/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=luks in place conversion

Based trump is going to BTFO Microsoft and make GNU/Linux great.

Where's everybody?


I wish the qt GUI plugin for deadbeef wasnt years out of date and totally nonfunctional

>not using mpv
fix it yourself you dumb fucking faggot, it's dead because nobody other than you gives a shit about it, not even the developers.
It's a good reason for a project at least to learn and fill your time with, assuming you're a NEET

Ich möchte nur einmal kurz etwas einwerfen. Was Sie als Linux bezeichnen ist in Wahrheit GNU/Linux, oder wie ich es vor kurzem zu bezeichen begonnen habe, GNU plus Linux. Linux an sich ist kein Betriebssystem, sondern eine weitere freie Komponente eines voll Funktionsfähigen GNU Systems, welches durch die GNU corelibs, shell utilities und andere wichtige System Komponente nützlich gemacht wird und ein Betriebssystem ist, wie es durch das POSIX definiert ist.

Viele Computer Nutzer benutzen eine modifizierte Version des GNU Systems jeden Tag ohne es zu bemerken. Durch eine eigenartige Wendung wird die Version von GNU, die heute weit verbreitet ist, oft Linux genannt und viele der Nutzer sind sich nicht bewusst, dass es eigentlich das GNU System ist, welches von dem GNU Projekt entwickelt wurde.

Es existiert wirklich ein Linux, und diese Leute benutzen es, jedoch handelt es sich dabei nur um einen Teil ihres Systems. Linux ist ein Kernel: das Programm im System welches die durch die Maschine bereitgestellten Ressourcen an andere laufende Programme verteilt. Der Kernel ist ein essentieller Teil eines Betriebssystems, aber ohne den Rest des Systems nutzlos; er kann nur in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Rest des Systems funktionieren. Linux wird für gewöhnlich in Kombination mit dem GNU Betriebssystem verwendet: Das ganze System ist eigentlich GNU mit dem Linux Kernel, oder GNU/Linux. Alle so genannten Linux Distributionen sind in Wahrheit Distributionen von GNU/Linux!

>not using mpd
wrong one

fuck off and suck some sausage fritz

I cant yet program and am in school.
>MPV as a music player
Christ no, fuck off.

>not using based Swiss German
Pssch... don't talk to me unless you're on at least the high functioning end of the spectrum kiddo

What is the best music player?
I know the first response I'm going to get is mod+ncmpcpp, but I have never understood why this is any better than using a gui client

Reminder to report Sup Forums whenever they leave containment

see don't all the cool kids use mpd+ncmpcpp?


and the reason is because you should be using a tiling WM

I've actually used mpd + ncmpcpp before, and I didn't get why everyone shills for it so much. It looked kind of nice after ricing it, but using it is still slower than a gui player.

I use openbox. Tried awesome for a while but didn't really like tiling that much.

This, I've also used MPV for music for a while until I discovered Clementine.

Daily reminder those who don't use fluxbox are continuously drifting away from gods light. Fluxbox is the only pure wm that anyone should use.


i3 master race

mpd+ncmpcpp could work for me but only with a tmux script(or a tiling WM, but fuck that), and I dont know how to into tmux.
And w3ms image display seems to break the picture sometimes, and I dont know if its capable of resizing it right.
this is the layout I'd be making, for reference. Doable but I'm not good enough yet.

I was in the 2nd to last thread thinking everyone died.

post config?

i3 is good, but it's not god tier.

I made this while learning The GIMP, did I do good?

I'm the same faggot, and I'm trying awesome right now from a DE, it can run like openbox from what I've read so far
I really like tiling, if your beef is because it fucks with browsing, I usually browse maximised.
I'd suggest you both give it a go again with awesome, and at least customise it a little, start with putting in a drop-down terminal from the wiki


But why would I use a tiling wm a d set it up as a floating wm instead of just using a floating wm?

needs a little special snowflake. Maybe as the dot above the i

Because you can then have both, and maybe one day you'll stop being retarded and use a tiling wm for better efficiency

>signed t. McNEETfuck

just open design mode, start from a totally blank pane and split and resize as needed.
its split left and right, left for album art, then the right is split top and bottom, and the top right is split into thirds for the controls, with the bottom for tabbed playlists. Then everything is just resized
I wanted the QT gui because it lets me hide the top menu.
Im not exactly sure what you're saying, I already use a drop-down terminal though. I may try a tiling WM sometime later, but not on my desktop or my main laptop, and not awesome. Probably i3.

other than arch, debian and gentoo, which distro would you say has the most trustworthy devs? some that are definitely not in it for money or other reasons

Hi guise!
I want to install recent Xubuntu on RAID0. Is standard installer is still not able to create RAIDs and I need to go via Ubuntu server?


*sees a red*
*fucking guns him down*
get the fuck out of this thread!!!

Nice trips there.

Does your OpenBox only have 1 workspace/screen/virtual desktop?
You can configure awesome to be floating on one screen and tiling on the other.

Also, I haven't tried i3 so I can't comment, but I just started using awesome and it seems fine.
So why not? and why not as your daily driver? seems fine for me.


I've got a 23 inch monitor. I don't need to cram everything into tiny windows.
Floating is also much easier since it allows for on the fly window adjustment.

uuhh fucking die already!!!
*proceeds providing cover fire for the other men who are getting into position as we speak*
We need artillery support over here! this one isn't gonna go down easily

Thats actually KDE. Im gonna start using openbox on my main laptop soon though.
>why not?
Aversion to how cramped things seem to get when I tile them myself in my floating WMs.
>why not as your daily driver?
I like to test things out before adopting them. Im setting up the openbox system IM gonna use on a testing laptop before putting it on my main one, for example.

Plus, I dont want to learn how to tiling WM right now, maybe over some vacation I will, but not now.

huh? I'm pretty sure I killed him before he was born in this timeline. Did I fuck something up?

I'm on a 27" 1080 monitor, just swap to the fucking world of CLI, it's so much better.
Also I can adjust windows on the fly when it needs to be floating, I just have to hold an extra key down

I meant why i3 and not awesome?

Also I haven't configured jack shit, running on the stock/out-of-box config, just look up a cheat sheet and rice it when you can be fucked.

Also it's all basically Windows + Vim keys:

Windows + J/ to select
Windows + Shift + J/K to move it around

Windows + 1 to move to different screens
Windows + Shift + 1 to move selected window to different screens

Win+Shift+H/L to adjust size etc

That's all you need to know, maybe how to close windows and run commands (Win+Shift+C and Win+R)

It's not really that hard and you're both just fucking retarded. I'd suggest installing it along side whatever you want and trying it out when possible.

>I just have to hold an extra key down
Seriously? I wasn't aware you could accomplish this in awesome.

newbie question - I understand the Ubuntu is some sort of version of Debian but what is actually the difference, other than it having a different DE? Is it just different packages come pre-installed?


>It's not really that hard and you're both just fucking retarded
nice persuasion, i'm installing awesome right now

Thoughts on my sophisticated distro?

My social-retardedness finally paid off Dad!
See It has PPA's (read: more 3rd party self-updating code)
That's about all I can think of right now

dmenu werks in both

why would I Use fluxbox over openbox?

Don't Trust Anybody.

My HD6770 GPU fan is loud as shit in Ubuntu 16.10, what can I do about it?

In windows 10 I can't even hear it.

How does it not work?

Are you a dumb retard who doesn't know what he's doing and swapping to unstable branches?

>interested in void
>google logo
>post it
Do you even use your brain?

>master race
i3 is literally the ubuntu of tiling wms

No it's the arch linux of tiling wm. It's fast and not bloated.


>not bloated
nice meme, arch has the largest packages newfag

>not using bspwm or even wmutils
Wake up senpai. i3 is for babbies.

Installing 16.10 to give it a spin, checking out Unity 8, and my fucking mouse won't work.

It just hangs in the upper left corner. The cursor spins with activity and the like, and if I drag it straight across I can hit the power icon in the panel and reset or shutdown.

Is this a graphics bug?

I'm in the same boat, how does i3 get more lightweight and retard-friendlier than LUA?


Threadly reminder:
OC highly welcome!

a) i don't use debian, try again
b) arch doesn't package splitting, hence the bloat but low package count, you got goofed

Damage control/10

meaning, when I drag it the actual cursor doesnt move. but it reacts for some reason.

sounds like a driver problem, fix your own shit

I use arch on my desktop and debian on my laptop :3

common issue. It's because it's spinning at a lower RPM in linux.

I use Debian on my desktop (and server) and Arch on my laptop.

>package splitting

Recently when I double click archives in gnome's file manager, it just extracts them instead of opening them in the archive manager. How do I fix?

They're compiling their kernel


There's something in Preferences > Behavior about that at the bottom.

Oh, thanks user, that fixed it. Why the fuck would the gnome devs think anyone wants to extract files by default.


/fglt/, I'm practically retarded when it comes to linux or computers in general. I was thinking about installing ubuntu or something, but I was wondering; how can I learn more about the UI? I'm a total babby without the windows shell, and I've never really had to use the command prompt in win97 thru win8.1 (current) so I've got a lot of learning to do. Is there a Sup Forums recommended tutorial for babby's first?

Gnome is more and more stupid.

Do you mean wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Babbies_First_Linux

See the ricing part on the wiki to learn about the different Desktop Environments

Best of luck senpai

Yeah just check out ubuntu but without unity.

Don't panic. Ubuntu is really easy. Windows, buttons, everything like on Windows. Gogogo!

Just explore and play around with it till you're familiar with it, man.

Thanks neighbor.

Noted, thanks. I seriously didn't know a thing about Unity. It would be important to learn how to use it, no? Does it/something similar run across all/most distros?

Will do

Unity is just a really shitty DE. You can try it later but I think it shouldn't be your first introduction to linux. If you are going to try it first then don't forget to check out different DEs and distros too

Unity is ubuntus desktop enviornment
a desktop enviornment is a desktop GUI, like the windows shell.
There are a number of different desktop enviornments
LXDE and XFCE are extremely fast and light
KDE Is big and heavy and fancy and configurable through its gui and settings
GNOME is retarded
MATE Is gnome before it got retarded
Cinnamon is I dont know, I guess it looks good though. I hear its like windows sorta.
Ubuntu has flavors(distributions of it that come with different desktop enviornments) for LXDE, XFCE, KDE(its version of kde is buggy and broken), Gnome, Mate, and im not sure about cinnamon.
Most distros come with a desktop enviornment or let you choose what desktop enviornment you want at install.

>Thanks neighbor.
Fuck off Flanders
>learn how to use Unity
No, vanilla Ubuntu is the closest thing you can get to "just werk" out of the box, listen to and use Ubuntu MATE (for the MATE Desktop)
Read the Ubuntu section on the wiki at least to see why
Also the counterargument is that you might have a harder time following guides if it's not vanilla Ubuntu, since you may need to change things because you're using a different DE

Because you don't have enough replies.

Unity is special. It doesn't have a classic start menu but instead a "dash". That said, it's not hard. You just type "editor" and it shows you all programs related to editing.
The other significant thing is that all toolbars are unified into one. So, if you have your text editor selected, the bar shows File Edit etc for the text editor, if you have firefox selected, it's the firefox toolbar.
Both is intuitiv, you learn it in 10 seconds. If not, go with Cinnamon or Mate.

>GNOME is retarded
do they intend people to mainly use keyboard shortcuts using it.
going to activities view to change windows pissed me off so much.

The best DE is no DE.

I need help with encrypting my linux partition, is it possible to make it as easy as enabling bitlocker on windows or do I have to spend half of my life reading tutorials and coping files back and forth?
Can I at least make partition image, format, encrypt, and then restore the old one, but this time encrypted on the fly during write? Or will I have to reinstall and cp everything like some fucking neanderthal.


startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=luks in place conversion
Should be in your repo, and is right

nice reply you shitlord


If Arch is meant to be simple, why doesn't it have a simple installer?

Its installer is vastly vastly simpler than ubuntus.

This meme is bad. Ubuntu is normalfag tier. Pepe hates normalfags.

It doesn't have an installer though, is that what makes it simple?

/jp/ is for anons that "don't need no subs"

Pepe never gave a fuck about anything while is falling for memes and never gets laid.