Why doesn't it work

Why doesn't it work

Its working fine for me right now.

god you mobile posters are like retarded needy faggots. please fucking kill yourselves

>not just using a net browser app when the site is already customised for phone browsing.
Sup Forums and /s4s/ are my two top boards. Floens doesn't let you copypasta which is most of /s4s/ Therefore useless.

>using a web browser over native app to post on a website

You must be seething



1.2.11 Master race

Overchan is best

Bet you love those pop-up ads and redirector malware all over every page too.

Floens needs to fix this.

Archive browsing when?

Are you by any chance on a chink phone?

Literally never have this problem

not with that fucking font

No. I'm using CM13. So it could be that. I also have adaway installed too.I don't have a problem with it since I can still post but it's noticeable

Never had this problem

What are you guys using though. I can roll back to the pervious version of clover and it doesn't pop out.

Stock 6.0.1 on Nexus 5. Although I will be switching to CM13 or 14 once it's out.

On CM 14, android 7.1
Clover 2.2.0
No problems so far


It might be a cm 13 thing then thanks anyways anons.

he said on Sup Forums - smartphones, Sup Forums, and shitposting

You're welcome user. Have a nice day.

Pls we all know Clover is the best.

Dashchan doesn't have this problem.

Devloper died and it doesn't work for most other chans it used to support.

>using the worst chan client
Kill yourself, really.

The adding boards issue is fixed only in v2.2.0
Is that so hard to understand

It really is the best way to browse Sup Forums

95% of the times i download a gallery with this piece of shit it corrupts some of the images and i have to delete and redownload them. It annoys me.

Works on my machineā„¢

I masturbate with my left hand.

Can I change it so that the photos are on the right hand side instead of the left when viewing "pics you shouldn't share" threads on Sup Forums?

Also my phone is too big and I need a way to make it only display on the lower right 75% of the screen.

Also look at this bullshit. I can't see what it's asking me so I don't know what images to pick without scrolling up, then scrolling down to pick the images. Bring back the full size new captcha like in 1.2.11

As long as it works for this one who cares

Its a good app, the best one i'd say.
The code its well written, the guy achieve everything using a single android activity.

The browser is sufficient.

>Developer died

You mean went quiet or legit 6 feet under?

He got caught by Roskomnadzor and is in a gulag now.


Doesn't even work on my brand new Really Blue Google Pixel.


>the fuck are you on about?

Best app ever made



Filthy gook motherfucker hiro banned the new emojis too

>SJWzilla laggyfox

top kek


No isues here


>keep whining about lack of album mode
>he adds it
I like to think I made a difference.

That text is so small. No thank you.


You're retarded. Thats in desktop mode for the screenshot. Anyways you can zoom with gestures like any app.

>mandatory "mobile posters are cancer" cuck checked
Most people here just came to shitpost like you. Who the fuck cares if they do it from a phone or a smart waffle maker...

This looks much nicer :)

Thats subjective. I dont need an app for one site that I browse every once in a while. I can see how neets without actual computers are drawn towards it though.

I think it looks nicer. How kind of you to care. Nice projection btw.

Same, it's awesome. No need to change.

>See if font

Update your app. I had this on my old S4, now i got my RN3P (Kate) with up-to-date CM13 and apps, don't have this problem anymore.
Or simply fall back to "old captcha".