Which password manager do you use, Sup Forums?

Which password manager do you use, Sup Forums?

Protip: If you can remember all of your passwords, they are not good enough.


Multiplatform and no meme cloud bullshit.

>Protip: If you can remember all of your passwords, they are not good enough.

t. brainlet

>putting all your passwords in a manager
Very safe

iCloud Keychain

>he doesn't know how to remember strong passwords

my brain you dumb fuck. a sentence in my obscure language is way more entropy than some unreadable, 10 character long shit anyway

What is your definition of a strong password?


1Password on my phone

>10 character long

>tfw too smart to remember my passwords
a blessing and a curse

How do Keepassfriends handle their passwords in firefox? Is KeeFox the way to go or is it a botnet?

One that would take >500 million years to brute force.

>Open keypass
>View / copy password
>Type / paste password in password box
>Log in meme free without having passwords stolen by third party plugins

Luddite tier.

Although in the average case decent passwords are hard to remember but given that I have a mate who I told to remember a string of 30 random letters and 1 year on he still remembers. Definitely not hard and fast that rule

Last pass because I'm a cuck

I just let Chrome remember them all

How fucked am I?

>Protip: If you can remember all of your passwords, they are not good enough.


I don't use password manager. I have 128-character passwords that I keep in an text file on my PC, which I change each month. So I copypaste or manually transcribe if pasting is disabled.

I have a small book with all of my passwords in it. If the Russians get their hands on it then I have bigger problems than my email being compromised.

You can type a custom macro to input a password into any field.

I memorized 150 digits of pi back in high school. That's only 21 phone numbers. It isn't that difficult you memorize nearly random information. Also, all 50 states in alphabetical order back in elementary school, the preamble to the Constitution in middle school, and many other small things like home address, etc.

Memorizing a ton of information is not hard. You make a song about it, practice it for a few days, than get in a habit of reciting it every now and then, say every time you celebrate a holiday just as a rule recite your passwords. It'll help if you type them on a keyboard while reciting. Soon it will be muscle memory and you'll never forget.