I need a challenge, Sup Forums. Dubs decides what i code and which language i use

I need a challenge, Sup Forums. Dubs decides what i code and which language i use.

Pic unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:


A list interpreter (including lexer and parser) in OCaml.

FizzBuzz in Brainfuck

I am not a CS Student but that is fucking retarded way of writing a code. You can define ranges and functions.

A virus that fires off every nuke on this planet

all even integers divide by 2 with 0 remainder too

that's the joke you sperg

neural network that can find and delete all copies and look alikes from an specific image/movie


An O(n log n) solver for TSP in Haskell.

procedural generation of furry art in js

an SDL like library in c

Loli waifu simulator in JavaScript.

A 3D platformer on assembly

A web server in z80 assembly

Gay underage dolphin porn scraper in Prolog

Plane controller in Python

Sublinear-time sorting algorithm in HolyC.

Regex engine in Malbolge.

AI generation of furry porn

Futuristic FPS in Assembly

Waifubot in Ruby

html parser in javascript

Free and Open Sourceā„¢ imageboard in Prolog

Reroll for this.

Algorithmic music generator, Delphi

Trigonometric calculator in Whitespace


Aw shit

finally, a winrar

It's probably easier to write a program in another language and write your own -to-whitespace converter than write the program in whitespace to begin with. I assume that counts.

kill yourself