I just dropped 400GBP on this phone, because I really wanted a hardware KB. I can't stand typing on a glass slab.
Did I do you proud, Sup Forums?
I just dropped 400GBP on this phone, because I really wanted a hardware KB. I can't stand typing on a glass slab.
Did I do you proud, Sup Forums?
Is that a keyboard for ants?
Buying into the Android Blackberry. You should have gotten a Classic or Passport
How much euro cent 10 or 20?
I love the look of the Silver Passport, if it ran Android i'd get it, but its gonna be made redundant in 2 months when Whatsapp stops working on BB10
You can still make Whatsapp work.
literally the biggest travesty in bb history is them not letting BB10 free into the wild so everyone can do whatever they want with it, including updating android on it so emulated apps arent fuckt
>the verge
Nice try, time to go back
Android on a Passport, greatest smartphone.
To me, all phones nowadays are the same. Just a big glass screen and all of them are impossible for me to type accurately on now matter how "used to it" I get.
Fuck Steve Jobs I hope he's suffering in hell.
The Priv has shit battery life and gets pretty warm.
1440p screens on phones were a mistake
so how do I get a phone with a KB (and isn't 5 years old like a Bold)
Passport works well even with a 1440px1440p. The problem with Priv isn't the screen, it's its OS.
I have had the priv for 1 year, great phone.
I have no issues with it.
well also the build quality that has gone down tremendously since the chink took over
but yeah basically all OEMs try their best to fix Android, but it's unfixable, even google is wanting to jump ship to their own shit without losing all the benefits (ie giant app store).
Yes, its in the Amazon Store. BB10 runs an Android 4.3 run time without Google Services spying on you. Using Whatsapp owned by Facebook defeats the purpose of having a Blackberry which is communications, privacy, and security.
There's nothing wrong with Android.
exactly, It's the best botnet for the NSA in the world.
Get a foldable keyboard, fagtard
You'll make us proud when you will install gentoo on that
>good boy points
Man, I didn't know you could go without tendies for so long user.
it's pretty clunky and shitty tbqh and i'm the OP who just paid 400 for one
IOS is superior, but like I said I don't want a glass slab to type on, it's ridiculous.
RIP Lazaridis senpai.
>checking with Sup Forums to see if we're proud
i think i might be sick
what's even the point of whatsap? Calls are free on any normal plan, sms and mms are free on any normal plan, LTE coverage is still smaller than 2g coverage, and nobody with a sane mind should use free wifi. So why
good boy points?
so why is even google moving away from it
is it fully integrated with the hub, as in you always get alerts and don't have to click open to get notifications?
also, what "essential apps" won't work without Google Services?
It's obviously not his picture, you brain-dead autist
They're not, you dork.
They are, you retard
You can get a hardware KB for 20 good boy points. Dumb rainposters.