What's the worst operating system in existence?

What's the worst operating system in existence?

windows 10

anything based on linux


Linux. Can't believe this fucker invented it.

no clearly windows 8

Here's your (you)




Windows, of course

I am unsure how Linus Sebastian has any relevance besides "Linux - Linus"

Also so much bait..

Windows ten onward.

Seven was a step back into the right direction now it's back to be fucking awful, two releases in a row.

Makes switching to Linux easier than ever though.



windows 10

this is just laughable but that gif is quite dated

surely shit like this doesn't exist on newer systems


>Our worst idea yet
that half the market uses

windows 10

z/OS. I'd be surprised if any of you fags could even figure out how to run an application on it.

fucking CIA nigger

Truth, Ill take the warm embrace of the botnet over windows 8 anyday

templeOS is gods temple and therefore the greatest OS in existence

Fuck off Terry


>windows 10

first post, best post

After my election I'll make sure to send you to Guantanamo Bay.

>automatically force it through to machines running Windows 7
>most of the market is tech-illiterate and assumes new = better
>hurr market share = good

Neck yourself you stupid pajeet

The one you like

That's Windows 2000

but its got ubuntu now


Windows 8

Linux a close 2nd

>kernel = OS

not saying it's good, I'm saying that some people use it so they must be soing something right
>implying M$ would shill on an anime imageboard

Fucking hell that gif brings back memories.
I can practically hear the Ghost Love Score by Nightwish playing in the background, while watching that gif on YTMND.

Why are you all so against windows?

Is it because it works all the time with devices and software so you faggots don't get to waste your time configuring?

Get a better hobby you mouth breathers.

>bunch of utilities written by a neckbeard = os

I use windows 8 because that's what my laptop came with and windows 10 seems barely less shitty. Too lazy to figure an alternative. Though i don't use the ridiculously retarded "app screen" and now only access files through desktop and file folders so maybe it's been a good thing.


look it up

I actually like Edge on Win 10.

While we're all talking about security, I'm really looking forward to trying Application Guard with Edge.

This barbie Linux-Distro. It's terrible

Windows 10
8.1 with classic shell is better.
But is even better.

windows 10

B-But it's a better version of Unix.

worsest windows XP/ME

10 is the bestest

Nonononono, z/os has heaps better concepts than unix does. It's just different and unix caught on, because it was comparatively free.

Windows 95 actually you shit

>it took me 9001 hours of being nice in forums to learn how to do that
Momma must be proud of you!

>a brick
Ha-ha-ha! Still sad over you Ouya?

i dunno
but I know what is the worst question to ask

Windows 8