/ptg/ Private tantrum general

The original /ptg/ ratio-cuck, edition.

Old thread:Comfy rules: GTFO REEEEEE

>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question, check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>How to cheat on a tracker of your choosing:sb-innovation.de/f229/

>What tools to use:sb-innovation.de/f6/

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time


First for shitty OP.

< This is the PROPER BASED KEK

>adds cheating links to trick people into cheating
>doesn't remove the notice about sneaky bastards trying to convince you into cheating

>/ptg/ is a nigger

Fucking disgusting.

where can I go to get an oppaitime invite?

Shame there's no Bluray release. Comfy movie.

I only accept Blowjob releases, thanks

Welcome to the
>/ptg/ Private tantrum general





>grabbing disgusting handbrake rips
guess you can't you afford the size uh?

It's sadly the best encode available

But to quote this dude from reddit:
>You especially don't want to have your upload set to "unlimited"
>You need to limit it, otherwise you'll have 8,000 people trying to pull as much from you as they can, as fast as they can
>With that many people playing tug-of-war and all the overhead
>Nobody is going to get decent speeds from you and they will drop off and connect to other peers
>Better to divide your 100 kB/s upstream by 10 people (10 kB/s per person) than by 1,000 people (0.1 kB/s per person)
>Peers (clients) prefer faster peers and will seek out other peers that will give them faster speeds

Doesn't it make sense?

best encode= full dvd

>full dvd

Padfoot Orion Rainbow Nexus

Icicle Summer

Bees Ankle Dexter

you're not competing with more than 50 seedboxes anywhere except on chink trackers like MTeam

Any tracker besides what.cd and you can cheat, here are a few methods:

1. ghostleech: delete the tracker in the client after the peers are loaded or use a modded client like userenity( google it, you'll find it)

2.Increase ratio with mratio :a)don't cheat on packs(cause some partial seeds will look like leeches),

b)choose well leeched torrents, use your real upload speed on many of them(like 20), don' cheat long term and use advanced mratio setting to get the cheating to stop on low leeches.

3.Cheat on bonus points:Add 200-500 torrents and set the speed to 0 on them and let mratio run.(don't add new internals)

Tips:1. be careful on trackers like: TL, PTP, GGn,AHD(no methods just faking artistry, high level of acting like a real seed).

2.Google waffle method for these:waffles ofc,KG,CG,Bz trackers,BiB,Emp,Plab,32p,x264,SciHD,TT,SceneHD,SCC etc.

3.DON'T cheat on what.cd cause they have the best scripts in the game, by far.

That's not how that works. You can literally set it to unlimited and connect to one peer at a time.

can you fuck off already?

the dvd is not the first source, which is the master print.
Also 2-3GB mkv dvdrips

Why do you think other cabal trackers don't share the same anti-cheating technique as wcd?

NO CHEATING is allowed in this general.

cheaters & plebs

What's up with waffles? Neither fm nor ch works.

it's been dead for a few weeks now

Petty Tantrum General or something would have been more funny, desu senpai.

waffles is dead. get over it, WCD has has taken over

What.cd has a bunch of smart guys that don't share their methods/scripts.
If they did it would be easily implemented since a lot use gazelle.

mkv 1.5GB KG Aug 25 '14
Enjoy your handbrake/wank encode

>posting inferior Agatha


based user desu

What do real pros use instead of handbrake?

>tfw still double digit seeds

Feels good

what's wrong with handbrake
except crappy deinterlacer

Who is the biggest faggot on GGn and why is it flowplay?

1. Is the what.cd interview easy? I'm trying to decide if it would be better to take the interview and get in or ask everyone I know on irc for an invite.
2. How is anonamouse? Is it worth joining?

Check out Deeeezz NUTZ:

>ugly mizrahi

She's Ashkenazim mostly from poland, White American, and 1/8th cuban

>thinks that disgusting palestinian looking whore is Ashkhenazi

I've watched her Q&As on youtube where she talks about her heritage

10 uploads for pu on AB...

what the fuck am I supposed to upload?

wcd picks, lads :o)

what ircs do you idle on

That sounds like a surefire way for me to get /marked/

>/t/ thread where you cant post magnets

top cuck

you can't be marked if you don't even have an account yet

>watching attention whores talk about their fake heritage
you need another hobby

Does AB allow you to invite randoms? Is it worth asking on /r/invites or are they as anal as WCD?


mods invite people on Sup Forums threads so go ahead

I usually sit on a few different ricing chans on rizon.

/t/ + Sup Forums = Sup Forums

you get marked on other trackers

what channels...I wanna pop in...

AB is run by the same people as WCD, don't believe what anyone else says as they're trying to trick you into getting banned/marked

Feral just shit itself right when new picks got released. Awesome.

should've gotten your own online dedi friend

I can't help that I like cute girls user :[

that's what you get for picking a shit seedbox :o\

u get wut u pay 4

Lots more Freeleech on WCD, new collage. Gogogo swarm


>tfw someone mentioned something about a foot webm being taken out of context

Please tell me you have it user. I need to see it.

Pop in to #homescreen on rizon.
There's only like 7 or 8 frequent posters but it's a pretty comfy channel.
Also, it isn't really about home screen ricing anymore.

It's just her tumbling over and her feet being exposed for a few seconds

nothing impressive

Post it son.

Isn't that owned by what.cd?

No that's whatbox

everyone who goes into that server for the next 10 years will be /marked/

hope you got your vhosts on : V

i'm getting shit dl speeds on the new picks, those bastards are doing something shady

I'm not your son, kid



I don't know what this reaction image is trying to convey

same, this shit is weird AF


That thing is neither cute nor a girl

>watching Finding Dory 2016 REMUX
But you can't get the remux off PTP cause you fuck up yo ratio OOOOHAHAH!!!
Fuck all ya'all cabal cucks!

looks trap as fuck, i'd give it the BBC though

does anyone here stream their content from whatbox or feral to watch it? currently using ultraseedbox but sometimes their network is v congested and it buffers loads.


what? stop being retarded user

>big black criminal
what is you, a person of crime?

Porn mangas.

>he doesn't generate quads worth fo BP every hour

don't suppose anyone happens to know if it's safe to assume auto and foreign are mutually exclusive for uploads?

how am I supposed to be the first man to upload those!!?!?

i don't live in japan for fuck's sake

>shit taste

>Mom I'm gona buy more HDDs for my private meme tracker. NO I'm not getting a gf and NO I'm not going out this year.

dude, what the fuck is your problem?

Is hitting 26 GB upload in 8 days halfway decent on WCD? I've been trying to follow the freeleech as much as I can and my understanding is that I can basically just check out now and wait for the 2 weeks to come up for Invite forum access.

I don't actually care about music but I suppose I should leave my 5 e-book uploads and freeleeched torrents going for a bit and just milk the Invite forum? Seems like the consensus is that the Elite forum has nothing to offer anymore for invites since PTP moved their invite from Elite to PU forum?

most invite threads require your account to be 2-6 months old

But Elite isn't going to help me bypass that with any worthwhile trackers I presume?

26GB upload is high as hell for an average user
i've been on what for almost two years and have 120GB upload

only thing elite is gonna get you in terms of invites is sciencehd

yeah, but PTP requires 6 months PU, and so does most of the good ones

I'm basically in the same boat as you, got PU in 2 weeks, and now after this FL event I'm up to 120gb total upload, just need a few more uploads and I'm elite

>26gb in 8 days
You have a seedbox, right?

so is wcd not having a sitewide freeleech this year?

probably not, but they'd better have one for their 10th anniversary

nice upload and nice digits