COBOL thread
COBOL thread
About 6 years ago I spent a week learning it and then never touched it again.
There are a lot of high paying jobs for COBOL programmers. Is there any online classes that teach COBOL?, I couldnt bring myself to learn this language on my own
>There are plenty of high paying jobs for COBOL programmers
Friendly reminder that cobol jobs have the highest rate of ageism in the industry, even worse than embedded C.
They're not going to hire some 20-something millennial who "knows COBOL" to maintain bank mainframe software that predates them by literal decades.
Legacy support for people too stubborn to upgrade their systems.
My first job out of college in 2004 was Cobol.
It was a problem even way back then.
>what are probationaries
God this show was generic as hell why did I enjoy it so much?
Well those are two big reasons to watch.
>le drumpf-supporting reddit comic man
fuccccking dropped.
>genuinely being in support of hillary
Banks, governments, and other big organizations have plenty of legacy Cobol that no one knows how to maintain.
>If you're not for shitstain #1 you must be fore shitstain #2
"""""two-party system""""""
Work for a bank. Can confirm we have an ancient legacy systems written in COBOL. The only people who even remotely know what they do are in their 70s and working as consultants billing astronomical amounts because someone thought it was a good plan to outsource them.
The replacement is under construction but that's not gonna be production ready for some time.
its a two party system man, you either get one or the other
>not wanting a meme president
>le off topic post man
I thought about learning COBOL, but since those ancient systems written in that language are being replaced, the job supply is growing ever smaller. looking online, I could only find a lot of COBOL jobs in the US, very few here in yuropoor, and most of those are senior positions requiring many years of COBOL/JCL programming experience.
2017 will be the year of the COBOL mainframe, mark my words.
Old shit that is supposed to die and be replaced. Don't waste time with it.
>Old shit
The latest version of COBOL was released 2 years ago.
It's still obselete
None of these legacy systems are being upgraded for "new cobol". They are being maintained until they can be replaced.
>look up cobol jobs in the UK out of curiosity
>spot one
>2k GBP/week
>requires experience with Oracle systems too
maybe i should learn this shit...