nostalgia thread?
Nostalgia thread?
get one of these and run a bbs on another computer with a modem. then you can enjoy the thrill of them screeching sounds of the past.
>Back when content was made because people wanted to share. not to try and make a buck.
calling these was a blast
you guys should watch pic related.
I didnt get into the internet until 94 so i missed the BBS era. but the docu is really well done.
oh look the same 30-40 pictures again
nostalgia is cancer because you can't go back and re-experience it to find out it was all shit and you spend 3 decades lying to yourself saying it wasn't
Bullshit, straight off the first image. Proof positive that whoever made it was not old enough to be on the internet in 1995. AOL was still in version 1.0 or MAYBE 2.5 (best version) in 1995. 5.0 wasn't until like 2000+
Get the fuck out of here, kid.
You must be 18 or over to be here, kiddo.
What is this?
You can literally be nostalgic of something that happened 5 minutes ago you cucks
You could just get a modem and use dial up for free.
I actually like the Sup Forums nostalgia threads because nearly every time i learn of something new i can use that isnt torrnet/whatever the popular thing is.
was given a list of BBSes that still exist i can telnet into
various alternative p2p services
newsgroups that avoid DCMA takedowns
a lot of what went on with the internet in the 90s/early 2000s still goes on. it just gets ignored largely by most because "its old" allowing many of these sites to operate however the fuck they want and do whatever.
>not knowing about bbs
Look mommy, I just discovered a new layer of autism!
Never forget.
>use dial up for free
not really.
most telcos charge a stupid amount for landline service (usually $30-50/mo for unlimited nationwide) because they all want everyone on VOIP service, which modems cant use.
I can just HEAR my computer making loud, obnoxious thinking noises.
omg all that cyber sex I used to have on that platform
Not true.
The internet was great in 1990-2000. It was still decent until about 2007, then it started to go to shit because it became an "AACC" environment (Any Asshole Can Come) with the advent of smartphones. The internet just got progressively worse as it became more crowded and the average age (and subsequently intelligence and maturity) got lower and lower.
I'd have to say the most fun I had on the internet was dialing into various BBSes, followed by IRC and MUDs when I had my first dial-up ISP account.
Broadband made PVP in MUDs a lot more fun, because of zero connection lag, and never missing anything on IRC was awesome (bouncers were fucking expensive in dial-up days because most of them were dudes that bought a T1 line and then tossed a NIC in all of their old machines and installed redhat on them then charged for bouncer access and eggdrop bots to pay for part of their connection)
That's not even autistic you meme spewing fuck
I do feel that Sup Forums is one of the last few remainders of those glorious times.
That's not the right way to use that word, junior. The fuck out.
Man id take MSN messenger over Skype anytime.
It does truly have its moments of feeling that way, yeah. Though even Sup Forums has started to feel like a shithole lately because of all the frogposting edgelord children. It makes me sad.
Thanks obam-- I mean, thanks media. All this shit about pepe with the current election is bringing in the retards.
I do hope that once this shitstorm of an election is over, that Sup Forums can go back to what it used to be before.
>it became an "AACC" environment
people talk about "muh eternal september" all the time here, but it wasnt until the iPhone when the internet took a massive shit on itself.
the Eternal September wasnt even that fucking bad because for the next 10 years, the majority of users were confined to the walled gardens their ISP had set up. those with the technical know-how got around those gardens and actually used the web/net as they wanted, which still kept the internet as a haven for like-minded geeks and nerds.
the internet was still self-policing and wasnt driven by money. so casuals were quickly filtered out.
not until the meteoric rise of social media and the IOT (internet of things) did we see a massive change in how things were conducted.
an overwhelming majority of internet users use it for 1 thing and 1 thing only. social media.
for fucks sake, a poll was done in some country (forgot) and the majority thought that facebook was THE internet.
MSN Messenger 7.0 and 7.5 were the best. Windows Live Messenger was shit, but even then it was pure bliss compared to the putrid diarrhea that is Skype
bitching about cancer is cancer.
>don't like a thread
>continue scrolling
Sure. We owe it to the n/v/idiots and wangblowers working hard to make this board better.
Wew you really sound like an underage meme lord.
t. Newcancer
WLM is exactly where i stopped using it.
I lost a bunch of friends an i'm not even using skype nowadays.
Uninstalled that malware after 10 minutes.
in the end WLM turned into WLM: Facebook edition when it started requiring the use of your full name instead of screen names. then it was replaced by Skype.
if only I could go back to the early 2000s, when the internet was still good and IMs weren't total and utter shit
Now i use Steam to chat since it doesn't want me real name.
I remember using AIM (or, at least in my case, Pidgin set up to speak AIM) until like 2009 or so.
Then everybody shut it off in favor of facebook
>still no mention of the comfiest video on YouTube
>It does truly have its moments of feeling that way, yeah.
>Thanks obam-- I mean, thanks media.
Stay mad, kewl naindees kid. :^)
>there will never be another ZONE
>you will never again sit at a table with 7 other people and instead of launching the game, everyone talks each other up
>you will never play another game with 7 other people who dont spend the entire time spamming all say, or trying to be a shit.
i know IRC is still used, but for what anymore?
I can say from first-hand experience that IRC is still alive and well, but slowly dying as younger people prefer to use facebook, etc. for their communication.
but what's it used for?
i know the early 2000s, it was very popular for file transfer. But today? no idea as i havent connected in a decade. i wouldnt even know of a good server or good channels to go to anymore.
Welcome to Gamespy.
There are only two IRC channels I've ever used:
- some brony garbage channel I've never fitted in anyway;
- a programming channel with an indie dev, a Stack Overflow poser who frequently discovers Wangblows bullshit and an edgy 17 year old who hates Gentoo because he couldn't install it.
Still have to say it's comfier than any IM software I've ever used.
I use it for anime when the trackers are down.
that was amazing...
i think Sup Forums mods use it to communicate(?)
I still use IRCs
Same. best way to communicate.
Absolutely this.
>GameSpy Arcade
Fucking disgusting
what servers/channels you guys use?
A lot of "Secretclub" channels which i can't advertise. one noteable network i use is #soupwhale
Not even once
Quake 1 mods.
Airquake mod, pic related.
Slide mod:
Guided missiles, companion dogs, grappling hooks, hnngg I miss it
>Harddrive working
>Floppy drive starts. VRRRR Bump
>More harddrive whirling
Also this:
Problem I see with the current way people use the internet was that they didn't take the wisdom from early users
>Don't post your yourself or your personal information
>The Internet is serious business
Two rules here would've greatly helped the way the net was used today.
i nostalged
I don't remember anything in this thread
uh, when did it? always used my nick at least until 2012 when I stopped using it
WLM 2012 started doing it afaik
shit was noise as fuck
>the fucking annoying rrring function
on rizon are a ton of Sup Forums related channels, some of them are even fun to lurk.
i still know my uin.
why so many VMs?
What's up emig u still a lamer ;^)
I don't understand this faggotry of raising resolution of the obviously low-res pictures.
It's like making 4K screenshots of your terminal.
Win3.1 within DOSBox runs just fine.
stealing accounts by using DC++ clients was nice
Wasn't there a fucking ghost in those games?
>dark angels ass . jpg
I recognize that, took me awhile to pinpoint when that popped up though.
*slow clap*
that's amazing.
Heh I remember the crazy run for Xs, and they were expensive as hell
If memory serves, now cheap bulk are at 48X right?
> osama sucks
I remember coming here when I was younger, seeing some flash music video about bombing bin laden, and thinking it was the absolute shit. In a similar vein, anyone here remember joecartoon?
Huge fan of Sierra games when I was a kid. The excitement I felt when seeing a new installment of Space Quest, etc. and my local computer shop has rarely been surpassed in my life
Remember when there weren't so many Mexicans?
I member
jason scott is a pretty cool guy, should watch some of his talks about rescuing internet history
Anyone remember a search engine that was red/maroon colored and blocky style?
Was probably one of the first sites I used.