/dgt/ - Deals General Thread

What deals has Sup Forums scored lately?

>GTX 1060 6G
>$254.99 including taxes and shipping
>$20 rebate
>Free EVGA powerlink

Maybe I'm mistaken but that seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Other urls found in this thread:


It is a very good deal
t: RX 480 owner.

brand new MDR-ZX770BN
list price is $22X, got it for $69

>Asus gtx 1080 STRIX
>free Gears of War 4
>free 2 yrs of xsplit

That's a pretty good deal. If its a game you were going to get anyway than it is a great deal.

Prepare your anus for housefire

>bought a 1070 over the summer
>not within promo date for gears of war 4

>Free EVGA powerlink
You have to pay shipping.

One of these for free. Pretty cheap if you ask me.

got a rx 480 for 100$ because dude thought it was broken and I said I'm a collector
works perfectly after ovening :^)

>EVGA GTX 980 Ti Classified
>£240 used
>2 years of warranty
>83.5% ASIC
>1550MHz overclock
>stock 1080 performance

I need to know where this deal was made

t. brit

OcUK forums buy and sell section. Cards go super cheap on there compared to eBay.

do you love cock that much user?

It's kinda sad that finding this generation of graphics cards at msrp is considered a deal

toplad, I'll check it out

Powercolor RX 480 8GB for $199.99 after 15 MiR and 25 off with promo code.

i got a msi gaming x 6gb 1060 for $230 last week

>Samson SR950
>$25 Free Shipping + no tax
>$30 FiiO K1

For a 'starter' headphone rig on a budget, I think I did good.

Zotac GTX 1060 Mini for $230.

I hope the VRMs don't blow up.

>Fractal Arc Midi R2
>Two GTX560TIs
> i7-3770k
>Gigabyte Z68 mobo
> Water cooling loop (MCP35x, EK pump top, EK waterblocks, fittings)

$150 total

>i7-3770k for 200 or less

try again

Shop most likely butterfingered a price and I got 64GB of Ripjaws V 3000MHz cl14 RAM with a 240€ discount.

>Original price 510€
>I paid 270€
Unfortunately they were obviously sold out and I need to wait for the product to arrive from the wholesaler.

It came in a half built PC a friend didn't know why it didn't work.

Everything was fine except mobo, had one bent pin. Fixed it.

This was last month.
>$164.58, which includes taxes and free shipping
>Got here in less than 3 days
I used Jet.com and they had an up to $30 off deal for new accounts, plus an additional $5 off if you opt out of free returns.

>Jewing your friend instead of fixing it for him

I don't give half a liquid shit about some fucking paragon DLC for some fucking shitty LoL clone game
I've been waiting for gears 4 and this is what happens

>1550MHz OC
My 1070 gets to 2100MHz easy, I love 980ti's and evga classified shit but it's no 1080 for sure

I wish you tech-illiterate retards would fuck off back to Sup Forums. Clock speed means nothing when comparing two different architectures. A 980 Ti at 1550MHz is faster than a 1070 at 2100MHz. Faster than any 1070 period.