What do you use old computers for?

What do you use old computers for?
I hate throwing out fully functional hardware but virtual machines have largely replaced the need for multiple computers. So what do you use them for?

install linux
use as storage pc or basic web machines

Compatability with other old stuff
Industry is still mainly XP or earlier
I have to use my thinkpad 380ED at work to debug some of the older CNC machines because it's the only thing with DS9 and dual serial ports I have around
It also requires DOS which Windows 98 has built in

I don't know OP, it's a computer, what do you do with a computer?

If you're having such a hard time finding a purpose for such a multi-purpose device then just donate it to someone who will enjoy it more than you, I'm sure there are plenty of charities that need some nice stuff for christmas giveaways and the like.

Do you have a hard time finding the drivers for your laptop today?

There's a company near me called free geek which properly recycle old components and sell them off. If they find usable equipment they sell them back in a little store for dirt cheap. Great place for picking up cheap TFTs etc but that's where my old kit goes

spotted the britbong

If they're not to old you can
>make a nas
>make a home server
>connect it to tv to use for movies n shiet
>gib to relative
>make linux exclusive machine if you're a windows shitter
>sell it for parts
>take it apart and keep some parts as extras to test if shits broken

>What do you use old computers for?

Everything. I just salvage through old machines and swap useful hardware in, then use them for everyday tasks. A lot cheaper and more environmentally friendly, as long as you aren't using a horribly power inefficient CPU like a P4.

Nah, company pays for any special stuff i need so i always buy new software even if its like 200$ for a 8mb pcmcia flash card with some weird CNC shit on it

I like having old machines because they work better with the operating systems i use. plus more fun to mess around with

Anybody know about macs? I'm looking to get a G4 laptop. Is there useable PPC software? Also, will imessage work on PPC OS X?

>install linux
>use as storage pc or basic web machines
>home server
My desktop can do that already. It runs GNU+Linux

having a dedicated machine for it is generally better

Yes there a distro just for ppc. and you can run old ppc pc something called mac guardian or along those line
Just say linux you autist.

>having a dedicated machine for it is generally better

So you don't have ssh running on your machine. or any remote connection software.

>So you don't have ssh running on your machine. or any remote connection software.
Why would the workstation be less secure than your home server?

workstation is meant for local connection. not remote.you do outbound for other stuff

Same here. You can't replicate the feeling of using a 600MHz P3 in a virtual machine.

virtual emulating just feels weird.

Having your own machine serves two functions, it accomplishes what you're trying to do, albeit slower, and the second function, it teaches you how to actually do it on your own. Of course having someone cook you a meal will come out cheaper and well done 90% of the time, or you can learn to cook yourself and have whatever meal you want.

Does iMessage work on PPC OS X??

>workstation is meant for local connection. not remote.you do outbound for other stuff

I never really used PPC OS X. so i have no real clue. I'm sure there a older version of it?

might as well just go full rms at that point.

I disassembled a lot of computers over the years, and ended up having a shitload of parts from P3, P4, and Athlon XP systems. in the end I just gave them away to another hobbyist.

What are you talking about? It would still be his own machine that he would learn to use, it just would also be his normal computer.

Read it again. make perfect sense

I saw it in a Linus video
it looks pretty cool
how is the experience from a not shill perspective?

no it doesnt

I often break mine down and scrap the cases because they take up too much space. Not much use for the crappy pre-built P4 systems. They can barely decode a 360p Youtube video without 100% CPU utilization.

check out moxa uport 1150. usb serial interface wih rs232/422/485.
you might be interested in their serial hubs too.

if your main computer uses wifi, you can put the old computer on a wired connection next to your router so it can download things faster. I set mine up as a headless machine that I could SSH into and tell it what to download. Then you can transfer files to your main computer really fast with a crossover cable, or set up NFS or just use a usb stick.

You know there sshfs, right?

Repurpose them as HTPCs or a dedicated seedbox.

Of course, GNU/Linux is the best OS choice for that.


adium or adiumx is for os x ppc for imessagner

DOS terminal

>virtual machines have largely replaced the need for multiple computers.

Not for me. I hate having VM software installed.

Not really that hard to find drivers for old stuff, especially if it's OEM stuff. IBM's PC BBS has been mirrored to hell and back, HP still maintains drivers for systems going all the way back to the Vectra 486.

Plenty of applications on PPC OS X for whatever you might need to do, with 10.4 Tigerbrew should give you a decent development toolchain and TenFourFox gives you a current web browser actually optimized for your hardware.

Wouldn't bother listening to the other guy, their Linux/BSD support is decent but in the end you'll just end up with a shitty netbook that does nothing your desktop can't already do faster. Take advantage of what you've got.

Really comfy place, when I moved over here I went to free geek and got replacement power cables. They had a load of cheap monitors, some laptops (decent old ultrabooks and some chinkpads running ubuntu). The store is tiny and full of cool stuff but the vast majority of the building their in is dedicated to tearing down and recycling

Nah mate this is in Canada

>parts, especially the cd drive and maybe usb headers, CPU for a small build later on, HDD if it hasnt crapped out
I did this actually, I saved maybe $40-50 on my PC from cables and the dvd drive from a broken shit tower.
>use as a home server and such
I'd probably put it to use as a torrent server, although that would take a lot of power.

I use them to collect dust for a decade before throwing them away. I could use it as a server or router but I'd rather just buy a small fanless computer for that.


Secure your fucking network and computers. Otherwise I'm with the virtual machine guy. I run linux with pci passthrough for windows gayming.

>giving stuff away for free

not everybody is a money hungry pajeet rug salesman

I hand them down to friends and family.

My 2500k machine lives on through a friend, My dad has my Q6600 rig etc...

The problem is that old computer stuff doesn't have any significant value.

An old machine with no internet access or games makes a good composition machine if you are a writer. Your everyday laptop has too many distractions only a second away.

Media server

Oh look it's your typical dumbphone fag from anti-smartphone luddite threads.

feels great to be able to have access to the internet without having to ban myself since I have self control and actual focus.

>b-but you c-could type in some porn website
Yes but I don't

this is why you're unemployable

I sell my computer after 2 years and get a new one, so i dont have any old computers.

I sell them to luddites like Started when I worked in a recycling center and the shit that came in got some people I know real interested, ridiculous what kind of money they throw at that old crap.

My old computer has every NES, SNES and Genesis game, along with hundreds of albums stored on it. I also a few gigs of jacking off material on it

It's my doomsday prepper thing for when the Russians take down the internet

it's so fun pretending to be one of them while they willingly pay $400+ for some of this stupid shit. just slap on VINTAGE RARE OEM, it really is that easy. Only regret is I'm not in a big city so it's not your average find. But when you do...

>thrift store: in "garbage" bin
>business owner: threw it out, in garbage
>old people moving: left it in garbage bin or "FREE" because they can't even be arsed to throw it out
>recycling centers: there is a fee to recycle this shit

>retarded hipsters: Oh I'll skip eating and pay hundreds for that.

>when justin forgets to put his name on

>being this delusional
Sorry, justin is a faggot, I'm in for it for the money.

I restore shitty computers i get from my work to give to my needy friends.

Just had to throw out 3 desktops that were too old to serve any real use, it pained me to but my new place is too small.

I use my old Q6600 rig as a headless Ubuntu Torrent/Plex Server with VPN.

That is the most inefficient thing I have ever heard

even then you're still a dumb faggot
bet you waste all the profits on overpriced consumer garbage too while you call everyone else suckers