the work force has to reflect the racial proportions of people who are applying, not the proportions of the general population.

Also, mfw master race.

> good education
I know shit colleges that teach CS better than the ones in IIT

>Also, what are you experiences with Indian engineers and software developers in general?

Every single Indian engineer I've met in person was racist as fuck.

are you retarded?
you have to be brown to be a real American, probly with Mongolian or Indio face and thick black hair.

>master race.

i dont know how to pronounce 'pajeet'.

This. Exactly.

CS is a shit degree

this guy gets it


>Every single Indian engineer I've met in person was racist as fuck.

This. They suck up to white people and think they are superior to Middle Easterners, Asians, etc.

Some Indians so desperately try to fit in and be white.

It's not just MS, it's amazon, google, all the big ones. As a rule the ones I come across while ping-ponging between these companies myself, they are pretty driven, work hard and long. and are clever. They mesh well with the kind of environment these companies provide.

>Some Indians so desperately try to fit in and be white.
Well, the northern half of India is aryan. The bottom half is drav scum.

Then why is drav scum richer and poos in loo unlike northern aryans?

German here. I worked for 3 months in india. I had people from the priest and military cast tell me they were aryan and how we are the same race. They believe everyone else is beneath them.
They believe aryans conquered india and they are their offspring.
Most confusing months of my life.

Knowledge wise they are as good engineers as germans when graduating. But their work ethic and general hatred of thorough, disciplined work lets them decline to shittier.

>we rock at it
In Germany if i had an it problem i would call it. It would fix it.
In india - ironically - nobody calls it, but coworkers. They would all call their 3rd degree cousin who "knows computers".
5 fucking engineers would huddle around a single screen, yelling into theur cellphones for 1 hour.
When I asked why they don't call It it would always be like "now it didn't cost the company! You have to be smart businessman!"
Yeah right, because their time us free.

If you hire them make sure they get clear directions with a deadline. Tell them what is shit and never sugarcoat it. Don't give them long and complex tasks. Step by step. This way you can work with them.

>brilliant superprogrammer
>some white middle class kid with a CS degree
I'm pretty sure indians are much more able than their american counterparts.

All Pajeets are pajeets pajeet

Almost anyone is better than mudslimes

Yeah, no. Whites are the rightful heirs after almost genociding the filthy savages.

I wish they didn't call IT, but they do call and I struggle to even get their names let alone know what the fuck the issue is.