Does sombody still use Win XP?
Does sombody still use Win XP?
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Probably the shittiest OS ever made.
I do. I use an XP VM on Linux host
I have XP Professional on my garage computer, since windows 7 would be too bloated for that PC. it even receives security updates since I applied the POSReady 2009 registry hack.
>im 14 years old and my first OS was Windows 7
There are still people and companies out there with Unix machines from the '70s and '80s so yes, there is probably at least one XP user alive on this planet.
>im 18 years old and my first os was either xp or 98 because parents were poorfags
this. All Windows NT versions before and after were miles better
There were a lot of people here who though that win7 was a massive turd and swore that they'd keep using XP because it was "the last good windows" or whatever. I sometimes whonder if they're still using XP.
Same thing is happening with windows 7 right now.
>virtual machine windows xp
At this point you could dual boot nerd
I still use it once in a while on my old workshop PC. My aunt uses it still, because I haven't bothered to upgrade her to 7 and she wouldn't want to learn something new and different that's exactly the same.
I use it at work on an old Dell Pentium 4 machine because I have to manage our legacy domain.
Well I agree that XP and 7 are the best. Wish I could go back.
My satellite and television server still runs XP.
It's not internet connected, and I have no reason to upgrade it.
A lot of business computers in my country (the Philippines) are still using Windows XP or, hell, Windows 9x/NT/2000 (especially cash registers, ATMs, the library system in my college library, a couple of internet cafes, electronic billboards, etc.) but there are companies and small businesses that are switching from Windows XP to either Linux (mostly Ubuntu or some donkey distro created by a local computer company) or Windows 7/10.
Most consumers/home computers, however, are using either Windows 7, Windows 8.x or Windows 10 (pirated, of course).
Same here in America. Majority of our ATM's, which by the way use the 50-year-old magnetic stripe technology instead of the modern "chip" like every other country in the world, still run XP.
if it ain't broke, don't fix it
I'm still using Windows 7 only because I'm waiting for Kaby Lake (I'm buying a new computer soon) and Windows 10 is pretty expensive here. If I buy $1000 worth of parts from a local computer company, they (the local computer company) will give me Windows 10 for free.
the startup sound is too comfy tho
Anyone can spew random bullshit with no arguments to back their claims.
Pls tell moar
lol garage computer. white people.
>I keep a pentium IV on alert 5 in the garage just in case i have ten minutes to open a text document
i don't understand this behavior. i know some clown with a kitchen computer. why don't you guys just carry your laptop/tablet/phones into your garages and kitchens when you need a computer in those locations?
I did less than 2 years ago.
you can still get 10 for free numb nuts
but that's for disabled people
XP and mag strips are broke though. The main reason no one "fixes" them is they cost too much.
i need it for running old ass 16-bit and 32-bit executables in tandem
> All Windows NT versions before were miles better
It's obvious you don't know anything about anything that happened before Vista (or even 7)
ha well you don't have to prove it
because I work on cars in my garage, and it's convenient to have autodata installed on the computer and a proper web browser to google stuff when needed.
People forget about Legacy.....some Corporate stuff still uses DOS.
Same here in the UK too, user. Gaming machines at bookmakers all run on Windows 2000/XP as well.
Basically XP was the first Windows that was stable, at least that's what people remember. In reality Windows 2000 had that down 2 years prior. XP just added the shitty theme and fast user switching.
No you.
Personally I used 2000 when everyone went xp because it was faster
enjoy your malware and fisher price UI poorfaggot
>dual booting
is there something wrong with your head? are you ok user? do you know where you are and your name?
you seem confused. have a seat, take a load off
US army. I'm serious.
2000 was pretty good.
>buying windows
Sorry I never used malware OS.
100% true, user. All of the US Army and Navy software is legacy. The US Government paid millions of dollars to Microsoft for extended support for it.
I think you have 7 mistaken for Vista. A lot of people liked 7 right away. Vista struggled to get any marketshare because of its poor hardware support and higher system requirements. A lot of computers advertised as "Vista Ready" at the time were not actually compatible with Vista, at least not without an upgrade. Once the issue with hardware was worked out and systems sold with Vista were actually compatible with it the OS became decent but by that time no one was interested in it. 7 came later and was basically a repackaged Vista but this time systems were actually capable of running it.
Windows XP was my first OS since we only got a computer around 2003.
Just the right time for Sup Forums.
Also the reason why WES09 and WEPOS2009 is based off XP.
I still run XP on my netbook. The netbook doesn't get used for anything besides porn anymore though.
7 will always be the best Windows, but I have a soft spot for XPs comfiness.
Embedded and Point of Sale machines are just rarely upgraded. If Microsoft didn't give these machines newer software they'd probably continue to use whatever they already do, probably like windows 2000 or NT4 or whatever was available at the time they were sold.
Millenium Edition Best Edition, you fucking babbies
>tfw you're still a poorfag
whoops wrong pic
My point is that they did not base it off vista even though it is made a year after Vista's release. The thing is there is XPe and WEPOS 1.1 which are also based off XP but instead of extending support for them( they ended support in april-may 2016), they made newer versions of it based of the same OS which end support in 2019, only a year before Windows 7's EOS. In contrast Windows 7 and 8 all have their respective embedded editions, with the exception of WES for 8.1.
i used ME for 6 years and never experienced a crash or major problem
No, Windows Vista.
Faster isn't the only measurement of quality.
There is such a thing as reliability. Over all timespan of me using windows XP, I've got what, 2 bluescreens?
I still prefer Vista's theme to 7's.
That's because it's the natural evolution of the best OS of all, 95/98
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I wish Vista had TRIM support so I could still use it.
what the fuck is up with these legacy captchas? they routinely fail like 6-7 times before letting me post
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
I prefer the look of the taskbar in Vista over the boring flat one in 7. I think a lot of the prompts are slightly different as well.
But is it Y2K ready?
How is vista to this day?
I wish I could upgrade to Windows 7 but the manufacturer of this shitty notebook didn't drivers for it. I have tested Windows 7 on this notebook for a while but there came frequently unexpected blue screens. On Windows Vista it works like a charm, but the support of Windows Vista will end next year.
install gentoo then wincuck?
I use Micro XP in VM on linux host.
1. VNs works OOTB
2. Photoshop for work.
I like Windows 8.1 and 10. Best OS for me so far.
It runs stable and it can run the majority of the applications. The biggest con of Windows Vista is that Microshill will stop the support in April 2017.
10's okay if you're okay with running malware/the botnet, but anything 8? Really?
NT, 2000, XP and 7 were the only "good" versions of Windows. There isn't much incentive to use XP over 7 unless you have a legacy machine, and even then, it can likely run 7.
I do keep XP dual-booted on my laptop though. It's easier than trying to configure Wine for gaming. All I really use it for is to play The Sims.
Last time was at an internship in 2013. It ran perfectly with 2Gb Ram to work on augmented reality apps with Unity
Is it thruth that Windows 10 watch you?
If you want W10 that's a given
Microsoft surveillance
Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":
Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:
Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:
Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:
Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off:
Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if
users have not opted-in:
Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:
Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:
> Over 82 billion photos viewed.
> Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
> 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
> Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
> Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.
95 and 98 were fine for their time.
Oh nice. Do you have a garage raccoon too.
Yup. No real-time antivirus, either, since those just waste resources. I just scan occasionally with MBAM, and unsurprisingly, I never have viruses since I'm not a dumb fuck.
>I am too dumb to change my theme
What do you guys think about micro xp or windows fundamentals for legacy pcs?
Could you help me? I just try install win xp, but it doesnt want. It doesnt see my hdd and give me 0x0000007b BSOD. What I should do?
For the pleb home user, yes. But in business environments it's a nightmare. Terrible networking. No multiCPU support. If one program crashes, everything else goes down with the ship. NT 4 was essentially a 32-bit stable version of 95.
I don't think I can help you.. What kind of computer do you have?
Oh, that's a very old computer from 2005.
I haven't tried MicroXP, but I have tried TinyXP. It's just a lighter version of regular XP. Good for old hardware like P3's.
Can somebody help me?
No. Sup Forums is not your personal tech support team.
If it has a SATA hdd, put it on IDE-emulation or preload the sata drivers on the Windows XP disc.
Hi Paul :)
what is the point in using a 15+ year computer
the performance:watts must be horrible.
a 70$ android box must be twice as powerful than a p4 cpu.
i tried installing micro xp and couldn't install the internet drive because it didn't have a service
OK try these:
go to BIOS and set SATA mode from AHCI/RAID to IDE mode.
If there is no such option, integrate the driver into the DVD image through slipstreaming. Find the AHCI drivers by searching your computer model or motherboard model.
A lot of poorfags probably
Copy of your card can be used to withdraw funds in Argentina in like 30 seconds after the copy of your card was made anywhere in the world. And bank won't help you, since it's pretty much your fault.
Temporarily at the moment.
I used it at work today. At least pinball is fun.
I use linux at home and literally hate xp to the kernel.
>tfw Duterte will ban all proprietry murican garbage
old but not obsolete
I use it on my UMPC
My college has xp on all of their pcs