I know you fags all run adblock, but gookmoot is currently fucking us in the ass. Look at the front page for fuck sake. Where did the weeb ads go?
I know you fags all run adblock, but gookmoot is currently fucking us in the ass. Look at the front page for fuck sake...
Other urls found in this thread:
he's catering the the largest demographics of Sup Forums now: normalfags.
Okay I've been off Sup Forums for about... three years now, I've come back recently. I'm aware Moot left and sold the site to the owner of 2chan but why the fuck is the site SUDDENLY not financially viable? Has traffic really increased that much? Moot was able to run the POS for 10 years, I don't see why this guy can't without injecting this literal filth.
Just loading Sup Forums fucked up my mobile browser and trapped it in a loop of trying to get me to download some bullshit app.
I don't use adblock on my phone, and I've noticed that google ad trackers finally learned that I'm not interested in russian or asian women, and now exclusively serve me ads for cute anime girls. Feels good.
It's nonsense, Notch and some other filthy rich people asked about buying Sup Forums and it's not for sale apparently - you'd think if it was really in such dire straits Hiro would be itching to sell it.
no hes just a conman
He's a scam artist running a scummy site. Why are you all surprised?
absolutely disgusting
Time to start blocking ads if you're not already.
What the fuck is this
>he doesn't know the most popular boards contain 3dpd normalfag porn
>he took on a name on an anonymous imageboard
There is only one solution, and we all know what it is. Now it is only a matter of time.
shitty OC incoming
Put this in for custom CSS:
#bannerCnt, .ad-plea, #blotter, .ad-cnt, #globalMessage, #toggleMsgBtn, hr.belowLeaderboard, hr.aboveMidAd, #ctrl-top hr, hr#op, .belowLeaderboard, .ad-plea-top, .adg-rects, .center.middlead, .center:nth-of-type(5), .center:nth-of-type(10) {display: none;}
I got nothing.
I don't understand why people are complaining. The ads aren't exactly worse than the actual content.
The ads should be japanese or interesting shit, not normalfag date shit.
Fuck off hiroshima
They're the only people seeing them so who cares, he may as well make money off of them.
Most on Sup Forums ARE normalfags. Not many companies want to advertise on Sup Forums either which is why we end up with scam/botnet/malware/shit ads.
Had to switch from mobile chrome to Firefox so I get uBlock
He has fucked up the site so bad lately.
Is Hiro the worst CEO of the year?
>using the frontpage
Sup Forums is an LLC, it doesn't have a CEO.
Now I can hack your Sup Forums account
So Milo (the dangerous faggot) is not buying Sup Forums?
>Where did the weeb ads go?
me too
Buy a pass and use uBlock with good conscience. Who goes to front page anyway aside from total newfags and people landing on it from web search engines?
>Where did the weeb ads go?
J-List? They stopped bying ads when the poorfag weebs of this site wont buy a thing and/or run adblockers. Wasn't worth it for them.
>Has traffic really increased that much?
Yes, multiplied even and most of these are from mobile users.
holy shit, I just thought it was finishing university and getting a job that killed my time on Sup Forums, but it's really that it literally got busier and worse. fuck.
>Buy a pass
>When Hiro already got caught datamining the people who bought his 2chan passes and selling their data
>normies come to Sup Forums
>click on hot babes near u ads
>Sup Forums gave me a virus :(
>traffic decreases
it's genius
Don't spell it out for people, baka.
weeabo scum
It's especially funny because of that one banner that actually jokes about that.
I don't know whether this is a joke or not. Fuck you either way.
Do you want Sup Forums to become the second Reddit?
get a pass then
Don't go to the frontpage, problem solved. The more frontpage looks shitty the better.
>SUDDENLY not financially viable?
No, hiroshima is lying
>Has traffic really increased that much?
Yes, because of the nonsense "archive"
Seriously, does anyone actually click this shit?
i do sometimes. the yacht one seems kinda interesting. women would click the top one
What is the third app icon in the statusbar? Seems kinda nice.
>Yes, because of the nonsense "archive"
lol. what makes you think people would be spending their time browsing dead threads? I'd be VERY surprised if it was even 2% of the total traffic
>the yacht one seems kinda interesting
Why on earth do you think it's kind of interesting? You know the picture is fake clickbait and the rest of the article is going to contain no useful information. Not price or specs, just drivel "omg look at this picture!!!!1!1"
>tfw price #3 left me seasick
Well I didn't even know they still made ads like this.
Local bus ticket app. It's a nice logo.
Damn that's good.
Jealous you get apps; we're still running on paper cards.
Scandinavian public transport is awesome. People still complain.
you better have some respect. if hiro was never born Sup Forums would not have ever been made.
>nips hate leddit too
this makes me smile
>not using clover
reading the english below those nip symbols makes everyone have an anime character voice in my head
>willingly help jewgle botnet captcha and not supporting the site you frequent
ok kid
>I wonder if he can derail conversations in English as well as he can in Japanese
Just ban everyone that visits Sup Forums and Sup Forums. The regulars will find a way around it and the normalfags that are "just visiting" will hopefully fuck off.
fuck hiro and fuck this shit. i'm off to otherchan
You mean infinitychan?
That place suffers from a critical lack of moderation, is filled with retarded GamerGaters and has so many boards the userbase is spread thinner than paint.
I reckon its Lainchan or nothing desu. Unless you speak Japanese ofc.