Is he /ourguy/
Is he /ourguy/
king nigger
I want Sup Forums to leave. We don't appreciate your kind here. Racist piece of shit.
Not a reviewer. Just an ad space where he shows how pretty something is and says nothing of worse.
Wish his production got paired with a knowledgeable staff but he just want to keep going on his own, which I guess I can respect.
Wow. Fuck off right outta here you fucking newfag nigger.
>We don't appreciate your kind here. Racist piece of shit
top kek
Shut up Jamal, get a "job" like good ol' technigger or something
this, well said
he got the tech nigger title
but the true tech nigger is Floss
Maybe if you worked like our technigger buddy here, you would have handled the bantz better
he is completely drained, depressed, and done
I'm just wondering when he's gonna have a complete breakdown
he is trapped in making phones "reviews" when all he wants is to play with his cameras and lighting
How did he afford a Tesla off youtube money?
FlossyCarter is /our guy/
he just did a video shitting on the Pixel for 40 minutes
Literally just reads the specifications and says a feature is "pretty [good/bad]"
Big youtubers get millions a year. The fucking kids toy channel gets 2 million a month, for fuck's sake.
2 mil a month is a stretch
but he most likely makes at least a mil annually
Floss is N1
I wonder why SoldierKnowsBest went. Did he get killed in deployment or something?
>tried to watch flossycarter
jesus fuck that voice and accent is way too grating.
You have to warm up to it. He says the funniest shit while actually reviewing the phone
It looks good enough that I don't mind, desu.
500 million views a month. that's at least 500k a month off youtube ads alone
Its around $1-3 per thousand views. If technig makes 500k views a month he gets at least $500 a month, that's before endorsement shit etc.
He bought a fucking decked out Tesla he is making more.
He is quite alright, but the lack of other prodcuts apart apple makes me think he is just an apple shill
What? He still hasn't even done an iPhone 7 review
His content is fine, however he has one glaring issue and that's his neglect of disclosing sponsorship. He is literally shilling shit like D-brand like a lot of other YouTubers, however he never discloses it.
In my country, that would be illegal. I have no idea how that's done in the US, however whether it is legal or not I find it distasteful to be paid and bought for to recommend products that you might not even personally like without telling your viewer that it's a one hundred percent fake recommendation and I'm getting paid for this.
i think he'd really like the name. he doesnt seem to have a stick up his ass, the general opinion of him is really good on this board, its just an edgy name.
based technigger.
His dad is a real estate millionaire. His mom's a president at a pharmaceutial company. His family and of course his YT ad revenue backs him up with money.
>mfw he purchased a Tesla because thanks to nerds like you who watch his videos where he play with manchildren toys
No. This is not how anonymous imageboards with anonymous users talk and you have no right to represent me you faggot fuck.